", "High attrition rate due to inclement weather a serious concern in ITBP, House panel told", "Jaishankar to meet China FM in virtual RIC meet on June 22", "India says there are five treaties to push the Chinese army behind the Line of Actual Control⁠ – while experts tell Modi to remain cautious", "A phantom called the Line of Actual Control", "Ahead of today's meet over Ladakh standoff, India signals a realistic approach", "India, China Top Military-Level Talks Amid Stand-Off in Ladakh", "Talks over between military commanders of India, China", "India warns China of serious impact on ties, Modi talks of 'befitting' reply", "Chinese social media deletes PM Modi, MEA's statements on India-China standoff", "India posts PM Modi's remarks on Ladakh face-off, China's WeChat app deletes it", "Amid border row, Chinese social media deletes PM Modi's statement on the Galwan clash", "PM Modi quits Chinese app Weibo, message loud and clear, says BJP", "On Disputed India-China Border, Modi Says Age of Expansionism Over", "2020å¹´6月24日外交部发言人赵立坚主持例行记者会 – 中华人民共和国外交部", "India China border dispute: Follow June 22 plan, India tells China", "China Agrees Parameters for Galwan Valley Pullback, But No Breakthrough on Pangong in Round 3 of LAC Talks", "China pulls back troops in Galwan Valley by at least a km: Official", "China 'pulling back troops' after deadly border clash: India", "In Galwan, both sides agree: Troops step back 1.8 km, 30 soldiers each in tents", "After Chinese pullback, Indian troops also move 1.5 km away from Galwan Valley clash site", "China Pulls Back From One Disputed Border, Makes New Claims on Another", "Chinese Troops 'Not Withdrawing' From Pangong Tso Lake Area As India-China Look To Disengage", "China exits Galwan, Hot Springs next; Pangong Tso likely to remain a sticky point", "India-China standoff: Disengagement complete at Galwan, Hot Springs, Gogra in Ladakh", "Disengagement is incomplete, India tells China", "Clarifying LAC could create new disputes: Chinese envoy", "Fifth round of talks held amid stalemate in Pangong Tso", "Military commanders of India and China hold fifth round of talks on border row", "India to China: Proposal to step back further is untenable, not acceptable", "India snubs China, says won't pull back from Pangong Tso", "Joint Press Statement - Meeting of External Affairs Minister and the Foreign Minister of China", "India, China evaluate outcome of 6th round of commanders talks: MEA", "India and China stick to demands, current ground positions in Ladakh could become status quo", "India, China to hold sixth Corps Commander-level talks today: Report", "China, India hold sixth round of commander-level talks", "Ladakh standoff | India, China agree to stop sending more troops to frontline", "No breakthrough on stand-off in 5th round of India-China talks", "Seventh round of India-China military talks 'positive and constructive': Joint statement", "India, China engaged in 'confidential' talks to resolve border standoff, says Jaishankar", "Signs of thaw at Galwan Valley after NSA Ajit Doval, Wang Yi talk", "China's pullback in Ladakh's Pangong Finger Area to test disengagement", "Pangong Tso likely to remain a sticky point even as Chinese troops withdraw from Galwan, Hot Springs", "No pullback of Chinese troops, material from Pangong Lake, Depsang", "Keep border dispute & bilateral ties separate, China tells India", "Galwan clash a 'brief moment' in history: Chinese envoy", "India's review of China's Confucius Institutes to focus on Kolkata, Mumbai centres", "The stalemate on the India-China border and the wooing of India by the United States", "No infiltration reported along India-China border in last 6 months, MoS Nityanand Rai informs Rajya Sabha", "China disrupted traditional patrolling pattern of Indian troops in Galwan Valley causing face-off conditions", "China provokes India on Ladakh; Delhi says no to unilaterally defined LAC", "China Again Claims It Does Not Recognise Ladakh, Arunachal", "Arunachal Pradesh not part of India: China", "China 'firmly opposes' Modi's Arunachal visit", "China's dos and don'ts for Indian media ahead of Taiwan national day", "In rebuttal to China claim over Ladakh, Arunachal, India drops a clear warning", "Time To Liberate Aksai Chin, Gilgit Baltistan, Says Kashmir BJP Chief", "Traders' body CAIT releases rakhis with message Aksai Chin and PoK belong to India", "View: China's arrogant rejection of new map of Ladakh an affront", "Anti-China Protests Across India, Delhi's Defence Colony Declares "War, "UP: Anti-China protests across Gorakhpur-Basti zone, Chinese president's effigy burnt", "War memorial built for 20 Galwan warriors who caused heavy casualties to Chinese", "New war memomorial built in memory of 20 Indian soldiers martyred in Galwan valley clashes", "Names of 20 Galwan Valley martyrs to be inscribed at National War Memorial as tribute", "Indian Army: Names of soldiers killed in Galwan clash to be inscribed on National War Memorial", "Deceased SFF soldier patrolled areas along LAC for past one month", "With public funeral for Tibetan soldier, Delhi sends a signal to Beijing", "Tibetan-Indian SFF hero Nyima Tenzin given farewell in Leh, Ram Madhav attends", "Explained: Why has the DRDO recently conducted a flurry of missile tests? [402] Reuters reported that "Beijing’s response also points to its interest in de-escalating a crisis over a stretch of border that is less politically important than other territorial priorities, such as claims to Taiwan and the South China Sea". WeChat said that it removed the speech and statements because they divulged in state secrets and endangered national security. [165][191] Later the Prime Minister's Office clarified that the Indian Prime Minister wanted to indicate the bravery of 16 Bihar Regiment who had foiled the attempt of the Chinese side. [449] It was reported that Indian users had difficulty in understanding Chinese language memes meant to attack India. [56] On 7 September 2020 at around 6:15 pm PLA troops tried approaching Indian positions at Mukhpari, as per Indian reports. [339], Initially, India's economic response to China was mainly restricted to patriotic programs on news channels and social media publicity appeals, with very little actual impact on businesses and sales. [287][288] On 30 September, the fifth round of diplomatic talks took place; this was the 19th meeting of the WMCC. The 2020 China–India skirmishes are part of an ongoing military standoff between China and India. [245], Reports citing Indian army sources point to the daily attrition due to the heights and cold. [217] Airbases in Xinjiang and Tibet are being further developed; this includes airbases at Hotan, Kashgar, Gargunsa, Lhasa-Gonggar and Shigatse. "[424] Pakistan has helped China in the information war against India. Vous êtes abonné au magazine dans sa version papier ? [l] The report also stated that "the Chinese pitched 70–80 tents in the area and then reinforced the area with troops, heavy vehicles, and monitoring equipment. "When one wants to stall a process, one makes absurd demands...they purposefully made some unreasonable demands", said the sources. La Ligne de contrôle effectif (« Lign of Actual Control », LAC), frontière de facto entre l'Inde et la Chine, n'est pas correctement démarquée. Lire aussi Chine-Inde : duel de géants dans l'Himalaya. The column successfully evicted the PLA OP from Y Nala and reached PP 14 where a fierce skirmish broke out between the IA and PLA troops. [390][391] A survey found out that "71 per cent of respondents (out of 14,000) stated that they had consciously refrained from purchasing made in China items". [285] During this meeting, for the first time, a Ministry of External Affairs representative from the Indian side was also present. According to her, India had failed in the protection of its borders, and even in 2020, all along the LAC, India had lost land. [244] China is also seeking to set up military logistics facilities in Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. [181] US intelligence reported that the PLA suffered 35 casualties. Menon (GOC, XIV Corps)[4] [220][221] Reports of China deploying satellite jammers along the border was also reported. [275][33] On 30 July, shortly after the Chinese Defence Ministry claimed that gradual disengagement and de-escalation was taking place, India told China that the disengagement process is not as yet complete;[276] with Indian Army sources saying that "there has been no positive movement on the ground for more than two weeks now" and that disengagement at Gogra and Pangong Tso was remaining. [118][119] Both countries have multiple high powered boats for patrolling the Pangong Lake which is 13,900 feet above sea level. Expérience Le Point Experts dissect what triggered China border moves", "China starts construction activities near Pangong Lake amid border tensions with India", "Beyond Ladakh: Here's how China is scaling up its assets along the India-Tibet frontier", "Beijing think-tank links scrapping of Article 370 to LAC tensions", "India-China activate 5 pacts to defuse LAC tensions", "India, China to continue quiet diplomacy on border dispute", "It Is Time to Accept How Badly India Misread Chinese Intentions in 1962 – and 2020", "100 days on, India-China border in Ladakh still remains tense", "Ahead of Border Talks With China, India Still Unclear of Reason Behind Troops Stand-Off", "No progress made in India-China major general-level talks, all eyes now on diplomatic parleys", "China Ups Rhetoric, Warns India of 'Severe Consequences' for Violent Clash", "At SCO meet, Rajnath Singh tells China to restore status quo at LAC", "Ladakh standoff: India, China armies hold 8th round of commander-level talks", "Is This Hindi-Chini Bye Bye on Trade Front? [205] A Foreign Policy article by Salvatore Babones, said that the next front between China and India may be over the Thai canal. [212] Experts state that the development of Indian infrastructure along the border was one of the causes for the standoffs. Tracks in satellite imagery suggest that PLA troops make forays into Indian territory here. Après une série d'affrontements à leur frontière, la Chine et l'Inde sont convenues, autour d'une déclaration commune vendredi, d'« apaiser les tensions » dans l'Himalaya. The talks involved the Indian commander of Leh-headquartered XIV Corps, Lt Gen Harinder Singh, and the Chinese commander of the Tibet Military District (South Xinjiang Military Region) Maj Gen Liu Lin. AM Vivek Ram Chaudhari(AOC-in-C, Western Air Command)[2] Another video was of the deployment of Z-10 attack helicopters; Kartha notes that the original Z-10 has "underpowered engines (which make) it unsuitable for high altitudes" and that even Pakistan preferred American and Turkish aircraft rather than the Chinese variants. L'armée populaire de libération pénétra au Ladakh le 7 août 1959, dans l'Himalaya occidental, et y construisit une route reliant l'Aksai Chin à la province chinoise du Xinjiang1. While the Indian Army already had multiple boat patrolling teams stationed, the Indian Navy, in July 2020, was called in to match the presence of the Chinese Type 928 B vessels at the lake. [261] On 1 July, Prime Minister Modi quit the Chinese social media platform Weibo. votre numéro d’abonné dans les paramètres de création de compte. What is your view on Modi govt's response to Chinese aggression? However it was also noted that COVID-19 had caused delays in previous tests, which were being conducted now.[325][326]. [37][38] On 7 September, for the first time in 45 years, shots were fired along the LAC, with both sides blaming each other for the firing. [246] Commentators are pointing out that this is becoming or has already become a war of attrition;[247] this includes Yun Sun, a China specialist at the Stimson Center,[248] and Srikanth Kondapalli, a professor of Chinese studies at JNU. [225][226], In November, China reportedly constructed Pangda village 2 km within Bhutan's territory and 9 km from the 2017 Doklam standoff site. [53] On 6 June, commanders' talks took place at Chushul-Moldo BPM. L’Inde défie la Chine dans une guerre économique incertaine Par Sébastien Farcis , (à New Delhi) — 1 juillet 2020 à 20:21 L’Inde défie la Chine dans une guerre économique incertaine [82] According to Yun Sun, a China specialist at the Stimson Center, India's road building amounted to "stabbing China on the back" in the Chinese view. [430], Chinese media have given little to no attention to the dispute and have downplayed the clashes. [257] On 20 June, Chinese social media platform WeChat removed the Indian Prime Minister's remarks on the Galwan skirmish,[259] which was uploaded by the Indian Embassy in China. [216] Two new marinas at Pangong Tso have also been built. 76 injured (18 serious, 58 minor injuries)[16], Indian sources: [141] Photos of PLA soldiers carrying spears, machete and rifles were released; this was the first publicly released photographic evidence of Chinese troops using such weapons. Denial won't help us", "Meet the 5 Ladakh troops commended by Army chief Gen Naravane today for fighting off Chinese", "India and China face off along disputed Himalayan border", "India-China conflict in Ladakh: The importance of Pangong Tso lake", "Sikkim & Ladakh face-offs: China ups ante along India-Tibet border", "All you need to know about India-China stand-off in Ladakh", "China annexes 60 square km of India in Ladakh as simmering tensions erupt between two superpowers", "China has captured 60 sq km of Indian land! [444] Following the Galwan clash, international coverage in The New York Times[445] and The Guardian commented on the "nationalistic" character of the leaders of both countries and the "dangers posed by expansionist nationalism". [15][23] Later the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Indian Army denied any detention of Indian soldiers. Sun Weidong Gave Interview to Press Trust of India on Galwan Valley Incident", "What Are Chinese Saying About the Deadly Sino-Indian Border Clash? He gave the example of Hot Springs near Dêmqog as being Chinese territory and said that it was under Indian control as China did not respond fast enough to "India's nibbling". [89] Phunchok Stobdan, a former diplomat of India, stated that "smaller powers like India and Australia, who have aligned with the US, are witnessing a more aggressive China". [358][359] By the end of June, some analysts agreed that the border tensions between India and China would give the Make in India campaign a boost and increase the pace of achieving self-reliance in some sectors. [170], The fighting resulted in the deaths of 20 Indian soldiers of 16th Bihar Regiment including its commanding officer, Colonel Santosh Babu. Au Ghana, le président Nana Akufo-Addo réélu à l'issue d'un scrutin... Nana Akufo-Addo réélu à la tête du Ghana avec 51,59 % des voix, Cameroun : un peu d'air pour l'opposant Maurice Kamto, Negru : « Ce simple mot peut aujourd'hui détruire un homme ». [211] Starting from June, the government announced up to 170% increase in minimum wages for those working along the India-China border, with the highest increase in wages going to employees in Ladakh. [72][73] China did not share details about the incident, and the Chinese Ministry of Defense did not comment on the incident. Liu Zongyi, a South Asia specialist at the Shanghai Institute for International Studies told the Financial Times that "India has been active in many of US plans that target China". Furthermore, he said that the COVID-19 pandemic had brought a profound change on the global landscape about China's security and development. In the case of an economic conflict, 60.6 per cent of respondents supported no interference. [66] A study by the Observer Research Foundation found that only 1 to 2 percent of border incidents between 2010 and 2014 had received any form of media coverage. L’Inde vient d’interdire 43 applications chinoises sur son sol suite aux tensions géopolitiques qui se sont installées entre les deux pays frontaliers.. Une question de sécurité. [341][342], Following the Galwan Valley clash on 15 June 2020, there were calls across India to boycott Chinese goods. [319] The names of those killed in the Galwan Valley clash will also be inscribed on the National War Memorial in New Delhi. Quelque chose comme En 1962, l'Inde et la Chine, les deux pays les plus peuplés de la Terre, sont entrés en guerre, pendant que les USA et … In the first month of the standoff, there was only a single editorial piece in the China Daily and the People's Daily. [239] According to former Army Deputy Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General J.P. Singh, winter deployment along the LAC will financially bleed India by forcing construction of new infrastructure, recurring expenses such as additional truck and aircraft movement, and purchase of off-the-shelf winter equipment; in turn affecting other expenses such as modernisation plans. [34][35] On 30 July, the Chinese ambassador Sun Weidong claimed the process of clarifying the LAC could not continue because unilateral delimitations of the LAC cause more disputes. Publicité [257] S Jaishankar accused the Chinese actions in Galwan to be "pre-meditated and planned". ADM Karambir Singh(Chief of the Naval Staff) [56] On 10 September, the foreign affairs ministers of China and India met in Moscow. Nos partenaires Veuillez remplir tous les champs obligatoires avant de soumettre votre commentaire. [425][426] An article in the New Indian Express on 17 July 2020 stated that Indian soldiers felt that "India, with its muted approach, allowed China to dominate the narrative. "[158] On 24 May, another report said that the Chinese soldiers invaded India at three different places: Hot Springs, Patrol Point 14, and Patrol Point 15. "[403], On 26 May, Xi Jinping,[10] during an annual meeting of PLA representatives urged the military "to prepare for the worst-case scenarios" and "to scale up battle preparedness." [243], Linkage of border tension and bilateral relations, India's statements about transgressions, incursions, intrusions and infiltration, Official statements on territorial sovereignty, Xi Jinping is holding the positions of the, China tends not to Now, only a political intervention can resolve the issue. [387] In November, the fourth ban list was released, listing 43 more apps including Alibaba Group's AliExpress, Alipay Cashier and Alibaba Workbench. Previously, the Department had asked private companies to submit a list of Chinese imports. [292] Furthermore, Indian sources have pointed out that the Chinese reluctance of disengagement from the bottleneck 'Y' junction in Depsang plains and finger 4 of Pangong Tso where the Chinese advanced 8 km inside of Indian claimed territory and constructed military establishments is an impediment to returning to the status quo ante. [107][108] A video showed soldiers from both nations engaging in fistfights and stone-pelting along the LAC. [206][207][208], Amid the standoff, India decided to move approximately 12,000 additional workers to border regions to help complete Indian road projects. China, which called the meeting at Pakistan’s behest, said members were concerned about human rights, and increasing India-Pakistan tensions. [81], MIT professor, Taylor Fravel, said that the skirmishes were a response from China to the development of Indian infrastructure in Ladakh, particularly along the Darbuk–Shyok–DBO Road. [290] On 15 October, Jaishankar said that the talks between India and China to resolve the standoff are "confidential" and shouldn't be "prejudged". [324], Amidst the standoff, during September and October, DRDO tested "10 missiles in 35 days", with Indian media reporting a total of at least 12 missiles or systems being fired. [48] However, India and China have both maintained that there are enough bilateral mechanisms to resolve the situation through quiet diplomacy. [78][79] Other local Ladakhi leaders also acknowledged similar incursions by the Chinese in the region. The official statements of the Ministry of External Affairs were also removed. [333] On 14 September 2020, media reports claimed that the F-15EX fighter jet had been offered to India. The road under construction is a branch of the Darbuk–Shyok–DBO Road (DSDBO) which leads into the Galwan valley. Shyok River, Pangong Tso freeze, so as does water in pipes. Results of an Economic Times online survey polling 16,000 people (September 2020)[327], The skirmishes and standoff has caused reactionary purchases by India. "[213] India has also installed surveillance equipment along the LAC. [379][380][381] The sponsorship deal was worth $293 m.[382] By 15 October, the Indian government had put restrictions on more imports from China including television sets, tyres and air conditioners. [116], By 27 June, the Chinese were reported to have increased military presence on both the northern and southern banks of Pangong Tso, strengthened their positions near Finger 4 (contrary to what the status quo was in April), and had even started construction of a helipad, bunkers and pillboxes. [59][343] The Indian Railways cancelled a contract with a Chinese firm, while the Department of Telecommunication notified BSNL not to use any Chinese made product in upgradations. With this, India has military logistics sharing pacts with all partners of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad). Au mois de juin 2020, un conflit a eu lieu entre les forces armées indiennes et chinoises dans l’Himalaya, menant à la mort de 20 soldats du côté de l’Inde. Inde et Chine s'engagent à « apaiser les tensions » à leurs frontières, Muzamil Mattoo / NurPhoto / NurPhoto via AFP, « En Inde, on redoute désormais une deuxième guerre avec la Chine », Brésil : Nicolas Dupont-Aignan invité d'honneur du clan Bolsonaro, Donald Trump veut entrer en personne dans l'arène judiciaire. [450][451][452], An editorial was published in the Taipei Times titled, "Taiwan must stand with India" on 19 June 2020. Since 5 May 2020, Chinese and Indian troops have engaged in aggressive melee , face-offs and skirmishes at locations along the Sino-Indian border , including near the disputed Pangong Lake in Ladakh and the Tibet Autonomous Region , and near the border between Sikkim and the Tibet Autonomous Region. [286] Following the 14–hour talks, a joint statement was released, which included both sides having agreed to "stop sending more troops to the frontline". CGU Gen. Zhang Youxia(CMC vice-chairman) Military side has done enough with repeated marathon discussions. This includes Kongka, Gogra, and the north bank of Pangong Lake.
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