This tragedy has provoked a racist movements in the United States towards Arabic people and Muslims. First, there are many reasons for people to leave their own country such as political instability, war, job opportunities, lack of money or religious persecution. Nevertheless, there are people who couldn't achieve their American dream. We studied another girl from Iran who immigrated to California because of political persecution so she became a political refugie. The United States is synonymous with freedom but the construction of the wall show us the opposite. Since all the territory of USA was conquered, in the 20 th century, immigrants' c ame to America in search of the American Dream – to them, the American Dream meant freedom. OVERVIEW. Compréhension Orale du BAC ANGLAIS: The AMERICAN DREAM, avec script (niveau B2) - Duration: 16:57. And for centuries, this promise was the hope of a better life for millions of immigrants around the world. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. In fact, i would like to talk about Kayla, a girl who immigrated to the US with her parents who fled political persecution. It raises several questions: what do societies exchange? As a consequence for Arabic or Muslim people, the chance to achieve their dream in America is at stack as they might be ostracied. Having the freedom to choose your own path and be whatever you want to be is the true American Dream. Cordialement SPACES AND EXCHANGES Hello. Spaces and exchanges : is the Trump Wall useful? The american dream is what built the USA as we know it today. Web. Bret Hartman/TED hide caption Works Cited. 21 janvier 2016 Classes de Terminales, TERMINALE ESPACES ET ECHANGES José Raichi. Spaces and exchanges : the American Dream. After several times she felt like home in America. Bac/Spaces and exchanges Message de englishgirl posté le 21-04-2016 à 16:13:19 (S | E | F) Bonjour, Je viens de faire mon oral de Bac d'anglais sur la notion d'espaces et échanges, j'espère que vous prendrez le temps de m'aider Merci pour vos réponses. Last but not least, the terrorist attack of the 11th of  September in 2001 in the United States by  members of  al-Qaeda Islamist jihadist network made lot of victims. how is the partition of space made between societies? So to develop an aspect of the notion “Space and exchange”, we will try to understand : If the American Dream is still alive today ? Today it is very difficult to integrate when you are Arabic or even Muslim, because this terrorist act has touched many Americans. Recap of Spaces and exchanges. Lisez ce Archives du BAC Dissertation et plus de 241 000 autres dissertation. With this faith Americans are striving to achieve their goals in life, which implies the gradual achievement of the American dream. The purpose of the “American Dream”, in the modern-era, is characterized by converting hard work, education, and access to the American marketplace, into a better future for oneself and their families by means of financial stability, materialized wealth, and perhaps honor and recognition. Rather, it has come to reflect an individual’s personal choice. The American Dream can be fullfil thanks to your motivation, determination and bravery, Nevertheless, there are people who couldn't achieve their American dream. « Spaces and exchanges », the example of a Gap Year. Someone who manages to achieve their version of the American dream is said to be “living the dream”. In a first part, we will talk about the American dream, and show that the immigration helped the US to become a powerful country. The notion of spaces and exchanges aims at questioning the geographical and symbolic areas shared by societies and the interaction between these societies. An exchange is the act to give and to receive something else. But today, the country being populated and facing an economic crisis, things aren’t so sure for newcomers anymore. Yet this dream is not entirely achievable. Mostly immigration in the United States of America since there is the famous American Dream. She'd rather wish Taiwanese people could have better jobs opportunities in Taiwan. You start to wonder: Is the American Dream still alive, or are we just dreaming? Someone who manages to achieve their version of the American dream is said to be living the dream Space and exchange The american dream is what built the USA as we know it today. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, information. And for centuries, this promise was the hope of a better life for millions of immigrants around the world. no spaces and exchanges is the same notion. A continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied. It is the promise that there is a country where anyone can, by working hard and honestly, earn enough money for him and his family to eat and have a roof over their heads. Therefore the American Dream is it a myth or a reality ? I'm going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. Trump, the actual president of the US wants to finish the project of building a wall. The among of people who wants to achieve the American Dream is huge that the chance of achieving it is slight. Immigration is linked with this notion because today, immigrants represent lot of exchanges in the world. The notion of spaces and exchanges defines the movement of person, population or goods between countries. spaces and exchanges : the American Dream What is the American dream? I am going talk about spaces and exchanges. Space and exchanges: Is the American Dream still alive ? She'd rather wish Taiwanese people could have better jobs opportunities in Taiwan. Everybody is different and success comes according to many factors. Nous allons aborder la notion d’Espaces et d’Echanges sous l’axiome du mythe du Nouveau Rêve Américain. Space and exchange. 2010. Indeed. The American Dream: Work hard, and you’ll make it. The American dream is the notion that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual. Lisez ce Archives du BAC Dissertation et plus de 241 000 autres dissertation. Many people choose to have a better life and go to America to fullfil their American Dream. Spaces and Exchanges (Terminale STMG) American Dream. Par Alexis Vftrn  •  8 Juin 2017  •  Dissertation  •  518 Mots (3 Pages)  •  4 573 Vues, I will deal with the notion Spaces and Exchanges. I will deal with the notion Spaces and Exchanges. Spaces and exchanges : is the American Dream a myth of a reality ? Myths and heroes : is the American dream a myth or a reality ? In her country she couldn't become an outstanding dancer as opposition to New-York where she can consider a real career. The American dream is the notion that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual. Someone who manages to achieve their version of the American dream is said to be "living the dream". Exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trades or informations. In fact Fang who found her job in New-York felt homesick while she was fullfilling her dream. All this was possible since America was a fresh new land not a long time ago yet. The Vikings! + examples people succeeding are visible everywhere: → testimony of an indian man who reached the US in the 80’s with only $60 in pocket and we started working hard with his hands and now he’s a neurosurgeon in a famous institute, → Obama’s speech on the “American Dream” : stands firmly by this ideology taking as an example his own life (black and coming from modest background but today pdt of US), → famous self-made men : Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Nevertheless : the USA are not as powerful as they used to be as a result of the economic crisis going on since 2007 → increasing unemployment created tensions about whether or not we should let more immigrants enter the US territory, → concerning this we studied a Time Magazine cover showing lady liberty stopping immigrants with her hand = immigration has become a burning issue, → movie “Crossing Over” : repression of illegal immigrants on the US-Mexico border tougher than ever, + documentary “Capitalism : A Love Story” : about financial crisis and Wall Street = real pessimism even among US citizens who don’t believe in the future anymore, Uniquement disponible sur For the link between spaces and exchanges and immigration you can talk about why people decide to leave their country, what are the consequences on the country people migrate to, legal immigration, illegal immigration… for example the Mexican-American border problems Michael Murphy speaks at TED2016 - Dream, February 15-19, 2016. She grew up in America and now she has adapted to the US and sound to be integrated. But nowadays, it can feel like hard work isn’t enough to ensure success or even to cover the basics. - Crash Course World History 224 - … Exchanges : the interactions between men and different societies. Because of the American dream and many oppotunities, Mexicans leave their country. Par Bannerman  •  23 Décembre 2016  •  Discours  •  481 Mots (2 Pages)  •  8 426 Vues. Notion : Espaces et Echanges / Spaces and Exchanges ORAL BACCALAUREAT : SEQUENCE 1 NEW AMERICANS Immigration in the past - CO Ellis Island (woman about her immigrant grandparents) - Video on Ellis Island (past and present) - Graphs (in the book) Personal Stories/American Dream - … Myths and heroes : is the American dream a dream or a nightmare ? Spaces and exchanges : can the American Dream be reached by immigrants ? First of all : today, USA = world’s first multicultural society, counting the most immigrants in the world with nearly 50 M people from foreign countries, ⇒ so it’s still a country attracting people. Immigration is linked with this notion because today, immigrants represent lot of exchanges in the world. Spaces and exchanges by Pierre Bornet. Last but not least, the terrorist attack of the 11. of  September in 2001 in the United States by  members of  al-Qaeda Islamist jihadist network made lot of victims. To illustrate this notion, I have chosen to speak about the American dream, since it involves the idea of space as immigrants are moving across the country to fulfill their dream. Topic: To what extent can we say that the American Dream is still alive ? First at … Spaces and exchanges : is the global world a land of opportunities ? spaces and exchanges : the American Dream. Spaces and exchanges: the immigration in the United-States, Spaces and exchanges : the idea of the sport, Spaces and exchanges: the impact of immigration in the USA, Spaces and exchanges : the american dream, Spaces and exchanges : the American Dream, Spaces and exchanges : the immigration and young people, Spaces and exchanges How the nex technologies. Spaces and exchanges : is the American Dream still alive ? An area of land which is not occupied by buildings. America is seen like a country where everything is possible.The artist has mixed points of view about America, in the second part of the song he also denounces the American dream. The future of American dream is still alive and bright as Americans follow the slogan of our President Obama, “Yes We Can”. It is a way to unify people. It can also be seen as a ... the American Dream sometimes turns out to be more an utopia than reality. We should add that until all Americans truly have an equal shot at The Dream, from sea to shining sea, than our nation's Independence Day will remain an incomplete celebration. Lisez ce Archives du BAC Dissertation et plus de 241 000 autres dissertation. To my mind, to fulfill his own American Dream it's necesarry to be very motivated and determined despite obstacles since there are drawbacks. Moreover, job opportunities are not the only reason of immigrating in America. As a matter of fact t, he different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. Mostly immigration in the United States of America since there is the famous American Dream. Evolving in its meaning, “The American Dream” no longer refers to being a homeowner with a white picket fence and two or more children. The American Dream can be fullfil thanks to your motivation, determination and bravery. Space and exchanges – Definition. Spaces and exchanges How the nex technologies. The among of people who wants to achieve the American Dream is huge that the chance of achieving it is slight. It … In this notion, we're going to speak especially about immigration in the USA with the American Dream that many people wish to achieve. ... Catégories :Civilisation, Compréhension orale, Spaces and exchanges, The idea of progress. To determine whether the American Dream is still alive, I think it merits defining the term “American Dream.” After surveying approximately 2,411 Americans from all walks of life, the New York Times reported the following conclusions of what these Americans define as “The American Dream:” Growing up with Dick and Jane is a simply presented but often amusing analysis of American popular culture and educational theories through the looking glass of the Dick and Jane readers. The concept «Spaces and Exchanges» illustrates the themes of the discovery of new space so it implies the discovery of new territories. Spaces & Exchanges Virtual space Real space The Internet Communication Act of giving and receiving something else in return. In fact Fang who found her job in New-York felt homesick while she was fullfilling her dream. Spaces and exchanges: how did the American Dream shape the United States? Exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trades or informations. This description is a little bit fictionalized but it illustrates the notion spaces and exchanges because it's the typical definition of the American dream which drives people to emigrate. The book is a visual treat, with a layout that looks like Wired magazine for preschoolers. Is the American Dream Still Alive? 2 - … The American dream is the notion that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual. Oraux anglais Spaces and Exchanges I will deal with the notion Spaces and Exchanges. SPACES AND EXCHANGES - CO BAC ANGLAIS SUJET EXAMEN 2016 - SUJET 2 - Duration: 1:35. henry goring 59,999 views. I would like to talk about a woman who chose to live her dream in America, it's Fang Yi-Sheu, a taiwanese professional modern dancer. Uniquement disponible sur, Anglais: Spaces and Exchanges: The theme of immigration. Notion Myths and Heroes, the American Dream. Today it is very difficult to integrate when you are Arabic or even Muslim, because this terrorist act has touched many Americans. As a matter of fact the different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. SPACES AND EXCHANGES => Immigration => TES - … Davis-Laack, Paula J.D. We may wonder if the American dream … Spaces, is a geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and world built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. As a consequence for Arabic or Muslim people, the chance to achieve their dream in America is at stack as they might be ostracied. To begin with, I’ld like to give a definition of the notion : an exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. The notion I am going to deal with is « Spaces and Exchanges ». Talking about immigration in the USA is particularly relevant regarding the topic of space and exchanges since immigration definitely involves the idea of space as immigrants are moving across countries: they leave their home land to get a new start in America. What is the American dream? Notion spaces and exchanges american dream. This tragedy has provoked a racist movements in the United States towards Arabic people and Muslims. A new space for the greedy people of the old world always in search of new opportunities to expand and make fortunes Much as the TIME article concluded, "We are the only ones who can create a climate for the American Dream to survive another generation, then another and another." Therefore the American Dream is it a myth or a reality ? The american dream is what built the USA as we know it today. Hello! The American dream was born on the day Colombus set foot in America: a territory so vast and rich, there for the taking. Spaces and exchanges: is the immigration really desirable in the United States? It includes all types of exchanges, such as people, trade, media or even communication. Yet this dream is not entirely achievable. Où nous trouver ? Is the American dream myth or a reality? So, I will now shift on to my second part to deal with the American Dream. 1:35. The notion "Spaces and exchanges" deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Spaces and exchanges: How the American Dream have evolve? Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. Indeed the reality is quite different sometimes. Indeed the reality is quite different sometimes. Spaces and exchanges : is the development of tourisme always beneficial. My third document is a BBC World America report from march 2011 which is about the American dream. This year, we studied the concept of spaces and exchanges. Is the myth of the American Dream always of actuality?. Consequently the American Dream requires an optimistic view as there are many chances for you to fail. Fang and a lot of other people came to America to find themselves with a new beggining. The American Dream, Space and Exchanges 10/12/2017 Publié depuis Overblog We can see that the American Dream became real for some immigrants. This hour, TED speakers explore the power of the spaces we make and inhabit. It is the promise that there is a country where anyone can, by working hard and honestly, earn enough money for him and his family to eat and have a roof over their heads. Spaces and exchanges: Is the American Dream real ? En Anglais Terminale, on traite "immigration to the US" dans la notion Spaces and exchanges.
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