After the election as leader of his rival Godefroi de Bouillon 22 Jul 1099, Comte Raymond left Jerusalem for Jericho[434]. A bull of Pope Urban II dated 18 Feb 1095 announced that "Raimundus Tolosanus comes…cum uxore sua Hervira et filio Bertranno" abandoned his rights to altar offerings at the monastery of Saint-Gilles[426]. The Lance itself became a valuable relic among Raymond's followers, despite Adhemar of Le Puy's skepticism and Bohemond's disbelief and occasional mockery. Bohemond was at the time attempting to expand Antioch into Byzantine territory, and blatantly refused to fulfill his oath to the Byzantine Empire. However, Raymond´s right could also have been hereditary through his paternal grandmother, who was the sister of Guillaume [V] Comte et Marquis de Provence. The Citadel of Raymond de Saint-Gilles, also known as Qala'at Sanjil and Qala'at Tarablus in Arabic, is a citadel and fort on a hilltop in Tripoli, Lebanon. He was ill during the second siege of Antioch by Kerbogha which culminated in the discovery of the Holy Lance by a monk named Peter Bartholomew. In the early years of his countship, Raymond was a pious lay leader of the papacy’s reform movement. Plus que d'une réhabilitation enthousiaste, il s'agit ici d'une étude critique patiente, réfléchie, convaincante ; œuvre d'historiens de métier qui pratiquent avec aisance l'art difficile de lire les documents. The siege of Arqa, a town outside Tripoli, lasted longer than Raymond had hoped. RAYMOND IV. These entries are: firstly, "Adalax comitissa mater Villelmi quondam Provintie comitis et Geriberga eque comitissa…eiusdem principis olim uxor" donated property to Saint-Victor de Marseille for the soul of their late son and husband respectively by charter dated 1018[329]; secondly, "Vuilelmus filius Rodbaldi" donated property "in comitatu Aquense in valle…Cagnanam" to Marseille Saint-Victor by charter dated 1024, signed by "Adalaiz comitissa, Vuilelmus comes filius Rodbaldi"[330]; and thirdly, a manuscript written by Arnoux, monk at Saint-André-lès-Avignon, records the death in 1026 of "Adalax comitissa"[331].] Her second marriage is deduced from the charter dated 8 Jul 1117 under which "Fernanz Fernanniz…et uxor mea infanta donna Gelvira filia regis Alfonsi" donated "quartem partem de monasterio de Ferreries…in Gallicia in terra de Lemes juxta Pantonem" to Cluny[453]. Half brother of Pons the Younger; William de Rouergue; Hugues VI "le Diable", seigneur de Lusignan; Mélisende de Lusignan; Jourdain de Lusignan and 6 others; Berenguer Ramon II el Fratricida, comte de Barcelona; Inès de Barcelone, comtesse consort d'Albon; Ramon Berenguer II Cap d'Estopes, comte de Barcelona; Estefanía de Barcelona; Sança de Barcelona, comtessa consort de Cerdanya and Poncia de Barcelona « less. The Vita Fulcranni records that "comitem Tholosanum" (unnamed) repudiated his wife to marry another who had been repudiated by her first husband[311]. Raymond IV of Toulouse was married three times, and twice excommunicated for marrying within forbidden degrees of consanguinity. Raymond of Aguilers, a clerk in Raymond's army, wrote an account of the crusade from Raymond's point of view. "Pontius…Massiliensis ecclesie pontifex" issued a charter dated 1005 with the consent of "domni Rodhbaldi comitis et domne Adalaizis comitisse, domnique Guillelmi comitis filii eius"[325]. The city was, however, still occupied, and was taken by the crusaders only after a difficult siege in June of 1098. On the death of either, the other would inherit his lands[465]. The Castle takes its name from Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse – widely known as Raymond de Saint-Gilles – who was among the leading architects of the First Crusade and who, along with Godfrey of Bouillon, Bohemond I, and Baldwin I, invaded in 1097 the lands of Asia Minor, Syria, and Palestine, ultimately conquering Jerusalem in 1099. The Libro de Otiis Imperialibus names "Blanchiam" as wife of "Ludovicus puer [filius Lotharii]"[318]. At age 55, he was the oldest and most prominent of the princes on the Crusade, and he aspired and perhaps expected to become the leader of the entire expedition. RAYMOND de Toulouse, son of PONS Comte de Toulouse & his third wife Almodis de La Marche (-castle of Mount Pèlerin near Tripoli, Palestine 28 Feb 1105, bur Mount Pèlerin or Jerusalem). It is also indicated by the charter dated 18 Apr 1127 under which her mother "Ximena Munniz" donated property in "Trebalio et Turres" to "nepotis mei…Garcie Fernandiz"[454], and also by the charter dated 1201 under which her great-granddaughter "Domna Xemena Osoriz" donated her property in Valdejunco, Valdunquillo, Villa Velasco, Fontamian, Villa Sanz, Carvajal, Villela, Otero, Mozos, Valdescapa, Barriales, Valle Vaniego, Ranero and in tierra de Cea to Sahagún monastery, naming "aviam tuam Infantem Gelviram"[455], although the second document does not clarify which of the two "Infantas Elvira" is referred to. The leaders of the crusade disagreed about who should control Antioch. He then organized a march on Jerusalem and took part in its capture (July 15, 1099). Tripoli finally surrendered 12 Jul 1109, and he was installed as BERTRAND Count of Tripoli. He maintains that the wife of don Fernando Fernández was Elvira who was the legitimate daughter of King Alfonso VI by his wife "Elisabeth". m [secondly] ([970/75]) as her second husband, ADELAIS d'Anjou, widow of ETIENNE de Brioude, daughter of FOULQUES II "le Bon" Comte d’Anjou & his first wife Gerberge --- ([940/50]-1026, bur Montmajour, near Arles). Caffaro names "Beltramo Çauata…bastardus comitis Raymundi comitis sancti Egidii" when recording that he captured Tripoli[461]. On the other hand, it is not impossible that the passage could refer to the comte de Toulouse who was the husband of Adelais d´Anjou. He immediately broke his promise, attacking and capturing Tartus, and began to build a castle on the Mons Peregrinus ("Pilgrim's Mountain") which would help in his siege of Tripoli. Raymond IV de Saint-Gilles, 1041 (ou 1042)-1105 John Hugh Hill, Laurita Lyttleton Hill Snippet view - 1959. Geni requires JavaScript! Media in category "Raymond IV of Toulouse" The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total. She left Palestine after her husband's death, arriving back in Toulouse with her infant son in 1108[452]. Common terms and phrases. "Raimundi comitis Rutenensis…" subscribed the charter dated 7 Sep 1071 which records an agreement between "Wuiellmum Tolosanum comitem" and "Raimundum comitem Barchinonensem et Carchanonensem et Raimundem filium eius" settling their dispute about "castello de Laurago" [Lauragais][419]. Towering above Tripoli and the river, this Crusader fortress was originally built during the period from 1103 to 1104. He was a son of Pons of Toulouse and Almodis de La Marche. The Chronicle of Saint-Maxence names "Blanchiam" as the wife of "Lotharius rex…Ludovicum filium" but does not give her origin[317]. Raymond IV (ou VI) [Note 1] de Toulouse, mieux connu sous le nom de Raymond de Saint-Gilles (vers 1042-1105), est un comte de Saint-Gilles (1060-1105), duc de Narbonne, marquis de Gothie, comte de Rouergue [Note 2] (1065-1105), marquis de Provence (vers 1085-1105), comte de Toulouse (1094-1105) et comte de Tripoli (de 1102 à 1105, sous le nom de Raymond I er). He died during the course of the siege[440], his death being recorded by William of Tyre[441]. Raymond IV was the son of Pons II William of Toulouse, c.1020-1060, and Almodis de la Marche, c.1020-1071. Her fourth marriage is confirmed by the Historia Francorum which names "Blanca sorore Gaufridi comitis Andegavensis" as wife of "Guillelmi comitis Arelatensis"[321]. Corrections? Jebail was given to Ugo Embriaco, the Genoese admiral who had helped Bertrand[466]. Raymond was part of the doomed Crusade of 1101, where he was defeated at Mersivan in Anatolia. Visuel indisponible. As pointed out by Settipani[309], it is reasonable to suppose that Raymond was the same person as "…Raymundo filio Gundinildis nepoti meo" who is named in the codicil testament of "Gersindæ comitissæ", widow of Comte Raymond Pons, dated to [972][310]. This may explain why Europäische Stammtafeln and other primary sources show Raymond´s first wife as --- de Provence, daughter of Geoffroy I Marquis de Provence, Comte d'Arles & his wife Etiennette [Douce] [de Marseille]. Citadel of Raymond de Saint-Gilles is located in Tripoli. He was succeeded by his nephew William-Jordan, who, in 1109, with the aid of King Baldwin I of Jerusalem, finally captured the town and established the County of Tripoli. The name of Raymond´s first wife is not known. Raymond IV, byname Raymond of Saint-Gilles, French Raimond de Saint-Gilles, (born 1041 or 1042, Toulouse, county of Toulouse, France—died February 28, 1105, near Tripoli [now in Lebanon]), count of Toulouse (1093–1105) and marquis of Provence (1066–1105), the first—and one of the most effective—of the western European rulers who joined the First Crusade. A bull of Pope Urban II dated 22 Jul 1096 confirmed the rights of the monastery of Saint-André near Avignon after its abandonment by "comes Nimirum Tholosanorum ac Ruthenensium et marchio Provintie Raimundus"[428]. Salut camarades ! It takes its name from Raymond de Saint-Gilles, the Count of Toulouse and Crusader commander who was a key player in its enlargement. méridionale »). Godfrey also blamed him for the failure of his army to capture Arsuf. His older brother was William IV. It is perfectly possible that the Pope named Adelais-Blanche in the letter only in reference to her relationship to Othon Guillaume´s daughter. The bull of Pope Urban II dated 18 Feb 1095 announces that "Raimundus Tolosanus comes…cum uxore sua Hervira et filio Bertranno" abandoned his rights to altar offerings at the monastery of Saint-Gilles[450]. When you want to settle in and find a place to stay, check out some of the hotels and other accommodations that Expedia offers in the area. Brit. The crusaders heard a rumour that Antioch had been deserted by the Seljuk Turks, so Raymond sent his army ahead to occupy it, offending Bohemond of Taranto who wanted the city for himself. Her birth date is estimated from the birth of her first child "before 1097". The Codex de Roda names "Regemundo…et domnus Ucus episcopus" as the children of "Regemundus" (son of "Pontio" and his wife "filia Garsie Sanzionis") and his unnamed wife, specifying that the younger Raymond was killed "in Garazo"[308]. Raymond participated in the battle of Ascalon soon after the capture of Jerusalem, during which an invading army from Egypt was defeated. Comte de Rouergue, de Nîmes et de Narbonne, presumably resulting from an agreement with his brother to partition their father's territories following his death in 1060. It was not taken by the crusaders until 1153. He was present at the siege of Nicaea and the Battle of Dorylaeum in 1097, but his first major role came in October of 1097 at the siege of Antioch. Raymond IV of Toulouse sometimes called Raymond of St Gilles (c. 1041 or 1042 – 1105) was Count of Toulouse, Duke of Narbonne, and Margrave of Provence and one of the leaders of the First Crusade. Raymond IV sometimes called Raymond of Saint-Gilles or Raymond I of Tripoli, was a powerful noble in southern France and one of the leaders of the First Crusade (1096–99). Even if the chronology had been favourable to this identification, it is unclear how the passage could refer to Comte Guillaume´s two marriages as there is no record of his second wife, Emma de Provence, having been married before. (Raymond IV, count of Toulouse (1093-1105) and marquis of Provence (1066-1105), who was the first, and one of the most effective, of the western European rulers who joined the First Crusade. Albert of Aix records that "comes Reimundus" died at "Mons Peregrinorum", which he had built, in February "post Purificationem sanctæ Mariæ" and was buried there[442].
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