In the meantime, however, I would, argue that the use of a set of items tapping into different aspects of lecture comprehension with, hension scores between lectures in English and L1 provide a useful picture of which areas the re-, spondents experience lecture comprehension dif, The next issue concerns external validity; to what degree the. A survey comprising the Vocabulary Levels Test (Schmitt, Schmitt, & Clapham, 2001) and questions about sources of language acquisition was completed by 189 Norwegian university students. It is also important, as Airey/Linder (2006) also suggest, to create extra space for clari, tion questions in connection with lectures, or in follow-up groups. while an additional 44% found it more difficult than reading in their first language. in the larger German language community than it is in the Norwegian. This study investigated variation in receptive L2 English vocabulary among Norwegian university students in relation to their field of study and exposure to English, both within and outside of formal education. gian institutions of higher education (Hellekjær 2010) and 47 from two German universities. British Council. . It also helps reduce the effects of possible, measurement errors and improves both validity and reliability (Hellevik 1999: 303-310). 11 sept. 2014 - is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. Ross, Steven 1998: Self-assessment in second language testing: a meta-analysis and analysis of experiential factors. they can use various aspects of language. although the differences in comprehension scores between English and the L1 are not substantial, and the respondents experienced much the same difficulties in the L1 and English, a larger number of students have comprehension difficulties in the EM lectures. Among the main problems, which in fact were similar in English and the L1, were dif, distinguishing the meaning of words, unfamiliar vocabulary, and dif, The study argues the need to improve the quality of lecturing in English and L1 as well as the lecturers’, The 1999 Bologna Declaration on the reform and convergence of European higher education led, to a dramatic increase in the number of English-Medium (EM) courses and programs at European, colleges and universities (Maiworm/Wächter 2008). For the German sam-, ple, however, the loading fell just below the limit of one set for additional latent variables, giving, trait, they could be merged, without weighting, into additive indices and used as measures of lec-, ture comprehension. Another explanation for the difference between the Norwegian and German samples with regard, to EM lecture comprehension scores might be differences in the respondents’, of English. Indeed, the similarity of problems across languages is one of the more interesting, study. tional subject, because they hoped the change would attract international students, and above all. That is to say, the greater the exposure to English, the higher the EngIndex score. For the German sample, however, the scores indicate higher levels of, master level students, compared to the majority of undergraduate level students in the Norwegian, sample. English Medium Instruction The Norwegian sample. *Listen to a lecture and answer questions about its structure. The, rms that the items tap into the same variable. Instead, they were far more skeptical about the language pro, cant. What is particularly inter-. In other words, it is possible that Airey and Linder’, asked students about the use of English, because other research indicates that self-assessment in, general gives reasonably valid information in low stakes situations such as in this study (Bachman, 1990, Oscarson 1997). G1b   [Structure comprehension] Understand the structure of different lecture types (chronology, process, & classfication/definition). – although the low number of respondents in the German sample should be kept in mind. The respond-. the L1s of the many exchange students among the respondents. This video is unavailable. We report on quality fakultet, Institutt for nordistikk og litteraturvitenskap, Trondheim. English versions of the seven items that were selected are listed above. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the underlying factors in the EMI Challenges Scale loaded onto a priori assumptions of dimensions falling along skill-based constructs. They also support Airey and, nd EM courses more laborious than they do, culties is the extent to which the respondents are de-, nd visual aids important, some even very important, for lecture comprehen-, culties with EM lectures, and that these are largely due to language dif, ndings presented above, among these the differences between Norwegian, culties. Overview of the sample according to institution, faculty and level of study, . 5th Grade Reading Comprehension. This is an issue that involves more than lecture, comprehension, and should be of interest for course design as well as for teaching. Self-assessment has been used widely in language testing research, but has produced variable results. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht, 65-80. The sample comprises 391 respondents from three Norwegian institutions of higher education. G4     [Turning notes into passage] Write one-paragraph-long lecture summaries based on lecture notes. un château un moucheron un éléphant une baleine un lapin une maison un avion un timbre une girafe une graine . This method focused on identifying goals, success factors, obstacles, as well as making an action plan to succeed with reaching individual goals. Details about COMPREHENSION A LA LECTURE (CM1 4E PRIMAIRE) (VERT) (LES By Nina Flores ~ Quick Free Delivery in 2-14 days. All rights reserved. Compréhension de lecture: Cette ressource contient 20 compréhensions de lecture qui permettront aux élèves de démontrer les stratégies apprises en classe. that many Norwegian and most of the German respondents in the present study experience dif-, that many of the problems evident in EM lectures, such as dif. One way of working with this is-, sue would be for lecturers to devote some time going through key terms and concepts as a pre-, lecturing exercise, or taking time to explain these during or after the lecture. Predictors of L2 English vocabulary among Norwegian university students, English Medium Instruction and Idiomaticity in English as a Lingua Franca Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, High school to university transitional challenges in English Medium Instruction in Japan, A Study of the Difficulties and Instructional Support Related to Spoken Interaction in an EMI Course for Higher Education Students, Systematic motivation work in the language classroom - An action research study from southern Norway, On the Interplay between Strategic Competence and Language Competence in Lecturing through English. Ǧǡ, ȋ͸, ǡǤǤǤ, The course is part of an EMI program with several subjects that are taught in, I am/was interested in the this specific course, Other reasons _________________________________________, ǫ, ȀǤ, Ǥ, ͸ͳǤȀ. How many English books do you read per year? *Write a lecture summary that is several paragraphs long and meets the guidelines. Numerous studies have highlighted the academic language related challenges experience by students when studying in an EMI context. The two German universities have, The procedure was to contact the lecturers by phone or e-mail to ask for permission to survey, Table 1. Secondly, the app should allow students to submit questions anonymously that, once upvoted to a preset level, flash up on the screen. In the analysis the 27 respondents in the Norwegian subsample who have English as their L1 are, excluded, which in practice gives a Norwegian subsample of 364. Course Description. (Get details from your teacher. For the Norwegian sample this indicates that most of the respondents do not have serious dif, culties with EM instruction. The German respondents are all graduate level. Además, se entrevistó a doce de los profesores acerca de sus experiencias sobre este cambio de lengua en las clases dando como resultado un total de cuatro horas de material grabado. To discuss potential implementation challenges faced by the different EMI stakeholders, the chapter introduces recent Japanese government policy driving EMI at Japanese universities (i.e. Many also experienced lan-, were able to in their L1 (Vinke 1995). ), Copyright © 2009-2020 by Center for English Language Education (CELESE), Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering. need to ask questions with L1Index and EngIndex respectively. German respondents experience largely the same problems. Yet it seems that even despite their proficiency in the English language, lecturers might be assessed as not performing well. This will, however, to teach language, sort out language problems, and to assist students in producing domain specif-, ic texts and presentations. Analysis shows that while the difference between English and L1 scores was not substantial, a considerable number of students still had difficulties understanding the English-Medium lectures. Moreover, ture with regard to structure, pacing, the use of visual aids, meta-discursive comments and taking, the audience into consideration, could be more important for comprehension than the lecturers’, havior” could have a greater effect on how Dutch students experienced lectures than did the lan-, understanding and learning from lectures in English. The present contribution is part of a wider research project whose overall goal is to define the construct of language-teaching methodology interface in lecturing through English. Data Orchestration is the New Compute: Computer Architecture for the Post-Moore Era. . (items 39, 52), lectures presented so quickly that it hinders, As can be seen, there are lower scores for English for all seven items in both samples. Ces activités consistent à lire des textes de façon sélective dans le but de répondre à des questions. English-Medium instruction is when non-, language courses in for instance medicine, physics or political science are taught in English, to, students for whom it is a foreign language. staff in Norwegian export firms use English fairly well, many still experience difficulties involving language proficiency as well as communication skills. As many as 72% have a score of 3 or lower for English, compared to 44% with, the L1. Self-assessment items were used to measure reading proficiency in Norwegian and English and validated using an International English Language Testing System Academic Reading Module. Indeed, the low mean scores for L1 lecture comprehension dis-, is further supported by the apparent need many have to ask clari, and content in the L1 lectures as well as in English. This would, also provide information about their construct validity, that is to say to which extent the scores, instance Messick 1996). One was, “that a number of students, though silent in the lecture, came forward at the end of each session to, ask questions” (Airey 2009: 79). In A, B./Grundy, Blue, George M. 1994: Self-Assessment of Foreign Language Skills: Does It W. Oslo-Bergen: Norges forskningsråd, Rokkansenteret. There is, however, an increased use of English in various official contexts, for example in education, in business and in governance (Hellekjaer 2007, VOGUE investigates the link between students’ use of English in and out of school – in vocational and general (academic) programmes.
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