... en longeant la cote on trouve Agia Pelagia un petit village dans une crique à flanc de colline. The airfield is shared with the 126th Combat Group of the Hellenic Air Force. In this role they would have been the ones to negotiate with invaders or colonists and the first to speak with anthropologists. Le charmant village de Loutro Crète est isolé au pied des montagnes autour d'une petite crique. While there is evidence that human beings visited Crete as early as 150,000 years ago, the first permanent settlers arrived from Anatolia in the New Stone Age or Neolithic era, about 9000 years ago, bringing … Piquez une tête dans les eaux calmes et cristallines de la Crète et découvrez les plus belles plages de l’île sur notre carte des plages et en photo. The mysteries were passed on from mother to daughter through songs, stories, and rituals. Heraklion has been the home town of some of Greece's most significant people, including the novelist Nikos Kazantzakis (best known for Zorba the Greek), the poet and Nobel Prize winner Odysseas Elytis and the world-famous painter Domenicos Theotokopoulos (El Greco). They didn’t ask you. Soon rebuilt, the town remained under Byzantine control for the next 243 years. Thank you, Carol, for your humor and wealth of information. 2 Critiques pour Histoire & Culture Landrover Safari Club Crete (Heraklion Crète Grèce). In the meantime, I continue to share my personal experience with young people and even those who continue to extoll dominator culture. At this time, the city was renamed "Heraklion", after the Roman port of Heracleum ("Heracles' city"), whose exact location is unknown. It would take me another year before I came across Riane Eisler’s book “The Chalice and the Blade” and learned about Marija Gimbutas’ archeology and writings. Even in 1976 when I was just beginning to learn this, I recall walking around this museum – and many others since – fuming at the misrepresentation. Home › Academics › The Heraklion Museum: A Critique of the Neolithic Display by Carol P. Christ, By Carol P. Christ on April 2, 2018 • ( 17 ). Mothers and Daughters of Invention. And it’s where that fear of the feminine must change. The population of the municipality was 173,993. The following excerpt of yours enrages me the most. But no mention that women were the likely inventors and guardians of these new technologies. Civitel Creta Beach is a good quality resort in Crete, with amazing garden and bungalows, so you feel really free in that beautiful area. La capitale de l’île est une ville très animée où vous ne vous y ennuierez pas ! In 1913, with the rest of Crete, Heraklion was incorporated into the Kingdom of Greece. It is divided into the p[sic]alaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. However, it is in the Neolithic period that the picture of early Cretan prehistory truly emerges. Note moyenne: 10.0 sur 10. thank you Carol this is great … sharing and re-blogging, Reblogged this on PaGaian Cosmology and commented: Or ask to meet with someone there? Around the historic city center of Heraklion there are also a series of defensive walls, bastions and other fortifications which were built earlier in the Middle Ages, but were completely rebuilt by the Republic of Venice. The great-uncles or brothers of the clan mothers would have undertaken and supervised heavy farm labor, building projects, and trade expeditions. Celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month by Grace Yia-Hei Kao, 100 Years After Women’s Right to Vote, Our Feminist Struggle Continues by Gina Messina, Let’s talk about Mary Magdalene and her new film by Anjeanette LeBoeuf. Une crique dans les gorges de Samaria – Crédit photo @na_turae . Heraklion was Europe's fastest growing tourism destination for 2017, according to Euromonitor, with an 11.2% growth in international arrivals. Héraklion est la principale ville de Crète. Carol’s photo by Michael Honegger. Chandax was renamed Candia and became the seat of the Duke of Candia, and the Venetian administrative district of Crete became known as "Regno di Candia" (Kingdom of Candia). Venetian constructions such as the Koules Fortress (Castello a Mare), the ramparts and the arsenal dominate the port area. In 960, Byzantine forces under the command of Nikephoros Phokas, later to become Emperor, landed in Crete and attacked the city. Oh – what a stunning piece of writing Carol – and such a relief to see a feminist take on the absurdity of patriarchal interpretation when anyone with eyes can SEE that these sculptures and ceramics acknowledge the power of Women’s Mysteries. Jan Driessen. European route E75 runs through the city and connects Heraklion with the three other major cities of Crete: Agios Nikolaos, Chania, and Rethymno. A voice of passion, wisdom and extraordinary knowledge. Renfrew and others need to move on. Travellers can take ferries and boats from Heraklion to destinations including Santorini, Ios Island, Paros, Mykonos, and Rhodes. In April 2018, the inner space of the airport has been modernized and expanded by almost 3.000 s.m., with 11 new gates and new stores. The large ceramic figure of the seated Goddess combines aspects of the Bird Goddess in her beaked face and the Snake Goddess in her thick limbs, her body is in the shape of a mountain, the water lines that mark her body represent streams and rivers that flow after rain, and she wears a ritual hat similar to those worn today by Greek Orthodox priests. The port of Heraklion was built by Sir Robert McAlpine and completed in 1928.[21]. Other notable sport clubs include Iraklio B.C. Ruby Rohrlich-Leavitt. Urban buses serving the city, with 39 different routes. Quand partir à Héraklion (Crète) Héraklion, ville côtière de la Crète, bénéficie d'un climat méditerranéen qui se manifeste par la douceur de l'atmosphère en hiver, en dépit d’une l'humidité grandissante, et d'une chaleur agréable en été avec un ensoleillement considérable. Heraklion became again capital of Crete in 1971, replacing Chania.[17]. Every seed we plant has the potential to blossom. I agree with Elizabeth Cunningham – please contact the museum officials and share your perspective. Elle est très prisée des touristes et il faut compter 1 heure de traversée. Heraklion is the start to go explore Crete in general and it has everything a big city can offer. Yes, if only they had asked you… Let us hold the hope that in the future, women, the body, and the Goddess will again be included – not only in the academic realm, but also in mainstream culture, where we and She once were central, powerful, and revered… in an egalitarian way. Trois jours à Kolymvari et quatre à Maheri procurent des occasions multiples de longues balades dans les oliveraies, sur les sentiers où l’on croise chèvres et moutons, au creux de vallées ombreuses. Several sculptures, statues and busts commemorating significant events and figures of the city's and island's history, like El Greco, Vitsentzos Kornaros, Nikos Kazantzakis and Eleftherios Venizelos can be found around the city. “For an archaeology of Minoan Society: Identifying the Principles of Minoan Social Structure”; “Chercher la Femme: Identifying Minoan Gender Relations in the Built Environment.”, Anthropomorphic Figurines from the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Aegean: Gender Dynamics and Implications for the Understanding of Aegean Prehistory, Goddess and God in the World: Conversations in Embodied Theology, educational tours based on the religion and culture of ancient Crete, The Power of Black Panther by Xochitl Alvizo, Toil and Trouble (Part 2) by Barbara Ardinger, Maternal Gift Economy: Webinar Gifts by Carol P. Christ, The “Curse of Eve”—Is Pain Our Punishment? A few years ago I visited the Neolithic exhibit at the Archaeology Museum of Thessaloniki. ... La Crète … Wilson and P.M. Day, in P.M. Day and R. Doonan (eds. [16] In Greek, it was commonly called Megalo Castro (Μεγάλο Κάστρο 'Big Castle'). A Slothful Seeking of the Divine by Cynthia Garrity-Bond, Child of the Earth by Elizabeth Cunningham, When Life Hands You Lemons… by John Erickson, Photo Essay: November 7, 2020, Long Beach, CA by Marie Cartier, FAR Project Intern Applications Due Sept. 15, 2019, A Thanksgiving Litany for Living through Fractious Times by Alla Renée Bozarth, Did You Know…? C’est peut-être à cette époque que les brise-lames ont été construits, étendant les formations … it was in use by the local people by 1867, see Samuel Gridley Howe. Forty years later, Maria Mina re-examined the Neolithic and early Bronze Age figurines of Crete and the Aegean and concluded that almost all of them should be interpreted as definitely, probably, or likely female, though not necessarily as Goddesses. Furthermore, the city is the headquarters of the Heraklion Football Clubs Association, which administers football in the entire region. La région de Chania ou La Canée La Canée. From this it was deduced that the men had all of the real power. And no, I would not have hidden the Goddess figurines away in the back corner. Crête (Ile grecque) - photos des plus belles plages et criques, conseils et avis sur la quelques destinations de voyages vendus sur internet avec l'Ile de Gramvoussa et la magnifique baie de Balos, Hersonisos, elafonissi, Rethimno,inooi The Cultural and Conference Center of Heraklion is a centre for the performing arts. — by Trelawney Grenfell-Muir, Islam is my Louvre – Part II by Valentina Khan, The Swan-Bone Flute by Rachel O’Leary: Reviewed by Max Dashu, “If All Knowledge Must be Reinterpreted, Why Not Religion?” Says Islamic Feminist, Pandemic Grace: A FAR Message from Xochitl Alvizo, Was Sefer Yetzirah Written by a Woman? Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The decisive event that set the new period apart from the Palaeolithic and m[sic]esolithic ones was the establishment of settlements by the scattered groups of nomadic hunter gatherers. If I had been asked to write the words that introduce visitors to the Heraklion Archaeological Museum of Crete to its earliest inhabitants, I would have said something like this:. In 1204, the city was bought by the Republic of Venice as part of a complicated political deal which involved, among other things, the Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade restoring the deposed Eastern Roman Emperor Isaac II Angelus to his throne. “For an archaeology of Minoan Society: Identifying the Principles of Minoan Social Structure”;  “Chercher la Femme: Identifying Minoan Gender Relations in the Built Environment.”. defensive walls, bastions and other fortifications, Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas, https://web.archive.org/web/20140605051225/http://www.heraklion.gr/en/municipality/vikelaia, The Battle of Crete and National Resistance Museum, Cultural and Conference Center of Heraklion, Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of twin towns and sister cities in Greece, Centre for Technological Research of Crete, European Network and Information Security Agency, https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=urb_lpop1&lang=en, "Απογραφή Πληθυσμού - Κατοικιών 2011. La Canée, nommée aussi Hania ou Chania, est l’une des cités les plus touristiques de l’île. The display discussed the inventions of the Neolithic with photographs that showed women involved in farming and weaving and if memory serves me correctly pottery-making as well. Matrilineal societies are egalitarian matriarchies in which there is a balance of power between elder males and elder females, with the female council having the final word–because women who are the “mothers” of the maternal clan are understood always to care about the best interests of all of their children–female and male alike. During the period of direct occupation of the island by the Great Powers (1898–1908), Candia was part of the British zone. by Tallessyn Zawn Grenfell-Lee, Privilege and Hierarchy in Community Care by Christy Croft, Sappy modern carols won’t cut it; Gritty Advent Hope is what we need this year. Reading the explanations of what I was seeing made absolutely no sense to me at all. Enfin, le musée archéologique d'Héraklion présente les trouvailles des fouilles effectuées dans toute la Crète et illustre la très ancienne histoire de l'ile. Jill Hammer, Goddess Stories, Vol. Heraklion International Airport, or Nikos Kazantzakis Airport is located about 5 kilometres (3 miles) east of the city. As traders men are responsible for external relations of the matrilineal clans with other cultural groups. «Μέσα σταθερής τροχιάς στην Κρήτη: Δίκτυα βιομηχανικών σιδηροδρόμων κατά το πρώτο μισό του 20ου αιώνα». Ses fonds marins feront le bonheur des adeptes du snorkeling. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Share (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on RSS Feed (Opens in new window), Becoming Visible: Women in European History. Carol’s new book written with Judith Plaskow, is Goddess and God in the World: Conversations in Embodied Theology. Many fountains of the Venetian era are preserved, such as the Bembo fountain, the Priuli fountain, Palmeti fountain, Sagredo fountain and Morosini fountain (in Lions Square). It is not known whether the author of the Heraklion Museum display was familiar with the idea that women were the originators of the new technologies of Neolithic culture and chose to ignore it, so as not to deviate from scholarly consensus, or whether, given the disciplinary boundaries that separate archaeology and anthropology, she or he had not even heard of this idea. Women’s control of the mysteries would have given women high status in Neolithic cultures. Under the Ottomans, Kandiye (Ottoman Turkish قنديه) was the capital of Crete (Girit Eyâleti) until 1849, when Chania (Hanya) became the capital, and Kandiye became a sancak. ( Log Out /  Each of these inventions was understood to be a mystery of transformation: seed to plant to harvested crop; clay to snake coil to fired pot; wool or flax to thread to spun cloth. ), Metallurgy in the Early Bronze Age Aegean (Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology, 7, 2007), pp. “Women in Transition: Crete and Sumer” in Becoming Visible: Women in European History, Renate Bridenthal and Claudia Koonz, eds. The transition to organized structures of family and communal life, which would eventually lead to the development of settlements, was accompanied by productive activities centered upon farming and animal husbandry, the cultivation of cereals and legumes and the raising of domestic animals. The Arab traders from al-Andalus (Iberia) who founded the Emirate of Crete moved the island's capital from Gortyna to a new castle they called rabḍ al-ḫandaq (Arabic: ربض الخندق‎, "Castle of the Moat") in the 820s. Heraklion (Crete) Airport has non-stop passenger flights scheduled to 74 destinations in 20 countries. ... (les plus intéressantes de Crète !) In the summer of 2007, at the Congress of Cretan emigrants, held in Heraklion, two qualified engineers, George Nathenas (from Gonies, Malevizi Province) and Vassilis Economopoulos, recommended the development of a railway line in Crete, linking Chania, Rethymno and Heraklion, with a total journey time of 50 minutes (30 minutes between Heraklion and Rethymno, 20 minutes from Chania to Rethymno) and with provision for extensions to Kissamos, Kastelli Pediados (for the planned new airport), and Agios Nikolaos. I’ve been out of the country and just discovered this gem of a post. Près du point le plus au sud de la Crète (Cap Lithino) et à environ 80 km de la ville d'Héraklion nous devons trouver encore une autre plage "perdue" formée au bout d'une gorge. août sept. Glimpsing La Vièio ié Danso – “The Untouchable Wild Goddess” – in Jóusè d’Arbaud’s Beast of Vacarés by Joyce Zonana, Election Musings by Janet Maika’i Rudolph, Pachamama – August 1st – A day to Honour the Great Mother Goddess, Turkey – Abundance, Gratitude and Connection to Mother Earth by Judith Shaw, The Legacy of Wisdom by Karen Leslie Hernandez, It’s Called Practice For a Reason by Kate M. Brunner, Unexpected Divine Encounters by Katey Zeh, Double, double… rhymes are trouble by Katie M. Deaver, Moral Accountability, Prophetic Responsibility, and Selma by Kelly Brown Douglas, The Egyptian Revolution: Women, Islam And Social Change By Karen Torjesen, Dancing for Forgiveness and Reconciliation – Part Two By Laura Shannon, Reconstructions of the Past 8: Hafsa bint Sirin (My Story of Her Life 3) by Laury Silvers, The Other Side of the Mountain by Mary Sharratt, Octavia Tried to Tell Us: Parable for Today’s Pandemic by Monica Coleman, Ashes, Sacrifice, and Abundance by Melissa Browning, Navigating Meaning in Unchartered Ways by Natalie Weaver, “When You Know for Yourselves” by Oxana Poberejnaia, Working with Obstacles: Is Female Rebirth an Obstacle? The ancient name Ηράκλειον was revived in the 19th century[10] and comes from the nearby Roman port of Heracleum ("Heracles's city"), whose exact location is unknown. Brava, Carol! Needless to say, from there on my transformation was irreversible and I began reading books by other feminist scholars including of course, you!. In 1898, the autonomous Cretan State was created, under Ottoman suzerainty, with Prince George of Greece as its High Commissioner and under international supervision. Pour tous les … Balade, achats de souvenirs, notamment dans la petite boutique dont je vous ai parlé plus haut : Pottery Workshop (situé non long du musée archéologique). Entre Héraklion et Réthymnon, en longeant la cote on trouve Agia Pelagia un petit village dans une crique à flanc de colline Héraklion est la principale ville de Crète.Elle a une vieille ville et un grand port; Cependant vous ne trouverez pas de plage à l'intérieur de la ville (quel que soit l'article que vous lisez, les plages listées sont en dehors de la ville). Maria Mina. Between 1600 and 1525[13] BC, the port was destroyed by a volcanic tsunami from nearby Santorini, leveling the region and covering it with ash. Crète - jour 13 : Lagon de Balos, crique et site antique de Diktynna Jour 13 : Balos et site antique de Diktynna. After the fall of the Minoans, Heraklion, as well as the rest of Crete in general, fared poorly, with very little development in the area. by Lache S. Fierce Friendship and the Holidays by Stephanie Arel, Plato’s Diotima as a Symptom of Psychosis by Stuart Dean, This “Columbus Day,” Watch Frozen 2 (Or Watch It Again!) Oh, please do inform these people of your perspective… You are of course a well known scholar and hopefully this might mean something to these academic interpretations. Here is what I might have said about them: The vast majority of the figurines are symbolically female, identified by” v” and “m” incisions associated with the Goddess throughout Old Europe and by female triangles, breasts, wide hips, and expansive buttocks. Might you share this post with museum officials? The other great advantage is the service - all the staff people are seriously happy and helpful, always smiling and sometimes making jokes with guests, speaking English, German and French. In matrilineal societies women are generally responsible for the inner workings of the clan including the supervision of agriculture and the rituals related to it. It is the second busiest airport of Greece after Athens International Airport, first in charter flights and the 65th busiest in Europe, because of Crete being a major holiday destination with 7.974.887 travellers in 2018 (List of the busiest airports in Europe). Part of that education went into my seminary studies and made me a priest who blesses in the name of God Father/Mother. I am pleased that Jan Driessen has been arguing that the culture of Minoan Crete may well have been matrilineal and matrilocal and that the primary ritual actors may have been women. Dry hot days are often relieved by seasonal breezes. Heraklion or Iraklion (/ h ɪ ˈ r æ k l i ə n /; Greek: Ηράκλειο, Irákleio, pronounced ) is the largest city and the administrative capital of the island of Crete and capital of Heraklion regional unit. 1 by Anna Marie Laforest, Grounding Human Rights in a Pluralist World by Grace Kao, Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard von Bingen by Mary Sharratt, Making a Way Out of No Way by Monica A. Coleman, Marriage and Slavery in Early Islam by Kecia Ali, Rebirth of the Goddess by Carol P. Christ, Sexism and God-Talk by Rosemary Radford Ruether, When Women Were Priests by Karen Torjesen, Womanspirit Rising edited by Carol P. Christ and Judith Plaskow, Women and Redemption by Rosemary Radford Ruether, Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER). by Rita M. Gross, Catholic Feminists Meet, Strategize by Rosemary Radford Ruether and Theresa Yugar, Learning from the Nation by Jameelah X. Medina, Sexist Responses to Women Writing About Religion by Sarah Sentilles. Clay vessels and tools of stone and bone were used to prepare, cook and consume food, store goods, and make clothing. I always choose to eat in the lions square or opposite the main harbor in the numerous taverns. Spiritual vs. Material: The Middle Way? The figurines symbolize the Goddess, the Source of Life, the powers of birth, death, and regeneration present in all living things, and the intelligence and creativity of women. Elle est située dans l’ouest de la Crète et est aujourd’hui une destination touristique très prisée. Heraklion has a hot-summer-Mediterranean climate (Csa in the Köppen climate classification). En Crète chaque virage est une surprise. In Crete, stone tools have been found showing that humans were probably present in the Palaeolithic period, approximately 150,000 years ago. The expansion was a donation by Hellenic Duty Free Shops. I intuitively felt that the overwhelming preponderance of female and nature images I saw throughout the museum that day, as well as the total absence of images of war and conquest, held the answers to the questions I had about prehistory. Carol  has been leading educational tours based on the religion and culture of ancient Crete for over twenty years. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. GetYourGuide Crète : visite de Spinalonga, Agios Nikolaos, Elounda, Plaka (75) Just saying. Heraklion is close to the ruins of the palace of Knossos, which in Minoan times was the largest centre of population on Crete. Le Nord de la Crète n’offre pas beaucoup d’opportunités non plus, à part quelques petites criques par-ci, par-là. ΜΟΝΙΜΟΣ Πληθυσμός", "Top 100 City Destinations Ranking: WTM London 2017 Edition", ""The Earlier Prepalatial Settlement of Poros-Katsambas: craft production and exchange at the harbour town of Knossos", N. Dimopoulou, D.E. I was thinking the same thing, Elizabeth! Summers are warm to hot and dry with clear skies. To secure their rule, Venetians began in 1212 to settle families from Venice on Crete. ... Héraklion à Chora Sfakion = 3h de route; Its #abouttime. Breathing Life into the Women of Chayei Sarah by Ivy Helman. Thanks for articulating what is really happening here. ( Log Out /  Ce qui rend beaucoup de ces plages si spéciales, c'est l'expérience pure de la nature - autrement dit, pas de bar de plage, pas de cantine, pas de magasins - pas la … This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Crique heraklion. janv. The Bronze Age palace of Knossos, also known as the Palace of Minos, is located nearby. The first depictions of humans and animals in Crete, made in clay and stone, may express and manifest the prayers of simple people to the fertility powers of nature that ensure the continuation of life. 84-97", "History of Heraklion in Crete island - Greeka.com", "Population & housing census 2001 (incl. Or an opinion piece in the local newspaper? During the Ottoman period, the harbour silted up, so most shipping shifted to Chania in the west of the island. The first line would link the Stadium to the airport, and the second the center of Heraklion and Knossos. This introduction to the religion and culture of ancient Crete calls attention to the important and often unacknowledged roles of women in the Neolithic period and connects the social roles of women to the primary religious symbol of the Neolithic era, the Goddess as the Source of Life. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The Goddess, the primary religious symbol in the Neolithic era, was the symbol not only of the powers of birth, death, and regeneration, but also of intelligence of women who discovered the mysteries of agriculture, pottery, and weaving that led to the creation of new forms of human community. [22] Intercity buses connects Heraklion to many major destinations in Crete. But I hope you will tell them what you know even if they didn’t. À Héraklion, les scooters arpentent la civilisation minoenne et les vestiges médiévaux comme la forteresse de Koules en bord de mer, tandis que l'eau des fontaines turques jaillit à l'ombre des immeubles. L’assistance électrique permet de réaliser des étapes de 30 à 50 kms sans difficulté tout en gardant une connotation vacances actives. Située au-dessus de la crique de Lygaria, à seulement 2 km de la station balnéaire d’Agia Pelagia, cette villa de luxe à vendre en Crète d’Héraklion, offre confort … [6] According to the ranking, Heraklion was ranked as the 20th most visited region in Europe, as the 66th area on the Planet and as the 2nd in Greece for the year 2017, with 3.2 million visitors[7] and the 19th in Europe for 2018, with 3.4 million visitors.[8]. Reducing women and nature to fertility is pure BS. They built a moat around the city for protection, and named the city rabḍ al-ḫandaq (ربض الخندق, "Castle of the Moat", hellenized as Χάνδαξ, Chandax). “The spirituality of the Neolithic is trivialized as “the prayers of simple people to the fertility powers of nature.” The people—probably women–who invented new technologies that revolutionized human life are called “simple” rather than “extremely intelligent cultural creators.” Their religious views are reduced to a concern with “fertility,” an academic code word that reduces a complex spiritual vision of the interdependence of life and the interconnection of the powers birth, death, and regeneration in all living things to a materialistic concern with birthing babies and harvesting crops. à l'église Villages à Héraklion ... en longeant la cote on trouve Agia Pelagia un petit village dans une crique à flanc de colline. It is the fourth largest city in Greece with a population of 211,370 (Urban Area) according to the 2011 census. Comme vous le savez surement, cet été, Lisa du Monde en V.O a posé ses valises lors d’un voyage en Crète, pour quelques jours de vacances.Une belle semaine ensoleillée sur l’île de Crète pour recharger les batteries et repartir de plus belle à la rentrée. I, too, read Marija Gimbutas and Monica Sjoo and Patel and even vaunted Joseph Campbell who all presented the holy as feminine as well as masculine.
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