This is really a special place to see. Home de Noisy (NMBS/SNCB) Dave. It is a shame that the family did not keep it up. Welcome! Such a beautiful Castle…. What beauty remained to it suffered at the hands of vandals. Château de Noisy is one of the most beautiful locations we have seen. Le château est désormais coupé en trois parties: l'aile gauche, la tour principale, et l'aile droite[réf. I cannot comprehend why a family would be so steadfast against reclaiming the beauty of this building. Hi, thanks for the comment and thanks for looking . Hypocrites! modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. Due to the rising costs of maintenance and refurbishment, the plans failed and the Château was abandoned in 1991. Because of the historical department in the area, we may only maintain the house with no major renovations allowed. Do people in Belgium have rights? Thanks for leaving the comment. I was in awe to think, this family wanted to tear it down.. being such a vital important part of all world history. According to the wikipedia entry (always questionable), as of sometime in June 2016, Miranda has been sold. Win #2, Obviously, it would provide the family a huge financial, supplemented or low cost means to restore the structure on the land; and further, once completed, structure upkeep and maintenance costs could be covered by opening for tours. Dec 14, 2018 - The neo-Gothic palace is erected for the Liedekerke-De Beaufort family. It is still standing, although in bad repair. wishing I could have saved it.. Despite the municipality of Celles making an offer to take it over, the family has refused. I had the opportunity to visit recently within the last 2 weeks. English architect Edward Milner built this castle in 1866. how I would love the front door and glass! I hope that they didn’t tear it down because it would be wonderful to see. En 2013, la Tribune de Genève l'a classé parmi les quarante plus beaux lieux oubliés du monde[3]. The castle is top in darkness Always want to go back, inspiring location. I can’t stand that they can just decide for themselves to let this precious pearl have its downfall, while it was still possible to save it. If you look on Google maps, you can find a way through the woods. Chateau de Noisy. I truley hope that this building is saved, and if it is I will be there to see it! Il se réfugie dans une ferme près de Celles. They should at least charge individuals who would like to see this before it’s gone. (May 23rd, ’15) There were 8 other people wandering in and around the castle. A year has passed and I wonder – did good sense prevail or did the beautiful structure fall? If I had the money I would buy that pretty house and restore it to its former glory, but I’m only ten. The architect died while the construction of the castle was underway. Me and my boyfriend will leave in September to Belgium and we would love to take some pictures in a place so magical being lovers of the Gothic style. I wish I could. I had read that someone had purchased it and was going to restore it, but couldn’t find any other information on it. All you have to do is make the decision, save the money, get a passport and buy your ticket. Quote:” It’s a shame that the current owners are unwilling to let the municipality take over and restore the building.”. I don’t know if he sold it I doubt he did, but demolition started 10/27/16, yesterday. A hotel was just too out there is the reason why their plans to turn it into a hotel failed most likely. I would love to buy it and restore this beautiful masterpiece. You will have that whole feeling wandering round here. I now hope people who lived there or worked there will write about it!!! What is the outcome of the demolition application? I heard they are at it again, that they have applied again to tear it down! A group entirely dedicated to the Château Miranda. My best wishes to preserve this “time piece” Mike Diaz From Venezuela. In America, we have no such land marks. We went there yesterday morning. It’s a shame that the current owners are unwilling to let the municipality take over and restore the building. It is a shame the owners didn’t think about that before. Het is voor mij hartverscheurend als ik nu die afbeeldingen van het verval zie. It has been confirmed that from December, 2013, the owners have put forward a formal request for permit to demolish Château de Noisy. SOME ONE PLEASE TELL US WHAT TO DO/ TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN. It is a magnificant, beautiful castle. […] For more information about the castle, its history, photos and potential demolishing click here. It was located in the village of Celles, and also known as le chateau de Noisy. It is a shame that a part of Belgium’s history will not be available for future generations. Do a little research. And I understand the owners… Reforming such a building is VEEEEEEEERY expensive. Thank you so much for its history through your lens. The regime was not strict, it was horror. like this has.. Now just a memory. À la suite de ces évènements une association de défenseurs voit le jour: l’asbl ARESNO, association pour la restauration et la sauvegarde de Noisy, dont le but est de sauver l’édifice. It was a magical experience and I recall this as one of the happiest days in my life, for which I credit Rik De Backer, Jan Tas, Koen Dille, (a tiny lady who teached geography who’s name is hard to recall), Kitty Roggeman, Dirk Groenen, Petra Polak, Barbara, and foremost my hyper idol Sr. Jan Sebreghts coming over to make 300 children march and sing without a PA system -just with an accordeon-. and very soon the Chateau will be no more. Le feu provoque l'effondrement de la partie où se trouvait l'escalier d'honneur avec ses colonnes aux voûtes bleues ainsi que l'entrée principale. Just too sad. It suddenly appears on a rise through the forest, and is still majestic. One has to come out and not let the demolition of such a beautiful structure happen. It is shameful what the place looks like now. Is my target for this summer… hope i ll find it still there. Owners won’t budge on selling and appears that any and everything, floors, walls, radiators, balustrades and the old adage of if ‘it is not nailed down’ it will be sold does not apply. They may save that beautiful dream after all. Sous le nom de « château Miranda », il devient alors peu à peu un des hauts-lieux de l'exploration urbaine en Belgique[1],[2]. It’s always striking and sad to see how the interiors of some of these disused/abandoned buildings are like. We were there on 7th of october 2017…And unfortunately whole building, almost whole (maybe 98%) was destroyed and demolished It’s so sad, that nobody wouldnt see this beautiful castle anymore… RIP Château Miranda. Ik heb daar zeer goede herinneringen aan. This Castle will be destroyed. It is important to contact the landowner first. […] was a great exploration, but I don’t understand why some people feel the need to destroy. We are going to build a new home in the next two years with amazing views of the valley where we live. It was completely gone as of November 16th 2016..Good by.. to bad the family was’nt gone, like this wonderul castle is now., maybe there would have been a chance to save this historical house, from everyone’s history.. A formal petition has been arranged, please take a few minutes to have a look and sign if you feel this place is worth saving. It tells such a great story, when you see the different rooms, the comparison between the rooms used by service people and residential uses…. I visited it yesterday ( we yeah, saw it, because it’s secured with cameras and gates and everything, so getting in ks harder.) Ses origines remontent au 18ème siècle où le comte Liedekerke Beaufort est chassé de son château familial de Vêves et se réfugie à proximité de Celles dans une ferme. Do you have an exact address? Le 14 décembre 2016, deux habitantes de la commune font appel au Conseil d'État pour préserver les façades et ce qui peut être encore sauvé : ce recours est rejeté mais les travaux de démolition restent suspendus, quoique le permis soit toujours valable[11]. And then there is still no new project for the site, no sponsor … A priori, I do not see how we can maintain such a home” says Yvan Petit (Mayor of Houyet). Wow. Please don’t give them a permit to tear this down! Hoping it gets saved. I wouldn’t!! If the castle is still standing I hope to be able to visit in December 2014. Funds are expended on taxes, security measures, all with a purpose, the rest of you can answer that question amongst yourselves. Makes you wonder why. Your post have been very helpful at answering my curiosity. But they’re gonna put an end to the castle and break it down really soon. The floors are in a bad condition, … Sorry for my bad english but I’m from Belgium Good luck! Is there still something to see? I’m taken by its beauty. I would love to visit her one day! Here in the states my father actually purchased a home built in 1841. It is an amazing place to see with great heritage. Although the inside is almost completely ruined, the outside still is beautiful. Nothing here can compare to the historical and cultural treasures of your castles and manor homes. There is a guardian on the property and there is a camera near the main gate. Because i wanna take pictures of the castle. David, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity of visiting this most beautiful of castles in Belgium, via my laptop. I just shared as a way of support. It’s history and history is fading, fading fast. It is a historical landmark, it hirts the heart to see it the way it is today. My heart is broken that their own government would not step in and do something to keep this castle from being destroyed.. It’s sad. Be that as it may I admire so much your photographs David …absolutely wonderful! Sad we never will have the chance to see this magnificent Castle. The reason of the death … […], I lived there for almost one year, from september 1964 untill juni 1965. It is sad that jealousy, greed or whatever the reason be , that the owners refuse to sell. To All the World, This beautiful Chateau Miranda/De Noisy is totally gone it was demolished on my birthday of All days. Thank you in advance for your help. In other line, i am kind of confused about the meaning of “Noblesse oblige”…. I picked up on a theme of now what? Lieu strictement interdit d'accès et surveillé, Le feu provoque l'effondrement de la partie où se trouvait l'escalier d'honneur avec ses colonnes aux voûtes bleues ainsi que l'entrée principale. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. I posted about it also on my instagram and facebook, hoping they will share/repost and sign also. I thoroughly enjoyed the article. is already 2015 and for happiness of all this rarity is still foot, but time is running and that’s sad hopefully save him. I hope, this castle will get another chance! The castle had many purposes and was also known as Home of Noisy when it was an orphanage for children of Belgian railroad workers. Il se distingue par son style néo-gothique avec une tour centrale intimidante de plus de 55 mètres de haut. David, Acho estranho a família querer demolir um local tão bonito e rico historicamente. I can’t believe how vandalized it is […], wow this castle is stunning even in disrepair, PLEASE DONT DESTROY it, it is a beautiful, historical, if i had the money i would buy it and fix it, she holds alot of history, i have always dreamed of owning and living in a castle , you could even fix it up and make it into a hotel or bed and breakfast ……. En 1950, il est transformé en centre de vacances pour les enfants des employés de la SNCB. This Chateau Miranda is a historic masterpiece and should be preserved. I have seen the world from one end to the other in many forms.. COME ON PEOPLE -WE GOT TO GET AN AMERICAN PETITION TO STOP THIS HORRIBLE CRIME, OF THIS FAMILY WANTING TO DEMOLISH A PIECE OF, EVERY COUNTRIES HISTORY. La démolition a finalement débuté le 31 octobre 2016[9], en dépit des protestations des associations de défense[10]. Please see the end of this article for links to the formal petition against this action. You van still visit it. If someone wants to join the expedition and give some useful information is welcome. A very sad end. I want to start a petition, here in the USA ,to keep this family from destroying this castle , to keep it from being torn down. In addition, should a terrible catastrophic event ever occur on their current home property, they would then have a back-up estate home. It is not far away from we live and I think it just looks amazing. So Sad……. It touches the heart. Mid 1800’s maybe, but most of them built by eccentric millionaires with too much money. What is the current situation with this structure? Have you managed to discover any more since this article? They lived here until the rise of Nazi Germany and World War II. Being a painter and wall paperer by trade skill and having a degree in Art and fashion Design. looks like there’s a tennis court and some houses by the Parc. It is clear that most people who see this place are enchanted by its beauty and bewildered by its actual state…, Hi Brigitte, what happened since the last exhibition and some Tv reports in 2014. If sold it would be tied up in court for the heirs to fight over the money OR the property is tied up in court for the heirs to fight over and being that it’s so old; there’s likely to be many heirs to raise their hand. Hi everyone. It has suffered heavily from vandalism and the details from the interior have been removed to be used in another castle. At least some attempt should be made, I mean it did take roughly fifty years to complete. Rusty. Il y a aussi une discussion sur le thème de l'historique de ce château et sur les expériences des membres lorsqu'ils étaient sur place. I do agree that if it can be saved it would be a wonderful thing to have happen. Some things are just incomprehensible to me…. I want to know what I can do to help! Mais petit à petit, la recherche avance. “Noblesse oblige” is a term which refers to the obligation nobility have (towards the rest of us, or society at large) to be honorable and generous. Jaimie, not yet – application is still in processing. So they are demolishing it because the castle was becoming very dangerous. Le château est une propriété privée interdite d'accès. I’m also fascinated to see pictures of how it looked in it’s former glory. Drive a couple of km down the road, and you can walk up through the forest. Fin mars 2017, l'entrepreneur chargé de la démolition lance un appel aux dons, espérant récolter les quelque 5 000 000 € nécessaire pour démonter le château de façon à pouvoir le reconstruire[11]. If there is anyone who can put me in contact with anyone to have a meeting about this place please let me know. Des investisseurs privés montrent également de l'intérêt[6]. Please who ever owns this get it put back as it should be, then open it to the public! No very good when people are doing things like that. Thank you for helping to bring this sad case to the public’s attention. Make it shine like it did way back when. Thank you! I’ve heard the familie will sale, if it gets a proper destination. A 1% chance is better than none. Hi Justin. The beautiful abandoned castle called 'Chateau de Noisy' (formerly known as Chateau Miranda), located in Celles in the south part of Belgium, seems to be counting its final days. That led to many injuries but also it is one of the reasons why the castle has so quickly fallen into such a poor state. How close it can get to Miranda? Bienvenue! I’ve always loved looking at buildings from centuries ago they remind me how different things were, make me think about how life was back then and how the buildings went down and were neglected. Thank you for your very interesting article of Noisy. In 1950, it was renamed as Chateau de Noisy after it was taken by the National Railway Company of Belgium. Don’t know if the family has money to burn or are just foolish. This place could have remained beautiful! Hello.. It also doesn’t need to be fully restored. I have fallen in love with this beautiful castle and would like to see it restored. Thanks so much for posting your pics, I can’t wait to return and see the inside if this beautiful castle!!! Thank you sincerely David Gipson. Through a series of events when Liedekerke-Beaufort was removing usable and valuable parts from Château de Noisy, Serenity Drums actually bought the wooden flooring and are now using it in their custom drums. So majestic, beautiful (bit ancient ;)). My father worked for the NMBS. I am so very tired of witnessing the destruction of our world’s history by individuals as well as nations. es un sitio muy hermoso estoy en contra de su demolición ! In 1964 ben ik daar van begin mei tot eind juni verbleven. I would darly love to contact them. Meaning, they either reform the existing building, or take it down and build one with the same dimensions, and maybe even in the exact same spot… And no wonder why they won’t give it away. This beautiful building is unstable and in disrepair. […] après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Facebook vous montre des informations pour vous aider à mieux comprendre le but de cette Page. I have to confess that I was captivated by its aura of nostalgia that emanates from the pictures and its magnificent architecture. What an amazing place. A very beautiful neogothic castle ! The Chateau de Noisy, or Miranda Castle as it was formerly known is unquestionably beautiful as a peaceful ruin sitting in the Belgian countryside. Le site est extrêmement dangereux à visiter. After doing some research and looking at the international support of keeping this castle from being destroyed, after it has been restored revenue from tourism along with converting some of the rooms into hotel/rental spaces would pay for the upkeep. It has suffered heavily from vandalism and the details from the interior have been removed to be used in another castle. I love castles too!! Kindest regards, Richard. The day I discovered what happened to this castle I felt heart broken. Sadly though the interior is so far gone, in a way its best not to see it. I personally went with my boyfriend. I CANNOT BELIEVE AMERICANS ARE WANTING TO TELL THIS FAMILY WHAT TO DO WITH THEIR OWN PROPERTY!! I met some local people and they all told me the place is close and it’s impossible to see the castle, of course that’s what they say to every tourist. I agree that such a magnificent castle should be preserved but, it would be close to evil for me to tell a person what they can and can’t do with their own property. This was a petition to sign for the protection and preservation of the Castle Château de Noisy. Did you finally manage to get to see the castle yet? Just keep as souvenir your beautiful photographies as the fairy tale castle of Noisy is currently dismantled. Fin 2013, le comte de Liedekerke-Beaufort demande un permis de démolition pour le château, en raison des risques pour la sécurité des personnes qui le visitent[4]. Demolition began on October 31st. necesito las fotos y nombres de quienes vivieron ahi porfavor :3 es de gran ayuda que me lo avisen gracias. I find it a travesty that anyone can’t have in they’re heart a piece of history that could be magnificant once again from someone that would like to make the purchase of this. While the idea of living in a castle seams romantic the reality of keeping one from falling into ruins especially one of this size can run into a 100 million dollars to bring back to its originally glory & fix all the needed repairs. There was a lot of work, research and editing to put this together, admirable. The world is accessible and there for you to explore. I wanted to know, if ? my gosh, the original pictures were so beautiful. I saw a picture of children jumping for joy with smiling faces in front of Castle Miranda coming down the lane and that was precious!! Cet article est réservé aux abonnés. My story of photographically documenting abandoned and historical places has taken me across Europe in search of unknown, hidden or historically significant locations over the last 10 years. I appreciate efforts would have already been made to persuade the owner to sell, or at least change their minds. Best. I have never in my life had anything upset me this way. It is nothing short of magical. Sabe Rina shared a post. Not everybody’s perspective is the same as Your own, open Your mind a little maybes? English architect Milner is responsible for the abandoned castles design. En 2011, il sert de décors de prison lugubre pour le film Dead Man Talking de Patrick Ridremont sorti en 2012. When you approach the building it takes your breath away. During World War II, German troops occupied the property. I hope it has been sold to someone with a vision, I am very sad. I noticed you have books. It’s such a shame the owners have applied for demolition. I am currently restoring a building of the same style as Miranda, which is in an equally bad condition. The mission included so many other wonderful people. Hi David, I love this old place and have done for years now. After all who wouldnt want to live in a castle? I have very bad memories over this beautifull castel. Completely done in Blender 3D. It’s very quiet here, and a real sense of something lost. […] check out here, here, here, or here for more pictures. ik heb daar gewoond van mijn 3 tot mijn 5 jaar;wat was dat een mooi kasteel,mijn zussen zaten daar ook voor 2 jaar;moet dat nu eens bekijken;het is een schande!! IF WE ARE NOT TO LATE.. Truly a magnificent place and one that deserves to be saved. Le site du château après sa destruction (2018). An illicit peak inside…
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