However, the American AI Initiative is considerably less comprehensive than the AI strategies of other leading nations, lacking new funding and with few tangible policy objectives. It scores the governments of 194 countries It scores the governments of 194 countries and territories according to their preparedness to use AI in the delivery of public services. The Index incorporates a wide range of data, from desk research on the presence of AI strategies, to Crunchbase statistics on AI startups, to UN indices, and distills it into a single number. However, Canada lags among other leading nations in the number of AI startups located in the country. As in other regions, AI technologies could help to enhance government effectiveness, improve transparency, and revolutionise the economy. In 2017, Oxford Insights created the world’s first Government AI Readiness Index, to answer the question: how well placed are national governments to take advantage of the benefits of AI in their operations and delivery of public services? He also serves as a board member of the International Open Data Charter, and is a member of the Open Data for Development Network. Outcome. Airbus s’est associé à Earthcube, société française spécialisée dans l’analyse de données géospatiales par l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA), pour développer et commercialiser « Defence Site Monitoring », une solution en ligne de surveillance de sites stratégiques dédiée aux acteurs de la Défense, qui combine imagerie satellite de pointe et IA. Of the bottom ten countries, seven are classified as Least Developed Countries. The Centre for Law, Technology and Society is delighted to announce that Faculty member Dr. Céline Castets-Renard just published Droit du marché unique numérique et intelligence artificielle with Bruylant, a unique textbook on European Union’s single market and challenges relating to artificial intelligence. The continued rapid proliferation of tech hubs in Africa is now a widely researched phenomenon, with a number of cities such as Cape Town, Addis Ababa, Kigali, and Nairobi all positioning themselves as regional centres for innovation. Photo credit: "This is a timely reminder of the ongoing inequality, Public Procurement: Responses to COVID-19, Racial Bias in Natural Language Processing, Google are to open their first African AI research hub in Accra, Ghana, sexual and reproductive health monitoring chatbots in Kenya, tracking of illegal fishing in West Africa, rapid and widespread implementation of mobile communication networks, the UAE have announced the world’s first dedicated AI minister, Saudi Arabia recently gave citizenship to a robot, 'Artificial Intelligence: Shaping a Future New Zealand', Declaration on AI in the Nordic-Baltic Region, " the way it has embraced digital technologies Western Balkans agreed to establish an affiliate Center for the Fourth This means that applications of AI developed in other regions will likely lack contextual relevance, particularly in regards to cultural and infrastructural factors, and will not be fit for purpose in Africa. By Joshua New The United States and Canada are ranked fourth and sixth in the world for government AI readiness, making North America a highly competitive region for AI. Similarly to the previous indicator, this is included to measure how ready the private sector is to develop AI tools and solutions for government, Scope and quality of online services. Begin building AI applications with data and logic. In April 2018, the European Commission presented their strategy to increase the coordination of investment for research and innovation for AI, with an aim of reaching at least US$22.5 billion (€20 billion) by the end of 2020, and more than US$22.5 billion per year over the following decade. Higher rankings are predominantly held by countries from the Global North, which highlights the risk of cementing the global dominance of countries with a history of funding scientific and technological research and development. We should expect that China, while only placing sixth in Asia-Pacific and 21st globally in the current rankings, will rise in next year’s rankings. By Yaera Chung This year’s Government AI Readiness Index for Eastern Europe covers 23 countries across the region. Australia’s ranking suffers from its relatively small number of AI startups compared with other countries, as many Australian entrepreneurs look overseas for greater opportunities and funding (and a more convenient time zone). Similarly, for AI industries to succeed, governments will have to pay particular attention to increasing both the ‘datafication’ (or ability to capture data) of their economies, and the availability of data. Focus stratégique, No. The varying scores of governments in Eastern Europe shows the uneven pace of AI-related development across the region, including between EU member states and non-EU states. While not necessarily going to the same lengths as Singapore, most other governments with AI strategies are also employing the language of ethics to foster the responsible use of AI. For adoption and utilisation of AI in the current context, China’s advantage lies in its abundance of data (and loose privacy laws), and its ever-increasing numbers of AI engineers, along with a strong and vibrant startup ecosystem. Collaboration, not competition Among the non-EU countries in the region, one of the major reasons for their lower rankings - especially in the Western Balkans and South Caucasus - is the lack of an adequate innovation ecosystem to nurture AI skills and advanced technologies, as reflected in the Crunchbase data. Latest News, Info and Tutorials on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data and what it means for Humanity. Usually, a few governments take the lead in terms of policy making and agenda setting, and then other countries in the region later follow their example. An EU-funded project is developing a way to speed up traffic at the EU's external borders and ramp up security using an automated border-control system that will put travellers to the test using lie-detecting avatars. The Australian Government announced its intention to increase government investment in AI in the 2018-19 Budget, in which it committed US$21 million (AU$29.9 million) to AI projects including research funding, more PhD places, and educational LIRNEasia is a Sri Lanka-based IT policy and regulation think-tank active in the Asia-Pacific region. // REPORT à une date ultérieur // "Repenser votre organisation grâce à l’Intelligence Artificielle" - MODULE 5 en partenariat avec l'EPHEC ***** Voir conditions tarifaires ci-dessous. estimated that Russia currently spends US$12.5 million a year on AI research, mostly focused on education and military programmes in schools and at the undergraduate level. This also acts as a proxy for the level of innovation in government, and desire to use new technologies as part of a vision for the future. From this, we devised a number of working hypotheses around what makes a government ‘ready’ to use AI in public service delivery. Not only will they not reap the potential benefits of AI, but there is also the danger that unequal implementation widens global inequalities. As might be expected, the upper rankings of this year’s Government AI Readiness Index are dominated by countries with strong economies, good governance, and innovative private sectors. We decided to weight each indicator equally based on the feedback we received when consulting on our methodology, as it was felt that each was of equal importance. Événement virtuel d’une journée, le premier du genre, qui réunira des joueurs importants du monde numérique, de l’intelligence artificielle et de l’industrie pharmaceutique. Data mining and algorithms are the principles underpinning the explosion in Artificial Intelligence. The question addressed in this paper is: how can agents improve upon their locally trained model by communicating with other agents that have similar objectives? First, the largest industries in Africa still rely on high numbers of low-paid workers. À cette occasion, nous nous pencherons sur les changements et les innovations qui ont cours en ce moment afin de nous préparer à adopter une approche différente quant à l’avenir des soins de santé. This measure is included as a proxy of AI skills in the general population, which is important both as an indication of skills in the public sector, and the available pool of local talent, Combined measure of: diversity of workforce, state of cluster development, international co-inventions, multi-stakeholder collaboration, scientific publications, patent applications, R&D expenditures, research institutions Empowering people, businesses and organizations through technology. Russia is also actively prioritising investment and research in AI, and in March 2018 hosted a conference on AI with the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Education and Science, and the Russian Academy of Sciences. host more than 6,000 innovators and technicians working on ICT. Joshua works as a senior analyst for a leading US nonpartisan, nonprofit technology policy think tank. In the same month, the EU member states signed a Declaration of Cooperation on AI, pledging to work together to share research and findings. #TheFutureLivesInBrussels This report has been produced by Oxford Insights. There are a number of things that might make a government AI ready that are unquantifiable, and therefore out of the scope of our study. Les livres blancs d’Inria examinent les grands défis actuels du numérique et présentent les actions menées par nos équipes-projets pour résoudre ces défis. Joshua New is an AI and data policy expert based in Washington, DC. Nevertheless, what evidence we do have points to a trend toward greater interest and activity around AI in the region. The age of AI is coming, and our intended contribution, through the Index, is to encourage all governments - whether in the Global North or South - to be as prepared as possible to help their citizens take advantage of the benefits of automation, while protecting them from its associated risks. This does mean, however, that the scores of governments who have missing data points have suffered as a result. This is largely a result of missing data points, something we discuss in depth in our methodology annex paper. Begin building AI applications with data and logic For this edition of the Index, we invited regional experts to give commentary for each grouping, to supplement our quantitative findings with their insights and local knowledge. As we started with the aim of including all UN governments, we were faced with the problem of trying to find high quality datasets containing as wide a sample of countries as possible. It is one of the few governments that has created an AI Ethics Advisory Council as part of its AI strategy, to “assist the Government to develop ethics standards and reference governance frameworks, issue advisory guidelines, practical guidance and codes of practice for voluntary adoption by businesses”. Data mining and algorithms are the principles underpinning the explosion in Artificial Intelligence. The data is derived from a variety of resources, ranging from our own desk research into AI strategies, to databases such as the number of registered AI startups on Crunchbase, to indices such as the UN eGovernment Development Index. Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency’s AI Next campaign, which aims to develop the next wave of AI technologies while advancing research into key governance concerns Researchers and engineers in artificial intelligence should take These AI labs and research centres appear to predominantly be connected with tech hubs (spaces designed to facilitate the development of digital or innovation ecosystems, and foster connections between innovators), either as specific projects or closely associated standalone units. It is looking for other ways to capitalise on the vast amounts of data held by the government to improve public services through AI, such as detecting icy roads using satellite imagery, or improving the E-Tax system. This collaborative approach has served the governments of Western Europe well so far, as demonstrated by their predominantly high scores in the Index. Non-EU students may apply in the forth, fifth and sixth intake, as long as they did not previously apply and on condition the number of non-EU positions have not been filled yet. Given that we are on the cusp of seeing widespread AI implementation across a number of sectors, including public services, this is a timely reminder of the ongoing inequality of access to AI. The nature of the effects of AI on the job market is still highly speculative, but many predictions agree that jobs such as truck drivers, customer service representatives, financial analysts, and lawyers are at risk of being either replaced or dramatically altered by widespread automation. Métro Université-de-Montréal 2910, Boul. Édouard-Montpetit 3ème étage, bureau 313 Montréal (Québec) H3T 1J7 Canada. And while government efforts have been relatively small thus far, Australia has some outstanding AI experts and multiple centres of AI research, including Data61 and the 3A Institute (at the Australian National University). concrete policies to advance AI, such as spurring public sector AI adoption and allocating new funding for AI R&D, rather than simply repurposing existing funds. 10h ... 21 Oct 2020 - 8 Mar 2021. Third, there is still relatively little R&D in AI in Africa. New Zealand has a very active AI community which is helping to drive efforts towards a national AI strategy, with NGO the AI Forum producing a report 'Artificial Intelligence: Shaping a Future New Zealand' in partnership with the New Zealand Government which was launched in May 2018. The Index highlights the current inequality in AI readiness between global governments, with higher income countries predictably faring better in the rankings than middle and lower income countries. This was important in guiding our data selection, as we needed to find data sets which covered as many of these as possible (some of the last Index’s datasets were OECD-specific). To start the process of designing our 2019 Government AI Readiness Index methodology, we set out our ‘exam question’: how ready is a given government to implement AI in the delivery of public services to their citizens? The seventh intake is for EU students only. The notion of machines with human-like intelligence dates back at least to Samuel Butler's 1872 novel Erewhon The Index data shows that the areas which need the most improvement in the region are building a better data infrastructure, including making data open and available to the public, and fostering a strong innovation ecosystem to help local tech communities thrive and ultimately contribute to government AI readiness. We added new indicators and removed some from our last Index, and have ended up with 11 indicators in total, up from nine in 2017: In most cases we worked with existing indexes which have cleaned data.
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