Prince Albert II received the distinction of Commander of the Order of the Academic Palms. 21st October 2010: H.S.H. September 1981 - April 1982: H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco was awarded in Monaco with the 2018 European Medal of Tolerance by the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR), 16th May 2018 : H.S.H. Although Gabriella was born first, Jacques was made crown prince in accordance with Monaco’s rules of succession. Prince Albert II obtained his baccalauréat "with distinction" at the end of his secondary school studies at Lycée Albert 1st in Monaco. Various initiatives have been conducted with a view to promoting economic activity and making company operations more transparent while maintaining a high level of ethics: H.S.H. The UIPM will now chair its meetings in an office of the Louis II Stadium in the Fontvieille neighbourhood. Those children, however, were barred from inheriting the throne, for a 2002 constitutional amendment required the heir’s parents to be married. He is Honorary President of the International Union of Modern Pentathlon and the International Athletics Foundation. Prince Albert is committed to carrying out an exemplary policy in his country in terms of the environment, by favouring the development of public transport, ecological vehicles, renewable energies and high environmental quality buildings. En juin 2006, S.A.S le Prince Albert II de Monaco a décidé de créer Sa Fondation afin de répondre aux menaces préoccupantes qui pèsent sur l'environnement de notre planète. Prince Albert II trained on board the French Navy's helicopter-carrier "Jeanne d'Arc", with the rank of Ship-of-the-Line Ensign (2nd class). Prince Albert II of Monaco was appointed Commander of the Ordre National du Mérite Maritime, 1st March 2016 : H.S.H. January 1983 to late 1985: training courses with various international groups in the United States and Europe in the fields of communication, financial management and marketing ("Morgan Guaranty Trust", in New York, "Moët-Hennesy", in Paris, "Rogers & Wells" law firm,"Wells Rich and Greene" in New York. le Prince Albert II de Monaco décidait en juin 2006 de créer Sa Fondation afin de répondre aux menaces préoccupantes qui pèsent sur l’environnement de notre planète. Tem duas irmãs, a princesa Caroline de Mônaco e a princesa Stéphanie de Mônaco. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Palais Princier de Monaco - H.S.H. In April 2006, H.S.H. Testé en début de semaine, le Prince Albert II de Monaco est positif au Covid-19. Another amendment included female siblings and their legitimate heirs in the line of succession, easing concerns of Monaco’s future in the event that Albert, who had two sisters (Caroline and Stéphanie), did not produce a rightful heir. 26th October 2000: His Serene Highness was made an Honorary Professor of International Studies at Tarrant County College, Forth Worth, Texas. In 1994 he became chair of Monaco’s Olympic committee. 1976: H.S.H. In these countries he was received by the principal heads of State and political and economic leaders. De tous les souverains du xxi e siècle, Albert II de Monaco est sans doute celui dont nous nous sentons le plus proche, celui dont l’histoire nous paraît la plus familière. Prince Albert II received an Honorary Doctorate in philosophy from the Pontifical University of Maynooth in Ireland. Navigate parenthood with the help of the Raising Curious Learners podcast. H.S.H. Profil non officiel In June 2006, HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco decided to establish his Foundation to address our planet's alarming environmental situation. Prince Albert II of Monaco was awarded The Docteur Honoris Causa Insignia of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis University. S.A.S. At the same time, he receives credentials from over fifty countries which now maintain diplomatic relations with the Principality. Albert II, prince of Monaco, in full Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi, prince of Monaco, (born March 14, 1958, Monaco), 32nd hereditary ruler of the principality of Monaco (2005– ). Liste des citations d'Albert II De Monaco classées par thématique. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). La nouvelle est tombée le 19 mars dernier. Updates? introduction of the offence of tax fraud into Monegasque criminal law. The UIPM has had its headquarters in Monaco since 1997. 5.5K likes. Le prince Albert est le petit-fils de la princesse Charlotte et de Pierre de Polignac. H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco. Copyright © 2014 Prince's Palace of Monaco, The Cars Collection of H.S.H. Prince Albert and Princess Charlene with their month-old twins, Gabriella Thérèse Marie and Jacques Honoré Rainier, 2015. La 6 aprilie 2005, Prințul Rainier al III-lea a murit iar Prințul Albert a devenit Prinț Suveran de Monaco sub numele de Albert al II-lea. In 2006 he established the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, focusing on environmental protection. Official website of the Prince’s Palace of Monaco. Testé positif au coronavirus il y a quelques semaines, Albert II de Monaco va mieux. Du côté maternel, il est également le petit-fils de John Kelly (Sr), triple médaillé d'or d'aviron aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 1920 et de 1924 et le neveu de John Kelly (Jr… In April 2005 Prince Rainier died, and Albert formally assumed the throne on July 12. Prince Albert II of Monaco was awarded The Docteur Honoris Causa Insignia from the University Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris, 5th May 2017 : H.S.H. En mars dernier, le Prince Albert II de Monaco a vécu une période difficile. Actualité de la famille princière : communiqués, discours, vidéos, photos... Découvrez l'histoire du Palais et de la famille Grimaldi. During the summer of 1979, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and Charlene Wittstock marrying in a religious ceremony on July 2, 2011. 1977 to 1981: H.S.H. Albert II, prince of Monaco, in full Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi, prince of Monaco, (born March 14, 1958, Monaco), 32nd hereditary ruler of the principality of Monaco (2005– ). 6th November 2009: H.S.H. Prince Albert II succeeded his father, Prince Rainier III who died on 6h April 2005. On July 1, 2011, Albert married Charlene Wittstock, a competitive swimmer from South Africa. le prince Albert II de Monaco, avec un milliard de dollars (ou 894 millions d’euros). 20th September 1996: H.S.H. SAS Prince Albert II de Monaco. La sfârșitul celor trei luni de doliu pentru tatăl său, la 12 iulie 2005, la Catedrala Sfântul Nicolae a avut loc prima parte a investiturii sale, o masă prezidată de arhiepiscopul de Monaco care a marcat începutul domniei sale. In January 2009, Prince Albert II of Monaco undertook a three week scientific journey in the Antarctic. 19th October 2010: H.S.H. Created at the beginning of the century on the initiative of Prince Albert I, the CIESM is an intergovernmental body with 23 member states, 20 of which are located along the Mediterranean coast. the Prince set up the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation dedicated to protecting the environment. 30th May 1981: H.S.H. Prince Albert II. Le Rocher tremble. le Prince Albert II, Alexandre, Louis, Pierre, Prince Souverain de Monaco, Marquis des Baux, est né le 14 mars 1958.. La vie de prince n'est pas de tout repos. Corrections? En février dernier, Albert II de Monaco évoquait même une possible abdication lors d'une interview accordée à la chaîne Public Sénat. Albert II de Monaco (timbre) – site officiel de l'Office des émissions de timbres poste de Monaco. Since 28th May 1993, the Prince has led the Monegasque delegation to the General Assembly of the United Nations. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Prince Albert II of Monaco was awarded The Docteur Honoris Causa Insignia in ecology of the sea, from the University of Palermo (Sicilia), 6th March 2018 : H.S.H. Le prince Albert a accepté d'être suivi par des caméras pendant 8 mois, durant toutes ses activités et aux 4 coins du monde. Prince Albert II of Monaco inaugurated the new headquarters of the Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM), of which he is the honorary president. Et c’est à la dixième place que l’on retrouve S.A.S. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Prince Albert II visited the North Pole by dog sled from the Russian base of Barneo 120 kilometres away. Omissions? Prince Albert II of Monaco was awarded The Docteur Honoris Causa Insignia in Sciences and Techniques of navigation from the University of Naples "Parthénope". Albert II : la revanche d'un timide, portrait de … The CIESM cooperates with 500 specialised institutes. An avid sportsman, he formed the Monegasque Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation in 1987 and, as a member of the principality’s bobsled team, was a five-time Olympian. Le prince Albert II est le fils du prince Rainier III (1923-2005) et de Grace Kelly (1929-1982), actrice américaine de renommée internationale, égérie du célèbre réalisateur Alfred Hitchcock. Son Altesse est le fils de S.A.S. 1976 to 1977: familiarisation courses with different branches of the Principality's Government. Son état de santé n'inspire aucune inquiétude, précise le communiqué de la Principauté. Prince Albert II of Monaco was awarded The Docteur Honoris Causa Insignia at The Portalis Law and Political Science Institute of Aix en Provence. 14.5k Followers, 483 Following, 2,955 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from @hshprincealbertii the Prince presided over the delegation of Monaco in Strasbourg for the official ceremony of accession of the Principality to the Council of Europe as the 46th member state of that organisation. Prince Albert II of Monaco was elevated to the rank of Grand Cross of the National Order of the Lion by the President of the Replublic of Senegal. the introduction of the principle of freedom of association and different laws on the transfer of nationality aimed at perfect equality between men and women. 2014 - Chairman of the IOC Sport and Environment Commission. Prince Albert II has proved to be particularly concerned with the Principality's economic development in a spirit of ethics and transparency. He did so amid controversy, as days earlier he publicly acknowledged that he had fathered a son out of wedlock. Enfin conscient que les solutions ne pourront passer que par une mobilisation de l’ensemble de la société civile et des acteurs économiques, S.A.S. Albert attended Amherst College (B.A., 1981) in Massachusetts and briefly served in the French navy. Pour la première fois, un livre propose de découvrir, à partir d'une série d'entretiens, le portrait intime et insoupçonné d'une personnalité pourtant connue dans le monde entier : le Prince Albert II de Monaco. Prince Albert II graduated in political science. Alberto II (Mónaco, 14 de março de 1958), é o chefe da Casa de Grimaldi e, desde 2005, o príncipe soberano do principado do Mónaco.. É o único filho do príncipe Rainier III de Mônaco (1923-2005), a quem sucedeu, e de sua esposa, a atriz estadunidense Grace Kelly (1929-1982). 13th February 2012: H.S.H. Site officiel du Palais Princier de Monaco. He was the only son of Rainier III, prince of Monaco, and Grace Kelly (Princess Grace of Monaco), a former actress. Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi (1958- ) est le fils du prince Rainier III de Monaco et de la princesse Grace (d'origine américaine, née Grace Kelly). As his father’s health began to decline in the early 21st century, Albert assumed greater royal responsibilities. the modernisation of the law on education (integration of handicapped children) and the increased protection of child rights. He visited a large number of scientific stations and rejoined the South Pole in the company of the explorer Mike Horn. H.S.H. It encourages sustainable and fair management of natural resources and places man at the centre of its projects. Since the opening of the 48th Session in September 1993 in New York, His Highness has regularly taken the floor on behalf of the Principality of Monaco. The couple had twins, Jacques Honoré Rainier and Gabriella Thérèse Marie, on December 10, 2014. In June 2006, H.S.H. the strengthening of the judicial protection of individuals, their personal data and their private life, as part of the exponential growth in new technologies. Discover the history of the Palace and the Grimaldi family. Since 2007, He is Patron of the International Organization Peace & Sport " l'Organisation pour la Paix par le Sport" and  Patron of the World Olympians Association since 2011. His Highness is the son of Prince Rainier III, Louis Henri-Maxence-Bertrand (31st May 1923 - 6th April 2005) and Princess Grace, née Kelly (Philadelphia, United States, 12th November 1929 - Monaco, 14th September 1982). En juin 2006, S.A.S le Prince Albert II de Monaco a décidé de créer sa Fondation afin de répondre aux menaces préoccupantes qui pèsent sur l’environnement de notre planète. On 5th October 2004, H.S.H. They made a film of this journey "Antarctique 2009, Terre en Alerte" [Antarctic 2009, Earth on Alert] which was presented to the Principality's inhabitants in April 2009. He is also a member of the Honorary Board of the International Paralympic Committee. Since 1984, H.S.H. 20th October 2009: HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco was awarded The Teddy Roosevelt Medal at the United States Congress in Washington.
2020 albert ii de monaco