South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI) are administered as part of the Falkland Islands, but have currently no permanent inhabitants except for scientists and navy personnel. The first definitive Argentine claim of sovereignty over the South Sandwich Islands was made in 1938, when the President of Argentina ratified the 1934 Cairo Postal Convention. La Roché published a report of his voyage in London in 1678 in which he described the new land. Wikidata: Q35086 Read more. South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands is a British Overseas Territory in the southern Atlantic Ocean. Joined by the corvette ARA Guerrico, on 3 April the Bahía Paraiso attacked the platoon of 22 Royal Marines deployed at Grytviken. Most of the British and Norwegian whaling factories and catchers were destroyed by German raiders, while the rest were called up to serve under Allied command. Find out how to set foot upon the shores of one of the most beautiful islands on the planet. The new territory of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI) was created in 1985, as is evidenced by the letters patent and order in council that are shown in full on the South Georgia government website. The companies involved included Compañía Argentina de Pesca, Christian Salvesen Ltd (UK), Albion Star (South Georgia) Ltd. (Falkland Islands), the Norwegian whaling companies Hvalfangerselskap Ocean, Tønsberg Hvalfangeri and Sandefjord Hvalfangerselskap, as well as the Southern Whaling and Sealing Company (South Africa). The South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands are an island state in the South Atlantic near the Antarctic. The islands include the Shags Rocks, Clerke Rocks, Black Rocks, South Georgia Island, South Sandwich Islands, and Bird Island. When European explorers discovered the islands, they were uninhabited, and their hostile climate, mountainous terrain, and remoteness made subsequent settlement difficult. Regarding the South Sandwich Islands, both the bull and the Treaty were within the Portuguese hemisphere. L'Isle, Guillaume de & Henry A. Chatelain. Warning Level 3, Avoid Nonessential Travel. The resident British Magistrates (W. Barlas and A.I. 62, No. Due to evidence of an unauthorised visit to Thule Island, the closed station Corbeta Uruguay was destroyed in January 1983. One of those try-pots, having the inscription 'Johnson and Sons, Wapping Dock London' is preserved at the South Georgia Museum in Grytviken. The largest of these islands is the South Georgia Island. The Letters Patent listed these possessions as "the groups of islands known as South Georgia, the South Orkneys, the South Shetlands, and the Sandwich Islands, and the territory known as Graham's Land, situated in the South Atlantic Ocean to the south of the 50th parallel of south latitude, and lying between the 20th and the 80th degrees of west longitude". During the whaling era, the population usually varied from over 1000 in the summer (over 2000 in some years) to some 200 in the winter. These batteries (still present) were manned by volunteers from among the Norwegian whalers who were trained for the purpose. On that occasion, the name Grytviken ('Pot Cove') was given by the Swedish archaeologist and geologist Johan Gunnar Andersson who surveyed part of Thatcher Peninsula and found numerous artefacts and features from sealers' habitation and industry, including a shallop and several try-pots used to boil seal oil. The government of the islands maintains field huts at Sörling Valley, Dartmouth Point, Maiviken, St. Andrews Bay, Corral Bay, Carlita Bay, Jason Harbour, Ocean Harbour, and Lyell Glacier. etymology: South Georgia was named "the Isle of Georgia" in 1775 by Captain James COOK in honor of British King GEORGE III; the explorer also discovered the Sandwich Islands Group that year, which he named "Sandwich Land" after John MONTAGU, the Earl of Sandwich and First Lord of the Admiralty; the word "South" was later added to distinguish these islands from the other Sandwich Islands… In the process, Shackleton accompanied by Frank Worsley and Tom Crean trekked the island's glaciated and rugged terrain between King Haakon Bay and the Stromness whaling station.[15]. The sealers pursued their trade in a most unsustainable manner, promptly reducing the fur seal population to near extermination. During Travel. South Georgia is an island in the southern Atlantic Ocean that is part of the British Overseas territory of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. Early sealers were very secretive in order not to alert other competitive sealing cre… These constitutional arrangements stayed in place throughout the second half of the 19th century and most of the 20th century, until South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands were incorporated as a distinct British overseas territory in 1985. The Ross Dependency. A magistrate conducting the local British administration has been residing in South Georgia ever since November 1909 (except for 22 days in 1982). The spread of Norwegian whaling industry to Antarctica in the early 20th century motivated Norway, right after its independence from Sweden in 1905, to pursue territorial expansion not only in the Arctic claiming Jan Mayen and Sverdrup Islands, but also in Antarctica. Due to these conditions, human activity in the islands has largely consisted of sealing, whaling, and scientific surveys and research, interrupted by World War II and the Falklands War. Public Holidays 2014. The first official announcement of an Argentine claim of South Georgia was made in 1927 at the International Postal Bureau in Bern. [12] The first census conducted by the British Stipendiary Magistrate James Wilson on 31 December 1909 recorded a total population of 720, including 3 females and 1 child. The population of the islands is approximately 20, including 2 British government officials, scientists and others. The South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands have no direct … Updated Cruise Ship Travel and COVID-19 October 21, 2020 CDC recommends that travelers defer all cruise travel worldwide. 2008 February 10: South Sandwich Islands region. The island group consists of about 40 islands. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands are two geographically distinct groups of islands in the Atlantic Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean, situated between 26 and 43 degrees west longitude and 53 and 60 degrees south latitude, and at least 1,243 miles (2,000 km) from the closest continental shores of South America. South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands are only accessible by sea. Its epicentre was at 283 km (176 mi) east-northeast (73 degrees) of Bristol Island.[20]. [7][8], Britain's 1908 Letters Patent established constitutional arrangements for its possessions in the South Atlantic, including the formal annexation of the South Sandwich Islands. Since then, Argentina has maintained her claims of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands but repeatedly (in 1947, 1951, 1953, 1954 and 1955) refused to have them resolved by the International Court of Justice or by an independent arbitral tribunal. His family in Grytviken included his wife, three daughters and two sons. South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands is a British Overseas Territory in the southern Atlantic Ocean. The 1908 Letters Patent were not disputed by Argentina at the time, but in 1948 Argentina conceived an argument that they were invalid on the grounds that they allegedly encompassed parts of the South American mainland as well as the Falklands, making the latter dependencies of themselves.[9][10][11]. The Geographical Journal, Vol. Larsen was also instrumental, with his brother, in introducing Reindeer to South Georgia in 1911 as a resource for hunting for the people employed in the whaling industry. Nowadays the date of 26 April is celebrated as Liberation Day, a public holiday in SGSSI.[5]. As the manager of Compañía Argentina de Pesca, Larsen organised the construction of Grytviken ― a remarkable undertaking accomplished by a team of 60 Norwegians since their arrival on 16 November until the newly built whale oil factory commenced production on 24 December 1904. to Grytviken and Leith Harbour respectively. The mariner Captain James Cook in HMS Resolution accompanied by HMS Adventure made the first landing, survey and mapping of South Georgia. For several months in 1961, Carse experimented on living alone at a remote location, Ducloz Head on the southwest coast of the island. From 1976 to 1982, Argentina maintained a naval base named Corbeta Uruguay in the lee (southern East coast) of the same island. In 1993 Britain extended the territory’s exclusive fishing zone from 12 to 200 nautical miles (22 to 370 km). There will also be the chance to see more of the incredible footage and images gathered during the flight. South Georgia's coast and waters have been surveyed by a number of expeditions since those of Cook and Bellingshausen. GSGSSI would like to congratulate Tristan da Cunha on the establishment of their new Marine Protection Zone. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands are two groups of sub-Antarctic islands in the Southern Ocean east of the southern tip of South America, north of Antarctica.The islands are an overseas territory of the United Kingdom that are administered from the Falkland Islands, but are also claimed by … It is an island in the South Atlantic Ocean. In subsequent available censuses the population was 1337 (24 April 1921[13]), and 709 (26 April 1931,[14] includes the South Shetland Islands). Be aware of current health issues in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. The government in the Islands is a dependen… That report is now lost but shortly afterwards, in 1690, Captain Francisco de Seixas y Lovera, a Spanish mariner, published an account of La Roché's discovery in his Descripcion geographica, y derrotero de la region austral Magallanica[3] After this, cartographers started to depict "Roché Island" on their maps. SGSSI Strategy outlining key objectives and responsibilities. To protect the territory's unique environment, on 23 February 2012 its government created the South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Marine Protection Area, one of the world's largest marine reserves, comprising 1.07 million km2.[17][18]. The land has a total area of 3,903 km². This day demonstrates a commitment to support and enhance Diversity in Polar Science. © 2020 South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands |, Information Documents & Visit Application Forms, Agreement of the Conservation of Albatross and Petrels, South Georgia Heritage Policy and Strategy, Policy on the Release and Movement of Artefacts, Prohibited Areas and Whaling Station Access, SOUTH GEORGIA & THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS ESSENTIALS. Amongst these is the world’s only sub-Antarctic songbird, the endemic South Georgia pipit. Overview. Following a 1900 advertisement by the Falklands Government the entire island was leased to a Punta Arenas company, and a subsequent conflict of interests with the Compañía Argentina de Pesca which had started whaling at Grytviken since December 1904 was settled by the British authorities with the company applying for and being granted British whaling lease. South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Gazette, National Interests and Claims in the Antarctic, Unplanned epics – Bligh's and Shackleton's small-boat voyages, "Remarks on the recapture of South Georgia", South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands: Marine Protected Area Management Plan. Since the 1990s, the islands have become a popular tourist destination, with cruise ships visiting on a fairly regular basis. The Royal Navy armed the merchant vessel Queen of Bermuda to patrol South Georgian and Antarctic waters, and deployed two four-inch (102 mm) guns at key locations protecting the approaches to Cumberland Bay and Stromness Bay, i.e. The first land-based scientific expedition on South Georgia was the 1882–83 German Polar Year expedition at Moltke Harbour, Royal Bay. The South Georgia Geographic Information System enables access to spatially explicit information about the environmental landscape. [6] The first fur seals from the island were taken in 1786 by the English sealing vessel Lord Hawkesbury, while the first commercial visit to the South Sandwich Islands was made in 1816 by another English ship, the Ann. South Georgia og South Sandwich Islands spansk: Georgias del Sur y Sandwich del Sur) er to britiske oversøiske territorier, som Argentina gør krav på. If you travel, take the following steps to protect yourself and others from COVID-19: Stay at least 6 feet/2 meters (about 2 arm lengths) from … Following a second such diplomatic démarche by the Norwegian Government dated 4 March 1907, Britain replied that the areas were British based on discoveries made in the first half of the 19th century, and issued the 1908 Letters Patent incorporating the British Falkland Islands Dependencies with a permanent local administration in Grytviken established in 1909. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (Islas Georgias del Sur y Sandwich del Sur in Spanish), is a British overseas territory located in the south of Atlantic Ocean. South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands is a haven for wildlife. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands are encompassed by one of the world’s largest Marine Protected Areas. In the early 20th century South Georgia experienced a new rush of economic activity and settlement. South Georgia is 167.4 kilometres (104 mi) long and 1.4 to 37 km (0.9 to 23.0 miles) wide and is by far the largest island in the territory. View current GSGSSI consultations plus an archive of previous consultations with outcomes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Rebecca Honeybone accompanied the RAF on this flight as the representative for GSGSSI and was staggered by its beauty and size and that it seemed to appear out of the clouds from nowhere. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Sovereignty of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. The terrain of the islands is rugged and mountainous, at times being barren.South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands are part of the British overseas territories. Roché Island is almost certainly South Georgia, despite the discrepancies in the coordinates given, which can be accounted for by the navigational difficulties experienced by all sailors at the time. Although the British discovered the presence of the Argentine base in 1976, protested and tried to resolve the issue by diplomatic means, no effort was made to remove them by force until after the Falklands War. Map of the World on a Globular Projection, Exhibiting Particularly the Nautical Researches of Capn. South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands are an overseas territory of the United Kingdom claimed by Argentina.They are in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean.The territory was started in 1985, before that it was classed as part of the Falkland Islands.The islands do not have a native population, but in 2006 they had around 20 people on the islands. Otto Nordenskjöld, Johan G. Andersson, Carl A. Larsen, This page was last edited on 16 November 2020, at 10:05. The history of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is relatively recent. While the British Magistrate and other civilians and military present in Grytviken were removed from South Georgia, another 15 Britons remained beyond Argentine reach. Larsen also established a meteorological observatory at Grytviken, which from 1905 was maintained in cooperation with the Argentine Meteorological Office under the British lease requirements of the whaling station until these changed in 1949. (Siglos XVI-XVII-XVIII). The South Sandwich Islands in the South Georgia group of islands is made up of 9 uninhabited smaller islands. King Edward Point is the port of entry, and residence of the British Magistrate and harbour, customs, immigration, fisheries, and postal authorities; it is commonly referred to as 'Grytviken' in association with the derelict whaling station situated just 800 m away. Fleuret) attended to the island's defence throughout the War. At the height of the whaling industry about 6000 men, mostly Norwegians and Swedes, worked at the stations and, with the men working on the whale-catchers, factory ships and supply vessels, there could be three times the population when the whaling fleets were at anchor in the harbours. ‘South Georgia – A Visitor’s Guide’, narrated by Sir David Attenborough. Øerne administreres fra Falklandsøerne. In 1756, the island was sighted and named 'San Pedro' by the Spanish vessel León under Captain Gregorio Jerez sailing in the service of the French company Sieur Duclos of Saint-Malo, with the merchant and mariner Nicolas Pierre Duclos-Guyot on board. This soon came to the attention of the sealing industry and so started what was to become a bloody period in the history of South Georgia, but also the driving force for much of the early exploration of Antarctica. The Argentine garrison in Grytviken under Lieut.-Commander Luis Lagos surrendered without returning the fire, and so did on the following day the detachment in Leith Harbour commanded by Captain Alfredo Astiz. The Government of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) is excited to announce the launch of its new film ‘South Georgia – A Visitor’s Guide’, narrated by Sir David Attenborough. South Georgia was governed by Britain as a Falkland Islands Dependency, a distinct entity administered through the Falkland Islands but not part of them in political or financial respect. From 1881 on, Britain regulated the economic activities and conservation by administrative acts such as the Sealing Ordinances of 1881 and 1899. [1], Sir Edmund Halley in HMS Paramore (or Paramour) made a major scientific discovery in what is now the South Georgia EEZ in January 1700, discovering and describing the Antarctic Convergence.[4]. The first corridor has been … However, Argentina continues to claim South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. Of them, 579 were Norwegian, 58 Swedes, 32 Britons, 16 Danes, 15 Finns, 9 Germans, 7 Russians, 2 Dutchmen, 1 Frenchman and 1 Austrian. South Georgia doesn’t have any sort of permanent human population. During the Second World War the whaling stations were closed excepting Grytviken and Leith Harbour. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands From 1 July Georgia’s land and air borders, as well as international tourism should gradually re-open in line with the principle of safe corridorsopen and there will be a gradual resumption of flights and international tourism on the principles of safe corridors. Another Antarctic explorer with a special place in South Georgia's history was Duncan Carse. That continued until Grytviken was sold to Albion Star (South Georgia) Ltd. in 1960, closed in 1964, and eventually purchased by Christian Salvesen Ltd. Carl Anton Larsen, the founder of Grytviken was a naturalised Briton born in Sandefjord, Norway. The islands are an overseas territory of the United Kingdom that are administered from the Falkland Islands. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI) used to be a dependency of the Falkland Islands, but since 1985, under the South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Order, was formed as a separate British Overseas Territory, under a Commissioner who is at the same time, Governor of the Falkland Islands. Due to its remote location and harsh climate, South Georgia had no indigenous population when first discovered. 362–365. RAF A400m Aircraft Conducts Reconnaissance On A68a Iceberg, South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands Celebrates Inaugural Polar Pride Day, South Georgia Congratulates Tristan da Cunha and Celebrates 4 Years of the Blue Belt Programme. All visits require a visit permit. While trying to navigate through the Le Maire Strait near Staten Island, it was driven off course far to the east. Prior to 1985, the area had been administered as a dependency of the Falkland Islands. They extend for 190 miles (305 km), occupy 120 square miles (310 square km), and are covered with glaciers. The present permanent centres of population include Grytviken, King Edward Point and Bird Island. The recapture of South Georgia, even more remote than the Falkland Islands, and in foul weather conditions proved a major boost to British ambitions in the Falklands War, and a blow to those of Argentina. The South Sandwich Islands lie about 520 kilometres southeast of South Georgia. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is a British Overseas Territory. As mandated by the Admiralty, on 17 January 1775 he took possession for Britain and renamed the island 'Isle of Georgia' for King George III. El cabo de Hornos. Larsen chose the whaling station's site during his 1902 visit while in command of the ship Antarctic of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition (1901–03) led by Otto Nordenskjöld. There is no visitor accommodation ashore, therefore most people visit by cruise ship or yacht. South Georgia remains free from COVID-19. With the establishment of this protected area, Tristan da Cunha joins South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands and other UK Overseas Territories, including Ascension, St Helena, Pitcairn and the British Indian Ocean Territory, in making a lasting commitment to protect the waters surrounding these incredible islands. El hito austral del confín de América. Stunningly beautiful and rugged, this island wildlife sanctuary, once visited, is not easily forgotten. Its snow covered peaks, blue glacier ice and emerald green bays are breathtaking sights. Plan ahead and learn more about Getting Health Care Abroad. South Sandwich Islands, group of actively volcanic islets in the South Atlantic Ocean, north of the Weddell Sea and 470 miles (760 km) southeast of the island of South Georgia. A commissioner, who is also the governor of the Falkland Islands, oversees the territory. Today, no one lives in the island except for scientific researchers who have set up their research bases on the island. In particular, the extensive oceanographic investigations carried out by the Discovery Committee from 1925 to 1951 yielded an enormous amount of scientific results and data, including the discovery of the Antarctic Convergence. South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands has restricted access and visitor permits are required. On 10 February 2008 an earthquake of magnitude 6.5 on the Richter Scale had its epicentre 205 km south-southeast of Bristol Island. A volley of two or three muskets was fired into the air." It is made up of the South Georgia Island and nearby islets as well as the South Sandwich Islands Archipelago. [2] During the return journey, it was en route to Salvador in Brazil around Cape Horn. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - Climate data - Climate information and average monthly temperature, humidity, rainfall, snowfall, daylight, sunshine, UV index, and sea temperature for all cities and towns. The Argentine naval station Corbeta Uruguay was clandestinely built on Thule Island, in the South Sandwich Islands on 7 November 1976 and was subject to a number of official British protests, the first of them on 19 January 1977. If you get sick in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, you might need medical care. [1] It was first sighted in 1675 by Antoine de la Roché, an English merchant born in London to a French father. [2146435] Climate is the statistics of weather, usually over a 30-year interval. (Primera parte), Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources,, History of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Articles lacking in-text citations from June 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. with all the Recent Discoveries to the Present Time.  Stunningly beautiful and rugged, this island wildlife sanctuary, once visited, is not easily forgotten. On 25 April 1982 the Royal Navy damaged and captured the Argentine submarine Santa Fe at South Georgia. More efficient regulation and management were practised in the second sealing epoch, 1909–64. South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands is a UK Overseas Territory situated 800 miles SE of the Falkland Islands. Cruise ships make … South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands [1] are two groups of sub-Antarctic islands of the Southern Ocean east of the southern tip of South America, north of Antarctica. In one of the most remarkable small boat journeys in maritime history (probably rivalled only by that of Bounty's Lieutenant William Bligh), in 1916 Shackleton crossed Scotia Sea in the 7 m or 23' James Caird to reach South Georgia and organise the successful rescue of his expedition team stranded on Elephant Island following the loss of their ship Endurance. During the late 18th century and throughout the 19th century, South Georgia was inhabited by English and Yankee sealers, who used to live there for considerable periods of time and sometimes overwintered. The Argentine forces sustained three men killed and a number of wounded, with one wounded on the British side. They are home to about five million seals of four different species, and 65 million breeding birds of 30 different species. South Georgia Island is a sub-Antarctic island administered by the United Kingdom as part of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. This area is approximately 98% of the area of Rhode Island. Government of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands. Several more children were born on South Georgia, even recently aboard visiting private yachts. The British commanding officer Lieutenant Keith Mills was awarded a Distinguished Service Cross for the defence of South Georgia. He left Hamburg in 1674 as a passenger on a 350-ton vessel bound for Peru. Isle of Georgia with Clerke’s Isles and Pickersgill’s Isle. South Georgia is 167.4 kilometres long and 1.4 to 37 kilometres wide and is by far the largest island in the territory. From 1906 on the Argentine company was operating in compliance with its whaling and sealing leases granted by the Falklands Governor. Learn how to protect yourself. James Cook, F.R.S. See also: United Kingdom, Falkland Islands Captain James Cook arrived here in 1775, in his report, he mentioned the large numbers of elephant and fur seals. The main settlement is Grytviken. South Georgia was part of the disputed land claims between Argentina and the U.K. … In 1917 the Letters Patent were modified, applying the "sector principle" used in the Arctic; the new scope of the Falkland Islands Dependencies was extended to comprise "all islands and territories whatsoever between the 20th degree of west longitude and the 50th degree of west longitude which are situated south of the 50th parallel of south latitude; and all islands and territories whatsoever between the 50th degree of west longitude and the 80th degree of west longitude which are situated south of the 58th parallel of south latitude", thus reaching the South Pole. This region is located to the east of the southern tip of South America and north of Antarctica. The Japanese companies Kokusai Gyogyo Kabushike Kaisha and Nippon Suisan Kaisha sub-leased respectively Grytviken in 1963–64 and Leith Harbour in 1963–65, the last seasons of South Georgia whaling. Today the Government of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands and the Government of the British Antarctic Territory are celebrating the inaugural Polar Pride Day. German naturalist Georg Forster, who accompanied Cook during their landings in three separate places at Possession Bay on that day, wrote: "Here Captain Cook displayed the British flag, and performed the ceremony of taking possession of those barren rocks, in the name of his Britannic Majesty, and his heirs forever. Its snow covered peaks, blue glacier ice and emerald green bays are … [clarification needed]. (1705/19). The base was eventually removed on 20 June 1982 and the installations demolished in December. 5 (Nov. 1923), pp. The MPA covers an area of 1.07 million km 2. The history of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is relatively recent. Visit permit applications for both commercial and private vessels are submitted by the vessel owners or operators. During the 19th century, the effective, continuous and unchallenged British possession and government for South Georgia was provided for by the British Letters Patent of 1843, revised in 1876, 1892, 1908 and 1917, with the island appearing in the Colonial Office Yearbook since 1887. The group of Shag Rocks and Black Rock forming the west extremity of the British overseas territory of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is situated 270 km or 150 nmi west by north of the South Georgian mainland. A few decades ago, the only settlements in the island were those of seal and whale hunters. But with the entry into force of the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, the island was in the Portuguese hemisphere. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Commissioners for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 3 Oct 1985 - the governors of Falkland Islands Chief Executive Officers, Government of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands 13 Jul 2007 - May 2009 Harriet Hall (f) Norway claimed Bouvet Island and looked further south, formally inquiring with Foreign Office about the international status of the area between 45° and 65° south latitude and 35° and 80° west longitude. The 1908 British Letters Patent was transmitted to the Argentine Foreign Ministry and was formally acknowledged on 18 March 1909 without objections. In 1985, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ceased to be Falkland Islands dependencies and became a separate British overseas territory. It was primarily used as a whaling station between 1905 and 1966.
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