Though they have little competition, the locals swear by the drinks. Experimental vaccines can be tested on Sims who are “possessed”. Shady Acres Located just near the StrangerVille National Base, you can always find Military Personnel winding down after a hard days work. Male Adult/Teen/Elder – 4 Hairstyles & Hats, 7 Tops, 3 Bottoms, 2 Outfits, 1 Accessory, 1 Pair of Shoes by Taylor O'Halloran | Mar 30, 2020 | Aspirations, Strangerville | 0 comments. Perfect for any starving artist that is just looking to get away from it all. The Curio Shop is a vendor stall, not a lot of its own, in the top right of the neighborhood. Laptops are also a convenient way for Sims to work on the go as they can be placed in their inventory. The Sims 4 continues the tradition of zany and yet somehow relaxing gameplay the Sims series is known for. Go to Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4 Rename The Sims 4 to The Sims 4.old to preserve your saves, tray, screenshots and mods folders/files. If your Sim is currently unemployed you can just click ‘Join A Career’ in their career panel to bring up the career menu. Those Conspiracy Theorists are definitely a strange bunch, but lucky for you Slip 42 is now vacant. StrangerVille includes 3 neighborhoods with pre-built residential and commercial lots. To complete the next task, you’ll want to visit a lot in the StrangerVille Plaza and locate the Curio Shop. So you’ve reached the source of the infection. Sims in the Military Career will received a unique medal with each promotion, regardless of which branch they choose. When a Sim discovers the Mother Plant deep down in the secret lab, they will unlock the ability to create Experimental Vaccines on the chemical analyzer. It’s up to you. Need some extra money pay some bills? Sims can work on making a positive change to their relationship with the Mother by using the communicate interaction. In the Curio Shop’s Secret Inventory Sims can use the “Buy Keycard and Give Dossier” interaction and buy the keycard for §250. You can always find local Scientists here trying to brush up on research. Any unauthorized use of this guide will result in legal action. The slideshow below contains 110 of these objects, with the “Styled Rooms” listed below. Even when the Mother is defeated and left for dead, that doesn’t mean Sims can’t bring her back to life. The game will automatically create fresh versions of all the folders/files. Infection Scanners are acquired by talking to the Military Personnel in town. You're signed out. When the first approach and “Attempt to Communicate” with her, the Mother will be quite displeased and instantly set the relationship to despised. – Gather 15 Pieces of Evidence Though there are many rumours, no one has ever set foot in the Secret Lab since the explosion. The new harvestable is exclusive to StrangerVille. Infected Sims will act bizarre and will be unable to perform most normal tasks until the side effects of the infection wear off. StrangerVille Guide. This brings us to the first aspiration milestone, “New Resident”. Areas with a higher concentration of spores, such as the Secret Lab, will produce more spores than other areas. No grand Marshall can be outdone by a Raw Recruit!”. Your team heals some of their infection, but does no damage. ❗ Bizarre Fruit can be obtained by nurturing and harvesting a fully bloomed Bizarre Plant, or by purchasing one at the Curio Shop for §9. • Old Penelope (Residential, Cahill Household, 50×40, 1 Bed 1 Bath, §25,895) – Old Penelope is the tried and true cargo plane of George Cahill. Sims can trade the Curio Shop owner a Secret Dossier to obtain the §250 Keycard that opens the sealed door in the Secret Lab. These medals can be displayed proudly in the special Medal Display Case. MILESTONE 3: PATHOGENIC INVESTIGATOR Offer the fruit and back she comes! You will need to interrogate any and all suspicious individuals. Taunting the Mother will result in Sims becoming infected. Strangerville is the latest game pack for The Sims 4.Released almost exactly a year after the previous expansion, it brings with it a new world and a brand new story, told in a way unique to The Sims 4 franchise.Strangerville focuses on the titular new town and its quirky inhabitants, and the mystery surrounding them all. Will this seemingly odd force possess your Sim? If the Sim you listen in on is relevant to the StrangerVille Mystery investigation (Scientists, Military Personnel, Conspiracy Theorists, or a Possessed Sims), a Top Secret Recording is obtained as evidence for the secret dossier. It is best you first become friends with the vaccinated Sims before asking them to put their lives on the line. The Sims return in this forth installment of the long-running sim series. A small amount of spores will be spread over StrangerVille, a small number of Possessed Sims will walk the streets, and Bizarre Plants will return to their sprout form. Select the suit in a Sim’s inventory and click “Wear Hazmat Suit.”. – Collect 15 Spore Cluster Make sure they are wearing their Hazmat suit before attempting this. If the request is approved it will be delivered in the mail within 2 days. Next, they should talk to one of the scientists in town and “Question about Spores in Lab”. Not only does a positive relationship make life in the secret lab more pleasant, it also unlocks special interactions with the Mother. The Sims return in this forth installment of the long-running sim series. ❗ If your Sims have not been infected with StrangerVille’s plague, be sure they wear the hazmat suit when interacting with the Mother. In The Sims 4: Strangerville, your sim sim is going to need to collect things like evidence, a lab keycard, and a hazmat suit among other things. Sims should use the “Examine” interaction on this door to complete the final milestone one task. Scientists will sport white lab coats and hang out by the StrangerVille Information Center (Library), Conspiracy Theorists have some combination of an eccentric vest and tin-foil hat, and Military personnel will be wearing one of the military uniforms. It’s time to take on the Mother Plant and rid her infectious ways once and for all. Google+. An old man who may have... Trailer Park. Once Sims collect 15 spores, they can use the chemical analyzer in the Secret lab to “Construct Infection Profile Data”. It is best to have several infection vaccines available to toss at the Mother. SimsVIP’s Sims 4 StrangerVille Game Guide is now available! - To travel to the Secret Lab in StrangerVille, go to the map screen by clicking the “M” key in game. You can buy some strange odds and ends here and you will find all the information you need. Once your Sims have acquired a keycard, return to the Secret Lab to complete the final task of opening the Sealed Door. The story can be replayed with different families, and Sims … Finally you can have your Sim “March Around” or they can Order other Sims to “Attention!”, “Clean This Place Up”, “Drop and Give Me 20”, “Run Laps” or “Spar Against”. Bugging “normal” Sims will not count as evidence, but it can be used to blackmail Sims. The keycard is required to open two additional sealed doors within the secret lab. This section goes into detail on all the new game options available with The Sims 4 StrangerVille. The Sims 4 StrangerVille introduces a new Fitness related object for the game. 4 The Sims 4 StrangerVille Cheats Video Guide; The Sims 4 StrangerVille Military Cheat Codes. For more details about this aspiration and trait, see our aspiration overview, The Sims 4 StrangerVille: StrangerVille Mystery Aspiration Overview [SPOILERS]. This Bizarre Fruit has an ominous glow to it. Recordings received through spying can be used as a way to blackmail Sims. Scientists will then craft a spore filter and send it via snail mail. During the Mother Plant boss fight, you’ll have to pay attention to the two bars on the top left of the screen. Below is a list of interactions available with the Mother: As you can see, there are plenty of interaction that await your Sims when they finally visit the Mother. The Sims 4 Strangerville releases worldwide starting on February 26, 2019. Hopefully one day George will muster up enough energy to put the old horse back together. If you prefer to view the images individually, check out this album. When interacting with the residents of StrangerVille you’ll see an option to “Talk about StrangerVille”. This section goes into detail on all the new game options available with The Sims 4 StrangerVille. Sims can protect themselves by not eating the Bizarre Fruit, and by making sure to protect themselves with a Hazmat suit when entering the secret lab. Right across from the StrangerVille Library and the hottest bar in town Carpophagous Corner will put you right next to all the best attractions StrangerVille has to offer. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. The Military Career is a hybrid career, allowing your Sim to either work from home or go off to work for the day. If you are in the Military Career you can even “Pull Rank for Infection Scanner”. Most of the special interactions specific to the StrangerVille Mystery have a purple icon of the strange plant. It might take a few tries of using the experimental vaccine on Possessed Sims to succeed. It is illegal to duplicate or copy this guide to other sites without prior authorization. You can start to uncover the secrets of StrangerVille by completing the all new ‘StrangerVille Mystery’ aspiration. The StrangerVille Game Pack is unique to The Sims 4 because it's a four-part story-based experience rather than the usual open-world one. Sims can purchase a variety of items here, many of which are required in order to complete and investigate the Mystery of StrangerVille. Your team deals more damage, but becomes infected faster! Curious how some of them came into their wealth? The easiest way to start is to click on one of the strange plants and select the “Take Picture” interaction. Male Children – 1 Top. Spores are found in town, but Sims will rarely find more than one spore. They claim it’s only a coincidence they built the StrangerVille National Base next to a suspicious crater, and clearly, they have nothing to do with the [name redacted] lab that was built inside said crater. However, if the Sim you planted a bug on is not part of the StrangerVille mystery, you may obtain a scandalous Basic Audio Recording from them. It also suggests maybe talking to a few of the locals for more information. The Listening Device allows Sims to collect evidence, blackmail other Sims, and gain logic skill by planting spy bugs and secretly listening in on what Sims are saying. These Sims will permanently retain the “Infected” trait which forces the Possessed moodlet on them every 24 hours. Pinterest. This only works on Scientists, Military Personnel and Conspiracy Theorists. They also receive a special “Consumed by the Mother” trait that grants them zero Need Decay benefits. A large amount of spores will be spread over StrangerVille, a large number of Possessed Sims will walk the streets, and Bizarre Plants will return to their blooming form. Sims will need to talk to a few people in town in order to pass through and go deeper into the Secret Lab. To kick off the all new adventure, you’ll see the “Welcome to StrangerVille” popup letting you know there is something, well… strange going on in StrangerVille. When players move into StrangerVille from February 26th on PC and Mac, they’re going to be greeted by some very peculiar looking Sims acting super creepy and weird. – Buy Curio from the Curio Shop Well, look no further! While the side effects may wear off, the infection doesn’t. If you’re working through the story line you may just want to change it up and use the buy debug cheat to find these items instead. With the release of the first expansion pack for The Sims 4, Get To Work, came the first “supernatural” life state – Aliens! Since Mother Plant is extremely powerful, Sims who try to fight her alone will get tossed around and become Dazed. You can spot these special characters roaming around town in fairly identifiable attire. The yellow bar on top is the health bar of the Mother Plant, and the pink bar is the infection level of your team. – Examine Sealed Door at Secret Lab. These objects allow for new game play not previously available in game. The new Career features two branches, Officer and Covert Operator which differ quite a bit. The StrangerVille Game Pack for The Sims 4 introduces a story-based new area for your Sims to live and play in. You can purchase any item to complete the aspiration task, but you’ll find a 51M5 Spy Bug or Bizarre Fruit the most helpful for completing the StrangerVille Mystery aspiration.
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