While Mauritania has many natural resources, it has one of Africa's lowest GDP rates and most of its population depends on agriculture and livestock, although droughts have forced many nomads and farmers into the cities. Population aged 65 years and above of Mauritania increased from 2.6 % in 1970 to 3.2 % in 2019 growing at an average annual rate of 0.42%. Fortunately, it is expected that there will be something of a significant drop in the population growth rate in Mauritania in the years to come. Current projections believe that the annual growth rate will peak in 2020 around 2.72% before dropping nearly an entire percentage point by 2050. SIGI 2019 Category N/A SIGI Value 2019 N/A Discrimination in the family 88% Legal framework on child marriage 50% Percentage of girls under 18 married 29% Legal framework on household responsibilities 100% Proportion of the population declaring that children will suffer if … Despite its size, Mauritania is one of the world's least densely populated countries with just 10 people per square mile (4 people per square kilometer), which ranks 186th in the world, despite being the 21st largest country, with a size comparable to Egypt. Population trends Mauritania hosted the largest number of refugees from Mali in the Sahel region. Corruption, drought, and financial mismanagement over the years has put Mauritania in significant debt. Population centers are mostly confined to the Atlantic coast or along the Senegal River in the southwest. Photo courtesy of NASA. There is a significant amount of iron ore in Mauritania, which account for half of their exports, but the demand for it has been slowly decreasing. As of 1 January 2020, the population of Mauritania was estimated to be 4,543,567 people. The icon links to further information about a selected division including its population structure (gender, urbanization). The next largest city is Nouadhibou with only 73,000, but 100,000 in the great metro area. UNICEF: UNICEF Mali Humanitarian Situation Report, 31 October 2019 31 Oct 2019 Mali USAID: Mali Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #2, Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 30 Sep 2019 The current population of Mauritania in 2020 is 4,649,658, a 2.74% increase from 2019.; The population of Mauritania in 2019 was 4,525,696, a 2.78% increase from 2018.; The population of Mauritania in 2018 was 4,403,313, a 2.82% increase from 2017. Mauritania, officially the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, is a country in the Maghreb region of western North Africa bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, Western Sahara, Algeria, Mali, and Senegal. Mauritania's population is currently growing at a rate of 2.5% per year. Slavery still exists in Mauritania, and it was not made illegal to own slaves until 2007. Population Density. He also courageously ran for president in the June 22, 2019 elections, pledging to enforce the country’s anti-slavery laws, though he lost handily to the long … GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) Details. (1988) UN Demographic Yearbook 1993. Introduction History Geography Government Maps Leaders Population Flags Religion Economy Climate Energy Weather Data Military Terrorism Communicatns Intl. The 2019 population density in Mauritania is 4 people per Km 2 (11 people per mi 2), calculated on a total land area of 1,030,700 Km2 (397,955 sq. Population is based on the de facto definition of population. According to the National Statistics Office, Mauritania has a population of about 4 million (2018), and a population density of 3.9 inhabitants per square kilometer, making it the fourth least densely populated country in Africa. Demographics of Mauritania 2019. Largest Cities in Mauritania # Population en dessous du seuil international de pauvreté de 1,25 dollar É.-U. If these predictions are to believed, the population of Mauritania will be close to 4,783,767 by 2020, 6,076,668 by 2030, 7,482,408 by 2040 and 8,965,000 by 2050. Photo: Ji-Elle Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania. Arab people have been inhabiting the land that is now Mauritania since at least the third century. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. In addition, some 2,900 individuals who … UN World Population Prospects (2019 Revision). Of these, 60 percent are smallholder farmers and 20 percent seasonal workers with no land of their own; many are women, who are at a disadvantage due to persistent discrimination and an unequal burden of unpaid labour. Strongly influenced by Sufism or Islamic mysticism, most all people in Mauritania practice Sunni Islam of Maliki school of jurisprudence. They were likely the only group living there until the 1500s when Europeans began settling the area, with the French eventually gaining control in the mid-1800s. Graph, map and compare more than 1,000 time series indicators from the World Development Indicators. 4 Figure 2: HDI trends for Mauritania, Congo (Democratic Republic of the) and Senegal, 1990-2018 Mauritania’s 2018 HDI of 0.527 is above the average of 0.507 for countries in the low human development group and below 0.541the average of for countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. miles). Pass of Amogjar, Adrar, Mauritania. C’est aussi jour de commémoration du massacre d’Inal en 1990. The capital of the country, Nouakchott, is the largest in the country by far with over one million people living there. The cities of Néma and Kaédi have population sizes comparable to Nouadhibou. A population pyramid illustrates the age and sex structure of a country's population and may provide insights about political and social stability, as well as economic development. Despite this large drop, it is likely that the population will still come close to doubling during this time. The country is located along the North Atlantic coast of Africa, and it shares borders with Western Sahara, Algeria, Mali, and Senegal. Although Islam is not the official state religion, there are laws in place that forbid Muslims to convert to other religions in accordance with Sharia Law. Like many impoverished nations, the birth rate in Mauritania is almost double the worldwide average, leading to an extreme annual growth rate. Mauritania is considered to be the 12th most religiously restrictive country in the world. Non-Islamic religious texts are restricted and children are required to have some religious education in school. See also the number of migrants for this country. Just under 60% of the people living in Mauritania reside in or around a major city. In 2019, Mauritania's female population amounted to approximately 2.25 million, while the male population amounted to approximately 2.27 million inhabitants. It is bordered to the west by the Atlantic Ocean, along a coastline over 700 kilometers long. mrt_population_statistics_Mauritania_2020.xlsx XLSX (37.7K) Updated: March 31, 2020 Mauritania administrative level 0 (country), 1 (region / wilaya or région), 2 (department / moughataa) 2019 population statistics Due to extended droughts, this desert region is expanding in size. In 2019 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 114,868. 3/4 of the country being desert or semi-desert. They speak Hassaniya Arabic and are primarily of Arab-Berber origin. Official numbers say that 100% of the population is Muslim, however, it is known that there are small pockets of Christians and Jews throughout the country. La population déplacée est composée de 46% d’hommes. Mauritania became a self-governing state in 1958 and gained full independence by 1960. As of 2018 , Mauritania has a population of approximately 4.3 million. A population pyramid illustrates the age and sex structure of a country's population and may provide insights about political and social stability, as well as economic development. Mauritania's estimated population as of 2017 was 4.42 million, but this is a fairly rough estimate as the last official census took place in 1988 and found a population of 1.86 million. As of 2019, the population of Mauritania was increasing 2.67% each year, which is extremely high considering the economic and political conditions in the country, yet relatively low when you look at years past. (1977) UN Demographic Yearbook 1983. There are several ethnic groups: the Moors (white or Arab), the Haratins, who are descendants of freed Sub-Saharan black slaves, the Soninke, the Serer, who are farmers and breeders, and the Fulas, which includes farmers and nomadic stock-breeders. 74 percent of Mauritania’s poor live in rural areas, with much of the population relying on agriculture to survive. Life expectancy at birth, total (years) Details. Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of population) Details. This is the population pyramid for Mauritania. Source Division des Nations Unies pour la Population . Population 4,420,000 (UNPD 2017) Catégorie de revenus Intermédiaire inférieur (World Bank 2019) Niveau de risque humanitaire Élevé (INFORM 2019) la Mauritanie sont disponibles pour 75/85 (88%) des indicateurs couvrant principalement la période de 22 à 2018. Mauritania is considered slavery's last stronghold. In 2019, population aged 65 years and above for Mauritania was 3.2 %. Measures are being taken to increase education about family planning and contraceptives, but it takes many years for these kinds of efforts to take a stronghold. par jour (%), 2007-2011* 23.4 Dépenses publiques en % du PIB (2007-2011*) affectées à: santé Slavery was again outlawed in 2007, although it is likely still practiced in some areas. It is believed that, in 2012, between 10 and 20% of the population of Mauritania (or up to 680,000 people) lived in slavery. There are 2,438,444 adults in Mauritania. This is the population pyramid for Mauritius. This is an increase of 2.49 % (110,213 people) compared to population of 4,433,354 the year before. 44% of the country's population lives on less than $2 per day. (2000) (2013) (2019) Office National de la Statistique, Mauretanie (web) The population is distributed along the horizontal axis, with males shown on the left and females on the right. Statistical Capacity score (Overall average) Details. La Mauritanie lutte toujours pour se remettre de l’une des plus grandes crises alimentaires mondiales qui a fait des ravages au Sahel en 2011 et 2012. It became the last country in the world to abolish slavery in 1981, but up to 20% of the population still lives in slavery. The rate of growth is pretty much exclusively because 4.67 children are being born to the average Mauritanian woman, as the country has consistently had more people immigrate away from the country than migrate into it. Nouakchott also serves as Mauritania's administrative and economic centers. Chart and table of Mauritania population density from 1950 to 2020. According to the 2019 revision of the World Population Prospects, the total population was 4,403,313 in 2018, compared to only 657 000 in 1950.The proportion of children below the age of 15 in 2010 was 39.9%, 57.4% was between 15 and 65 years of age, while 2.7% was 65 years or older. After his release from prison on January 1, 2019, Abeid formally called for the E.U. Read more Mauritania is essentially a desert country, with vast expanses of pastoral land and only 0.5% of arable land. Waters on the coast are some of the best for fishing in the world, but they are largely run over by foreigners trying to make their own profits. Chart and table of Mauritania population from 1950 to 2020. Looking back, in the year of 1960, Mauritania had a population of 0.9 million people. Name Native Status Population Census 2000-11-01 Population Census 2013-03-25; Aïoun El Atrouss: ... Mauritanie [Mauritania] populations historiques et prévues (des deux sexes) pour la période suivante: 1950-2100 (millions) La population actuelle de/d' Mauritanie compté du 1er Juillet de l'année indiquée. La population déplacée est composée de 54% de femmes. They are descendants of former slavesand also speak Arabic… Population Pyramids: Mauritania - 2019. Mauritania’s economic freedom score is 55.3, making its economy the 130th freest in the 2020 Index. The population of the departments and communes of Mauritania by census years. The Mauritania Population (Live) counter shows a continuously updated estimate of the current population of Mauritania delivered by Worldometer's RTS algorithm, which processes data collected from the United Nations Population Division.. Sources - What is a population pyramid? The Population of Mauritania (1950 - 2019) chart plots the total population count as of July 1 of each year, from 1950 to 2019. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. Population ages 65 and above as a percentage of the total population. The local population is composed of three main ethnicities: Bidhan or white Moors, Haratin or black moors, and West Africans. Annual population growth rate for year t is the exponential rate of growth of midyear population from year t-1 to t, expressed as a percentage . The total population in Mauritania was estimated at 4.6 million people in 2019, according to the latest census figures and projections from Trading Economics. There has been significant foreign investment in the country based on its oil reserves in recent years, but close to half of the population still lives in poverty. The current population density of Mauritania in 2020 is 4.51 people per square kilometer, a 2.74% increase from 2019.; The population density of Mauritania in 2019 was 4.39 people per square kilometer, a 2.78% increase from 2018. Notes. The largely desert composition of Mauritania restricts human settlement. In 2011, it was estimated that Mauritania's population is 30% Arab (Berber and Beidane/Moors), 30% Black (non-Arabized), which includes the Fula, Toucouleur, Bambara, Soninke, Serer, and Haratin people, and 40% mixed. Several black ethnic groups, particularly the Fula and Soninke, are often discriminated against in terms of access to loans, employment, and justice. The Haratin constitute roughly 34% of the population. Population 3 758 - 34 999 35 000 – 69 999 70 000 – 104 999 Dar Naim 105 000 – 139 999 140 000 – 175 000 Dakhlet Nouadhibou Source Office Nationale de la Statistique (ONS), Recensement Général de la Population et de l'Habitat (RGPH), Programme élargi de vaccination (PEV) Mauritanie Estimation de la population par Moughataa en 2013
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