Living there was a truly wonderful and unique experience for me as well. Click the hotel links for pictures, pricing, and booking. I think if you are open to having an enjoyable experience and navigate the city with some situational awareness you will have a wonderful tour and even make some lifelong friends. Malaria, health centers… cautions… many many thanks. I found myself wondering how people could live there when there was seemingly nothing there to live off of. They won’t bring you if it’s not safe, and they won’t bring you so close that the situation can become unsafe. That being said, shopping for food is a very different experience than every country I’ve lived in. Thank You Paul for sharing this great experience and helping to get the name of Niger ?? It’s a great place to visit especially if you can bring gifts. In order to book you will need to contact them by phone, fax, or e-mail (details on their site). An acacia tree, the “Tree of Ténéré” was once considered the most isolated tree on Earth as the nearest tree was over 400 kilometers away. In the city of Niamey food is not as scarce as much of it is imported through daily international flights from Morocco, Turkey, and France. I was lucky the first time and found a small group of them within an hour. Many expats from the city like to camp here overnight. Instead there are a handful of reputable small markets which are usually reliable for stocking certain sundries. Avoiding staying out late alone at bars in Niamey, is a smart caution. I would stay here again. Depuis le 24 novembre 1988, la ville, qui compte cinq communes, est constituée en une communauté urbaine dénommée Communauté urbaine de Niamey (CUN). Niamey est la capitale du Niger, située sur le fleuve Niger dans l'extrême ouest du pays. But even on the local economy I was able to get by fine. You can also subscribe without commenting. Though Niger may be a country poor in resources, their greatest treasure is their people. Comfort means running water, electricity, and a restaurant on the premises or nearby (if you are lucky there may be working Internet as well). Fortunately the boat operators are intimately aware of the river’s topography and the habits and temperaments of its local hippo population. It’s a great place to load up on beers, brochettes, and watch the sunset. , hola Puedo recomendar un conductor que conozco personalmente que haya guiado a los visitantes a Kanazi, así como también recorridos coordinados en bote por el río para ver los hipopótamos. Niger : l’artisanat a connu une embellie entre 2011-2019 - Niamey et les 2 jours - 21 Nov. 2020 Lancement de la 5ème édition de Toukountchi Festival de Cinéma du Niger : «La distribution et la diffusion des films à l’ère de la Télévision Numérique Terrestre en Afrique», thème retenu - Le Sahel - 14 octobre 2020 Located within walking distance of the Grand Hotel du Niger, the Hotel Terminus doesn’t quite have the stringent security as the other two recommendations but they do have a guard controlling vehicle access. Not a fan of Facebook? From there a small boat will ferry you to the island where Cap Banga is located. The music in the video is a song called “Imidiwan” by Omara “Bombino” Moctar, an internationally acclaimed Tuareg guitarist and singer-songwriter from Agadez, Niger. And poverty has worsened with climate change and security issues. Como no es un país popular para los turistas, es difícil encontrar guías que hablen italiano o español. estare en niger este septiembre para ver il festival gerewol. As they have a large conference and business center, this hotel is becoming very popular as a place to stay for folks who visit Niamey for business purposes. I am planning to relocate in Niamey on November so may I ask how can get in touch with : HASH HOUSE HARRIERS or can you recommend a group of expat there ( anglophone or francophone)? queria saber si para contratar la excursion necesito ir a un lugar determinado o en el mismo hotel se puede contratar? I also relocate from India to Niamey for job. Located along the Niger River in the southwest corner of the republic, it originated as an agricultural village of Maouri, Zarma (Zerma, Djerma), and Fulani people. There is a lot to see and do in Niamey that deserves some coverage. Si desea puedo enviarle sus detalles de WhatsApp y puede obtener una cotización directamente de él. Have a safe trip! Capitale du Niger, Niamey est une ville paisible située au bord du fleuve. also im not able to find this facebook group, can you double check spelling or if its private group? Gabriel Une entreprise vérifiée sur vous permet de prendre la main sur As nervous as I was to speak in public, I rather enjoyed the experience! Thank you so much for this post! I found it most enjoyable during the rainy season as I could also use my shopping trips to go mudding with my little Toyota Rav 4! Enjoy your time in Niamey. The market is vibrant and friendly, and the town doesn’t seem to be bothered by the periodically huge flux of migrants trying to go from Nigeria to Libya. I recently looked online and there still just isn’t much information out there for folks interested in traveling to Niamey, Niger. The baked landscape in Kouré is so desolate and yet beautiful. They offer air conditioning in all quest rooms, satellite television, and all the amenities you would expect from an internationally run hotel such as spa, wellness center, an indoor pool, and on site restaurant and bar. Thus far I’ve received some very good feedback so that makes me very happy. If wildlife viewing isn’t your thing. La ville de Niamey rappelle aux #Ongs #associations qui se sont inscrites pour les plants d'arbres à planter le #Lundi_03_Août_2020 qu'il sera procédé demain #Dimanche_02_Août_2020 à la remise de ces kits de plants à partir de #10heures sur l'esplanade en face de la #Cour_Cassation sur la route Express Él no habla español. The best way to see the hippos from Niamey is to drive approximately 30 kilometers outside of the city you’ll be rewarded with an amazing view of the winding Niger river. Pushing off from the safety of the banks in a narrow, rickety, motorized boat can be a little intimidating especially when the goal is to encounter Africa’s most dangerous animal. The road leading to the restaurant is not paved and can be very muddy during the rainy season. The hotel was really clean and the staff was very helpful and speaks English. Menya Itto – Incredibly Addictive Ramen in Bangkok. She put together a little 2 1/2 minute video which captures the time we shared in Niamey pretty well. You’ll find Burkina Faso and Benin bordering the west, and Chad bordering the east. This hasn’t been a problem for this area, but I would caution visitors that the security situation in Niger can be fluid so it’s important to ask folks in the know if this is good idea. Cap Banga is not far from the the US and French Embassy. I do hope you get a chance to travel there some day, and if you do and are looking for advice or local contacts to facilitate your travel feel free to reach out to me. They have a fitness gym and pool on site (occasionally the pool is used for events). You can still get in touch with nature escaping the city and going out to the sand dunes. I have no experience in Nigeria, but I lived in Niamey, Niger for 2 years and found it to be a very challenging but rewarding experience. Projet d’hydraulique urbaine et d’assainissement de la ville de Niamey. Outside of the larger cities in the rural villages people are scraping by day to day and a dry rainy season or a heavy rain season can be devastating. Your address will not be given to a third party. I would need more details to understand what your situation is to give you my sincere opinion. I never had the opportunity to visit Agadez. Hope in the near future. Enter your e-mail and you will receive updates for new posts! Hi, Thank you to Mr. Paul for the wonderful information. Another interesting thing to see is the Musée Boubou Hama also known as the Niger National Museum. [Note: The distance between cities in Niger distance chart below is straight line distance (may be called as flying or air distance) between the two locations in Niger calculated based on their latitudes and longitudes. You will find this to be a much longer article than what I usually write. I’d love to hear your feedback when you visit Cap Banga. 2011 [3]: 1. It’s a country that strives to move forward while struggling to maintain what they have. I would recommend that you learn some French basics (yes, no, thank you, good day, please). This hasn’t been a problem for this area, but I would caution visitors that the security situation in Niger can be fluid so it’s important to ask folks in the know if this is good idea. Folks also seemed to enjoy the presentation and there were a few that were even interested in traveling to Niger. Called. L'aéroport international Diori Hamani dessert la ville. A person shouldn’t get a false sense of safety from being in a boat as the hippo’s large jaws and teeth are capable of splitting small boats in two, unless they decide to capsize the boat instead. Las tarifas que cobra dependen de dónde desea ir y cuánto tiempo necesita sus servicios. Have a good day and thanks for sharing your interesting experience and confirming positive universal human values! This landlocked country is also 80%  covered by the Sahara Desert. For a real treat get a baguette loaf and fill it up with grilled brochette meat, onion, and mustard! I don’t have a contact for the HHH in Niamey but there is a group on Facebook called Communauté des expatriés de Niamey. Vulnérabilité et résilience des populations urbaines face au risque d'inondation : exemple de la rive gauche de la ville de Niamey (Niger) Le Musée national du Niger a été créé le 18 décembre 1959. Though it’s considered a protected area for the giraffes to live in, there are also small villages of subsistence farmers which pepper the landscape. On est alors à une période de transition, entre les vents de mousson de sud-ouest, chauds et humides (qui sont en nette régression, puis disparaissent totalement), et l'Harmattan, un vent de nord-est chaud, sec, et parfois poussiéreux qui s'impose de jour en jour. Cela en fait la période où il est le plus facile de s'acclimater, grâce aux températures modérées et au temps le plus souvent stable. Note that I have not included prices on food or attractions. Reprise de la journée de salubrité généralisée ce dimanche 07 juin 2020 a été une mobilisation générale des services de la ville de Niamey fortement appuyés par les groupements des jeunes des femmes et les Ongs qui ont repondu à l'appel du président de la … One question, though: You didn’t venture far into the desert? mi mail ****@***.com I’m very happy the post brought you fond memories of your time in Niamey. Brasserie QG – Restaurant gastronomique Le BLEU. Since I lived there for 2 years from 2014-2016 I have some knowledge that I can contribute. It’s also one of the few places in Niamey that you can actually get sushi! Niamey est la capitale du Niger, située sur le fleuve Niger dans l'extrême ouest du pays. It was a landmark in the completely barren landscape for caravan routes through the, region of the Sahara Desert. Achetez et vendez gratuitement partout au Niger sur Jumia (ex-Vendito) ! To the north it is  bordered by Mali, Algeria, and Libya. It would have been a richer experience had I had some French language previously. La ville de Niamey, capitale du Niger, enregistre une croissance soutenue de sa population. Nigeria borders most of the country’s south. Il apporte une influence du désert, soit un air toujours très sec, d'assez grandes amplitudes thermiques entre le jour et la nuit, un fort ensoleillement, parfois gêné par une brume de poussières en suspension. Elle comptait 1 302 910 habitants en 2011, soit la ville la plus peuplée du Niger. Your average Nigerien is kind, helpful, and they genuinely want to showcase their country in a positive light. La ville compte cinq communes et est constituée en une communauté urbaine dénommée Communauté urbaine de Niamey (CUN) qui est incrustée dans la région de Tillabéri. If you’re truly interested in visiting Niger or just still curious about this country I’m happy to answer any questions you might have or get an answer to you. Thanks for your wonderful post. One thing that must be tried, and one dish I hadn’t expected to be so delicious is brochettes. La carte de Niamey, Niger Google Maps et le plan de la ville de Niamey détaillé You’ll find Burkina Faso and Benin bordering the west, and Chad bordering the east. Feel free to contact me. But living there I found that there’s much more to Niger’s story. In order to see them you must stop first at the park and pay the entrance fee and pick up a guide (you must have a guide accompany you). My recommendations for a safe tour are to be polite, respectful, and friendly to the people of the host country (assert yourself firmly but politely when you are “hassled”), and when you go out have a plan to meet with people and let folks know when you are going out alone. It’s different than my usual food or travel articles–because I lived there. To be frank I would guess it has to depend on where in Nigeria you are currently located and where in Niger you are considering to relocate to. There’s actually plenty of lodging options in Niamey, but if you want safety and comfort you are going to have to pay for it. Selon des informations, la ville de Niamey doit aux contractuels dont le contrat a été rompu un mois d’arriéré. For those traveling to Niamey or intending to live there for work, this article is a one stop resource for where to go, stay, and eat. You may also have some luck reaching them by messenger on their Facebook page. Es un país de habla francesa, pero hay algunas guías que hablan inglés también. Lo he recomendado antes y descubrí que sus tarifas eran muy razonables. Let’s be honest, if a country is on the top 10 poorest countries list then you can expect there’s not a feast on your average person’s table. Niger is not Nigeria (no matter how many times your iPhone tries to autocorrect it). Le Musée National est un véritable Niger en miniature avec ses multiples pavillons et son zoo. Niamey Capitale du Niger, Niamey est une ville paisible située au bord du fleuve. It was a landmark in the completely barren landscape for caravan routes through the Ténéré region of the Sahara Desert. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Many of the photos in this article are happy snaps from our time together there, and a few gracious donations from friends there. cesar. It is very much appreciated. Most of my time in Niger was spent in and around Niamey. I can add that countryside life is even more relaxed (and more interesting) than Niamey. 1) Parce que c’est une ville très attrayante. Am actually considering relocating to Niamey from Nigeria on job related issues. Niger Distance Chart (Distance Table): For your quick reference, below is a Distance Chart or Distance Table of distances between some of the major cities in Niger. Fondée au xixe siècle, longtemps restée un village de quelques centaines d'habitants, Niamey a considérablement augmenté sa population à partir du milieu des années 1940 pour atteindre 1 302 910 habitants en 2011, la ville la plus peuplée du Niger. (Niamey et les 2 jours) - Suite à l’effondrement d’une ligne de haute tension, samedi dans le 3 e arrondissement de Niamey, on déplore 1 mort et 6 blessés. Learn how your comment data is processed. To the north it is  bordered by Mali, Algeria, and Libya. I’ve tried to make the article as informative as possible so that folks who are interested in visiting Niger will have some ideas of what to see, do, and eat. But the tree was so famous and beloved, Because the Niger River divides the city there are plenty of riverbank gardens that spring up, as well as an abundance of. If you want a hotel that has a great view, the Grand Hotel du Niger has an outside dining area that overlooks the bridge going from one side of the Niger River to the other. Située au bord du fleuve Niger, Niamey est un endroit paisible. If you’re looking for a place to have a fancy dinner, QG is the place to go. I have kept the same impression of generous, kind people and a country afflicted with grinding poverty and very tough climate. I can give 3 recommendations from my experience in Niger. They are located within a protected area called Kouré which is located 60 kilometers outside of Niamey city. But first a quick overview and introduction for those that may not have even heard of the country of Niger. During my experience living in Niamey from 2014-16 I never felt unsafe. A metal sculpture was erected in its place in the desert to continue to guide travelers. Those things may have changed by now and are sure to change in the future. If wildlife viewing isn’t your thing. Does it worth relocating from Nigeria to Niger for job search or possible job engagement? It is a very poor country, so also avoid flashing wealth when you are about. NigerCom est une agence de conseils en communication globale et solutions interactives (web agency) basée au Niger et disposant de relais dans la sous-région ainsi qu'en Europe Follow this map and you’ll find yourself there…. Thank you, Thank you for the kind feedback. Despite their vegetarian diets, hippos have enormous jaws which can sport up to 50 centimeter canines capable of ruining your day. Vous pourrez admirer une exposition permanente d'objets d'arts dans une zone où l'on peut voir des artisans au travail (tisserands, maroquiniers, forgerons). Situé à Niamey, le Soluxe Hotel Niamey possède un restaurant, une piscine extérieure, une salle de sport et un bar. Niamey, city, capital of Niger. In addition, they have a full service outside bar with seating available there.
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