Standard de race de l'European Shorthair - Standards LOOF – version applicable au 1/01/2020. Today's European Shorthair cats can trace their ancestry all the way back to ancient Rome. Ils ont donc été jugés sur le standard du British Shorthair bien qu’ils soient beaucoup plus fins que leurs congénères anglais. European Shorthair – beautiful brown mackerel tabby QUINCY (more below) The European Shorthair is a breed of cat that at present (2010) comes third in the trio of nationally named shorthaired cats. They are considered a natural breed with their history dating back to the Iron Age. The tail should be of medium-long length, with a slight taper toward the end. Incroyable, mais vrai : l’European shorthair est bien une race de chat. The head should be longer than wider with prominent eyeballs and a strong chin. European Shorthair has its counterparts in Great Britain (British Shorthair) and the U.S. (American Shorthair), though these breeds have been bred for longer. La ressemblance s’arrête là, car c’est un adorable compagnon. L’Européen est une race à part entière qui s'est développée naturellement, c'est-à-dire sans avoir été soumise à des règles d'élevage. Standards français. C’est en 2007 qu’il est alors rebaptisé European Shorthair et se voit attribué ses standards. The ears are medium sized, rounded at the top. To achieve this, homecats were crossed with persian and, particularly in France, with Chartreuse. Pedigreed European Shorthair cats were developed in Sweden, with an eye toward creating a The term has also been used as an elaborate way of referring to common domestic cats of Europe, causing some confusion as the pedigree cats of this breed also should resemble the typical domestic cats of Europe. Has the European Shorthair had sterilization surgery? The breed standard recognises a broad range of colours with tabby patterns being very popular, but tortoiseshell and other solid combinations also being acceptable. La poitrine est large et bien développée. They have a reputation for being somewhat territorial, so families with multiple cats should place an even stronger emphasis on finding a cat with a compatible personality when choosing a housemate for the cats already in their homes. Your email address will not be published. The head should be proportionate to the body, and should have a rounded shape. FIFe. Mais l’European Shorthair se dissocie du lot par sa malice, sa vivacité et surtout sa capacité à donner une affection sincère à son maître.Le caractère diffère en fonction de l’histoire de chaque chat donc les standards ne décrivent pas entièrement le caractère de la race. Buy and Sell European Shorthair Kittens & Cats UK with Freeads Classifieds. Tête : Plus longue que large, la tête est assez ronde avec des joues bien développées. Paw pad and nose leather color should complement the coat color. Au même moment, le British Shorthair, plus trapu, s'est développé en Grande Bretagne. Strong resemblance to British Shorthair or American Shorthair. One of the oldest European cat breeds, the European shorthair is the pedigreed standard of the common European house cat. Classic (blotched), mackerel and spotted tabby are, together with silver/smoke, allowed in all colours. L'european shorthair est l'une des races à poil court les plus populaires en Finlande et dans les pays nordiques en général, où le caractère de race naturelle jamais polluée par une autre race de chat est apprécié. Breed standards; CFA: standard: TICA: standard: AACE: standard: ACFA/CAA: standard: CCA-AFC: standard: Domestic cat (Felis catus) The American Shorthair (ASH) is a breed of domestic cat believed to be descended from European cats brought to North America by early settlers to protect valuable cargo from mice and rats. Long, woolly fur. Standard 2004 complet HTML (+/-) tout lire The European Shorthair should only be shorthaired. They certainly share the same characteristics as a common house cat, but the breed standards are unique to them as they have never been crossed with other breeds. Il a officiellement été rebaptisé “European Shorthair” en 2007. European Shorthair cats have dense coats that don't require a whole lot of care, however they do benefit from one or two weekly brushing sessions. Well-developed cheeks, especially in males. Ce dernier, probablement venu d’Egypte, partageait déjà la vie des Grecs et des Romains de l’Antiquité. 11 Combien de pedigrees sont édités par le LOOF chaque année pour l'european shorthair, en moyenne ? None allow chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, fawn, amber, ticked tabby, or any of the pointed varieties. When it comes to grooming, the European Shorthair is a fairly low-maintenance feline. It was confusing for Scandinavian breeders that the British Shorthair was also called European Shorthair at that time, even though it looked different. Le chat Européen ou European Shorthair, Celtic Shorthair. Très répandu dans nos rues, cette race de chat a été reconnus par la fédération internationale féline en 1983. Members: Strong and sturdy, medium in length and narrowing steadily into firm, round paws. Mais, si certains chats de gouttière ressemblent à s’y méprendre à des E.S, sachez que cette race a des standards bien définis, auxquels les animaux d’élevage doivent se conformer. The coat is sleek and short, with a single upper layer and no undercoat. The European Shorthair’s ancestor is the ‘Felis Silvestris Libyca’, of Egyptian origin. The eyes are rounded and may be of any colour. The height of the ears corresponds to the width of the base. Although the European Shorthair is the "pedigree version of the common housecat in Europe," according to Animal … 13 Une seule des associations félines ci-dessous reconnaît l'european shorthair. Breed standards describing the European Shorthair as an established breed can be found in different cat books from the 1930s. European Shorthair cats of all colors and patterns may be shown. It was officially renamed "European Shorthair" in 2007. Felinological associations recognized both types of cat as a single breed, meaning they were judged by the same standards during cat shows, until 1982 when FIFE registered the Scandinavian type … The legs are sturdy, of average length, and e… How much do you need to feed your European Shorthair? This breed has no known genetic issues ,but obesity can be a problem. [citation needed]. "Template-1 Breed Description - The Furry Critter Network",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2010, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. They should appear well balanced on the head. It is worth noting that European Shorthair cats are individuals with a wide range of personality traits. It was confusing for Scandinavian breeders that the British Shorthair was also called European Shorthair at that time, even though it looked different. Its ancestors seem to have existed more than 2000 years ago, reaching Europe with the Romans, also widely used in farms due to their hunting and rodent-controlling abilities. Catégorisé comme race naturelle, l’European shorthair est … The straight and dense coat of the European Shorthair can come in a variety of different colors and patterns. You might also want to teach your cat to accept routine dental care and frequent toenail trims. Populaire en France, il est aussi un chat très apprécié dans les pays scandinaves où se concentrent de nombreux élevages. Whilst not overly talkative, your British will take a g… Domestic cat ( Felis catus) The Eu­ro­pean Shorthair, called the Eu­ro­pean in FIFe and WCF is a breed orig­i­nat­ing in Eu­rope. Even though these cats are vastly different from British Shorthair cats, which were developed using Persian cats to create the signature rounded head shape and somewhat shortened face that gives British Shorthairs their signature appearance, cat fancy associations judged European Shorthair cats by the same standard until they were granted their own category in 1982. Le standard de l’european shorthair insiste sur le fait qu’il ne doit ressembler à aucune race et garder le caractère robuste et agile des chats de maison des foyers européens. Life expectancy . Save your furniture and help your cat stay strong and flexible by providing them with a cat tree and at least one scratching post. Le standard de l'european shorthair insiste sur le fait qu'il ne doit ressembler à aucune race et garder le caractère robuste et agile des chats de maison des foyers européens. Faults: Body too large or too stout or cobby. These cats were tasked with the important job of keeping Roman camps clear of rodents and other pests. Given the chance, they'll keep your home free from unwanted pests. Clear stop. The nose should be firm and straight, and the chin should be firm, with no evidence of an overbite or an underbite. Modern european shorthair originate from common homepets. European Shorthair. #155574104 - European shorthair cat with a penetrating look and green eyes. Section 3 - BRITISH - Group 1 (British SH) Section 3 - BRITISH - Group 2 (British LH) A quarter of all kittens registered with the GCCF each year are British Shorthairs, making the British the most popular pedigree catin the UK. Felinological associations recognized both types of cat as a single breed, meaning they were judged by the same standards during cat shows, until 1982 when FIFE registered the Scandinavian type of European Shorthair as a separate breed with its own standard. Standards LOOF – version approuvée le 12/6/2009 EUROPEAN SHORTHAIR – p. 1. espacées l’une de l’autre et ont une extrémité légèrement arrondie. Origin The European Shorthair is European Shorthair Cat Coat Colors. L’Européen, appelé aussi European Shorthair en 2007, est bien un chat domestique même s’il reprend l’allure d’un chat de gouttière classique.Il est assez standard dans tout : sa physionomie comme son caractère. Oddly, it is now considered to be one of Sweden's rarest cat breeds. They get on well with other cats and tolerate dogs well. Corps : De type semi-foreign, le corps est de taille moyenne à grande et s’inscrit dans un rectangle. That is not to say that this “ranking” will remain the same. Par contre, il n’autorise pas les sujets sépia, mink et colourpoint. La prévention et des soins dentaires seront recommandés. According to the Cat Fanciers' Association, in 2012, it was the seventh most popular pedigreed cat in the United States. Retrouvez Griffon ici. Some of them will be affectionate with people while other will just like to be outside hunting mice. Allure La grande qualité du chat Européen, c’est qu’il ne ressemble à aucune autre race de chat. Le front et le crâne sont très légèrement arrondis. Pure white is also permitted. The legs are stable, of medium length, and with round paws. Common colors include brown, black, tan, and gray, and they're often seen sporting distinctive tabby patterns. European Shorthairs are intelligent and playful, and most of them are expert at keeping houses and gardens free of all types of rodents. Before them, it was the British Shorthair who held this role. Breed standards. When Roman legions made their way throughout the European continent, they brought cats with them. The breed is extremely popular throughout Scandinavia. The paws should be rounded, with a strong appearance. European Shorthair cats tend to be medium in size. Historique de la race. Contemporary british celtics were blue, and germans were mostly breeding silver and whit… Add to Likebox #132553252 - portrait of a black and white beautiful cat in the yard. These felines have round faces, medium-size bodies, and short, shiny coats of thick hair. In fact, skeletons of this cat were found in Toulouse, Lutetia, and England. Stocky, strong, muscular. Read more here. domesticated feline that had a slightly wild edge to its appearance - just like its Roman ancestors. They are stockier than their close cousins, the British Shorthair and American Shorthair. Et vous, faites vous également l'amalgame entre l'Européen et le chat de gouttière ? While some cat breeds are fairly reluctant to hunt mice, European Shorthair cats love the opportunity to go after rodents. T Widely considered to be the original "house cat" since its domestication thousands of years ago, this breed exhibits athleticism and loyalty, just two of the many appealing European Shorthair cat personality traits. The European Shorthair is Finland's national cat breed. But overall, they are playful, alert, and make a nice family pet. Appropriate diet and ample activity can help prevent this issue from ever popping up. European Shorthair cats cost between $100-$500. Ce sont Jules César et ses légions qui l’ont introduit en Gaule. Introduction. Ears: Medium in size, slightly rounded at the tips and may be tufted. [1] The term has also been used as an elaborate way of referring to common domestic cats of Europe, causing some confusion as the pedigree cats of this breed also should resemble the typical domestic cats of Europe. Broad, well-developed chest. The term has also been used as an elab­o­rate way of re­fer­ring to com­mon do­mes­tic cats of Eu­rope, caus­ing some con­fu­sion as the pedi­gree cats of this breed also should re­sem­ble the typ­i­cal do­mes­tic cats of Eu­rope. The breed standard differs from almost all other breed standards by clearly stating that the ideal European Shorthair is presumed free of any admixture of other breeds – and the aim of the breed is a harmonious cat without any extremes.
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