Economic growth accelerated in the midst of government liberalisations in opening up new sectors to competition and investment—most notably, energy and telecoms. [336], During the 1990s and 2000s, the development of research was hampered by several factors, including: corruption, low funding, and a considerable brain drain. [258] A movement for unification of Romania and Moldova appeared in the early 1990s after both countries achieved emancipation from communist rule[263] but lost ground in the mid-1990s when a new Moldovan government pursued an agenda towards preserving a Moldovan republic independent of Romania. D. P. Hari and B. König, Chem. Sper să nu prind ziua când ne vor bate iar, "Ne-a părăsit Ştefan Sameş, fostul mare fundaş al Stelei", "L'Equipe: Nicolae Dobrin, cel mai valoros jucător român din istorie. Il n'y a pas de loi fixant ces critères de façon absolue, mais c'est par une loi que ce statut peut être accordé. [118], Princes Dimitrie Cantemir of Moldavia and Constantin Brâncoveanu of Wallachia concluded alliances with the Habsburg Monarchy and Russia against the Ottomans, but they were dethroned in 1711 and 1714, respectively. Although 54.0% of the population lived in urban areas in 2011,[3] this percentage has been declining since 1996. [16] According to Eurostat, Romania's GDP per capita (PPS) was 69% of the EU average (100%) in 2019, an increase from 44% in 2007 (the year of Romania's accession to the EU), making Romania one of the fastest growing economies in the EU. [115] The Church Union strengthened the Romanian intellectuals' devotion to their Roman heritage. [284] However, a recession following the global financial crisis of 2008–2009 forced the government to borrow externally, including an IMF €20 billion bailout program. [235]:17 A total of 103 of the larger cities have municipality status, which gives them greater administrative power over local affairs. [300], In January 2020, Romania's external debt was reported to be US$122 billion according to CEIC data. [293] In 2005, the government replaced Romania's progressive tax system with a flat tax of 16% for both personal income and corporate profit, among the lowest rates in the European Union. [188] In February 1947, the Paris Peace Treaties confirmed the return of Northern Transylvania to Romania, but they also legalised the presence of units of the Red Army in the country. 53 talking about this. ROMÂNIA JUDEŢUL MARAMUREŞ ORAŞUL TĂUŢII-MĂGHERĂUŞ CONSILIUL LOCAL HOTĂRÂREA Nr. [33] The first permanent settlements also appeared in the Neolithic. [320] The popular summer attractions of Mamaia and other Black Sea Resorts attracted 1.3 million tourists in 2009. Alte particularități comune graiurilor sunt: uneori, căderea lui [a] inițial neaccentuat: ... Histoire de la langue roumaine (Istoria limbii române), vol. [283], After 1989 the country experienced a decade of economic instability and decline, led in part by an obsolete industrial base and a lack of structural reform. Dans le langage courant, les municipes sont appelés orașe : « villes », mais au niveau politico-administratif et financier, la distinction entre les statuts de municipe et de ville est importante. [222] This has been accompanied by a significant improvement in living standards as the country successfully reduced domestic poverty and established a functional democratic state. [360], The official language is Romanian, a Romance language (the most widely spoken of the Eastern Romance branch), which presents a consistent degree of similarity to Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian, and Istro-Romanian, but shares many features equally with the rest of the Western Romance languages, specifically Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Catalan. Independence proclaimed on 9 May 1877, internationally recognised in 1878. [120][121] The Phanariot princes pursued oppressive fiscal policies and dissolved the army. [384] Primary and secondary education is divided into 12 or 13 grades. [373] Counties with over ⅔  urban population are Hunedoara, Brașov and Constanța, while those with less than a third are Dâmbovița (30.06%) and Giurgiu and Teleorman. Other minorities include Ukrainians, Germans, Turks, Lipovans, Aromanians, Tatars, and Serbs. [225] This led to Romania borrowing from the International Monetary Fund. En Transylvanie (Siedenburgen), qui fit partie de l'empire austro-hongrois jusqu'en 1918, l'influence occi-dentale se laisse sentir dans les églises romanes et gothiques construites par les « Saxons » , immigrés dans la région depuis le XIr siècle. Während auch nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg und der Gründung der Republik Türkei 1923 noch zahlreiche Griechen in Istanbul lebten, setzte nach dem sogenannten Pogrom von Istanbul am 7. "Paula Seling despre rezultatul la Eurovision 2010: "Mai bine de atât nu se putea! [150] After they promised Austrian-Hungarian territories with a majority of ethnic Romanian population to Romania in the Treaty of Bucharest, Romania entered the war against the Central Powers in 1916. [145][146], Fearing Russian expansionism, Romania secretly joined the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy in 1883, but public opinion remained hostile to Austria-Hungary. [366] According to the 2012 Eurobarometer, English is spoken by 31% of Romanians, French is spoken by 17%, as well as Italian and German, each by 7%. The process succeeded in repaying all of Romania's foreign government debt in 1989. Les villes sans indication de population étaient des communes au moment du recensement respectif, si la population a pu être tirée d'une autre source, elle est pourvue de cette note [2]. [123][124], A census revealed that the Romanians were more numerous than any other ethnic group in Transylvania in 1733, but legislation continued to use contemptuous adjectives (such as "tolerated" and "admitted") when referring to them. [318] Tourism in Romania attracted €400 million in investments in 2005. das Rumänische zu den romanischen Sprachen zählen. [398], In the 20th century, a number of Romanian artists and writers achieved international acclaim, including: Tristan Tzara, Marcel Janco,[399] Mircea Eliade, Nicolae Grigorescu, Marin Preda, Liviu Rebreanu,[400] Eugène Ionesco, Emil Cioran, and Constantin Brâncuși. [414] Multiple castles exist in Romania, including the popular tourist attractions of Peleș Castle,[415] Corvin Castle, and Bran Castle or "Dracula's Castle". [344], The nuclear physics facility of the European Union's proposed Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) laser will be built in Romania. sfn error: no target: CITEREFHitchins1991 (, Giurescu, "'Alegeri' după model sovietic", p.17 (citing Berry), 18 (citing Berry and note); Macuc, p.40; Tismăneanu, p.113. The Armed Forces consist of approximately 15,000 civilians and 75,000 military personnel—45,800 for land, 13,250 for air, 6,800 for naval forces, and 8,800 in other fields. Of these, 650,000 were in kindergarten (three-six years), 3.11 million in primary and secondary level, and 650,000 in tertiary level (universities). Over 12.8 million passengers flew through Bucharest's Henri Coandă International Airport in 2017. [16] It has the world's 45th largest economy by nominal GDP, with an annual economic growth rate of 3.5% as of 2020. Traductions en contexte de "ville" en français-roumain avec Reverso Context : en ville, de la ville, toute la ville, petite ville, quitter la ville Transmissible diseases are quite common by European standards. Oleh: Steph Tupeng Witin SVD. Ce statut est accordé aux grandes villes, avec un degré élevé d'urbanisation, avec une population relativement importante, en général dépassant les 15 000 habitants et avec un rôle économique, social, politique et culturel significatif. [157] Romania achieved its greatest territorial extent, expanding from the pre-war 137,000 to 295,000 km2 (53,000 to 114,000 sq mi). Bratsch Notes deVoyage ℗ 1988 NIGLO Released on: 1988-03-15 Auto-generated by YouTube. Artizanat traditional romanesc. [427] Țuică is a strong plum brandy reaching a 70% alcohol content which is the country's traditional alcoholic beverage, taking as much as 75% of the national crop (Romania is one of the largest plum producers in the world). At the country's 2011 census, 81.0% of respondents identified as Orthodox Christians belonging to the Romanian Orthodox Church. Buy the wine you like at the best price, directly from the winemaker. [472], Romania's 306 all-time Summer Olympics medals would rank 12th most among all countries, while its 89 gold medals would be 14th most. Se trouvent listées sur cette page tous les municipes et toutes les villes avec leur population officielle en 1992, 2002 et 2011. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 3 mai 2020 à 13:16. During this period the regime launched several campaigns of purges during which numerous "enemies of the state" and "parasite elements" were targeted for different forms of punishment including: deportation, internal exile, internment in forced labour camps and prisons—sometimes for life—as well as extrajudicial killing. In October 2011, Romanians made up 88.9% of the population. Moreover, 39,660 people have no religion or are atheist, whilst the religion of the rest is unknown. [420] There are sacrifices of live pigs during Christmas and lambs during Easter that has required a special exemption from EU law after 2007. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. [312], There were almost 18.3 million connections to the Internet in June 2014. [67] The Romanians also adopted Old Church Slavonic as their liturgical language. He eventually initiated a policy of total reimbursement of the foreign debt by imposing austerity steps that impoverished the population and exhausted the economy. The market for professional football in Romania is roughly €740 million according to UEFA. [177] The country regained Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, and the Germans placed Transnistria (the territory between the rivers Dniester and Dnieper) under Romanian administration. [165] Two parties, the National Liberal Party and the National Peasants' Party, dominated political life, but the Great Depression brought about significant changes in the 1930s. POS-KUPANG.COM - Waiting for Godot adalah naskah drama karya Samuel Beckett yang sudah beberapa kali dipentaskan. [66] After the Avar Khaganate collapsed in the 790s, Bulgaria became the dominant power of the region, occupying lands as far as the river Tisa. [254] There are also courts of appeal, county courts and local courts. Romania derives from the Latin romanus, meaning "citizen of Rome". [468] In women's handball, powerhouse CSM București lifted the EHF Champions League trophy in 2016. [110] The Wallachian prince, Michael the Brave, united the three principalities under his rule in May 1600. It is a semi-presidential republic where executive functions are held by both the government and the president. - DJI Phantom 2 - Gopro Hero 4 Black. [251] The latter is elected by popular vote for a maximum of two terms of five years and appoints the prime minister who in turn appoints the Council of Ministers. [186] Stalin's deputy instructed the King to make the Communists' candidate, Petru Groza, the prime minister in March 1945. [328] More than 1.9 million foreign tourists visited Romania in 2014, 12% more than in 2013. [370] Romania has the world's third-largest Eastern Orthodox population.[371][372]. [50][55], The Goths were expanding towards the Lower Danube from the 230s, forcing the native peoples to flee to the Roman Empire or to accept their suzerainty. [326][327], In 2014, Romania had 32,500 companies active in the hotel and restaurant industry, with a total turnover of €2.6 billion. Romania in the interwar period, following the, Monarchy was abolished on 30 December 1947 upon the proclamation of the, This page was last edited on 7 December 2020, at 19:31. Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan", "Canids: Foxes, Wolves, Jackals and Dogs. Brâncuși has a sculptural ensemble in Târgu Jiu, while his sculpture Bird in Space, was auctioned in 2005 for $27.5 million. [307] In 2015, the main sources were coal (28%), hydroelectric (30%), nuclear (18%), and hydrocarbons (14%). [202]) It was the only Communist state to maintain diplomatic relations with Israel after 1967's Six-Day War and established diplomatic relations with West Germany the same year. [247] In summer, average maximum temperatures in Bucharest rise to 28 °C (82 °F), and temperatures over 35 °C (95 °F) are fairly common in the lower-lying areas of the country. Ce vor învăţa copiii şi cum vor fi evaluaţi", "Limited relevants. Overall, it has played in seven World Cups and had its most successful period during the 1990s, when it finished 6th at the 1994 FIFA World Cup, eventually being ranked 3rd by FIFA in 1997.[432]. The Romania national football team played its first match in 1922 and is one of only four national teams to have taken part in the first three FIFA World Cups, the other three being Brazil, France, and Belgium. [226] Worsening economic conditions led to unrest and triggered a political crisis in 2012. [382] Kindergarten is optional between three and six years. [252] Bucharest Metro, the only underground railway system, was opened in 1979 and measures 61.41 km (38.16 mi) with an average ridership in 2007 of 600,000 passengers during the workweek in the country. [195][196][197], In 1948, the state began to nationalise private firms and to collectivise agriculture. [149] German and Austrian-Hungarian diplomacy supported Bulgaria during the war, bringing about a rapprochement between Romania and the Triple Entente of France, Russia and the United Kingdom. [456] Other important Romanian football clubs are Rapid București,[457] UTA Arad,[458] Universitatea Craiova,[459] Petrolul Ploiești,[460] CFR Cluj,[461] Astra Giurgiu,[462] and Viitorul Constanța. [304] There are sixteen international commercial airports in service today. ", "Over 1.9 million tourists visit Romania, where do they come from – Romania Insider", "Victor Babeş, savantul român care a descoperit 50 de noi tipuri de microbi şi un vaccin împotriva turbării", "Nicolae Paulescu was a Romanian scientist who claimed to have been the first person to discover insuli, which he called pancreine", "The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1974", "Science in post-communist Romania: The future is not inviting", "R&D expenditure in the EU remained stable in 2016 at just over 2% of GDP", "Romania, last in the EU on R&D expenditure", "CERN welcomes Romania as its twenty-second Member State", "Romania loses voting right at European Space Agency due to unpaid debts", "Science fortunes of Balkan neighbours diverge", "ELI-NP | Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics", "VIDEO Romania's first satellite Goliat successfully launch from Kourou base in French Guyana – Top News", "Romania will own a part of the International Space Station and will contribute to the development of the latest European rocket, Ariane 6", "European effort spotlights plight of the Roma", "Roma dream of discrimination-free Romania ahead of Pope visit", Official site of the results of the 2002 Census, "German Population of Romania, 1930–1948", "Total Fertility Rate around the world over the last centuries", "Eurostat – Tables, Graphs and Maps Interface (TGM) table", "Europe :: Romania — The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency", MIGRATION AND ASYLUM IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE, "Romanian Translation | Romanian, Italian, English & French translations", "Iarna Ucraineană – Află care sunt localitățile din Maramureș în care se prăznuiesc sărbătorile de iarnă după rit vechi", "Two-thirds of working age adults in the EU28 in 2011 state they know a foreign language", "Roumanie – Organisation internationale de la Francophonie", "Orthodox Christianity in the 21st Century", "European Court of Human Rights – Case of Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia", "Religious Belief and National Belonging in Central and Eastern Europe", "Urbanization of Romania: how urban population increased from 3.7 million in 1948 to 12 million in 1989", "Metropolitan Zone of Bucharest will be ready in 10 years", "Official site of Metropolitan Zone of Bucharest Project", "Galerie foto: Cum arată noul spital Colţea, după o investiţie de 90 de milioane de dolari", The Romanian Educational Policy in Transition, "Romanian Institute of Statistics Yearbook – Chapter 8", "Clasa pregătitoare, obligatorie din septembrie. [141] The Great Powers acknowledged Romania's full independence at the Congress of Berlin and Carol I was crowned king in 1881. En voici la liste. 46 din 30.01.2020 cu privire la retragerea dreptului de folosinţă a terenului atribuit prin HCL [342], In the early 2010s, the situation for science in Romania was characterised as "rapidly improving" albeit from a low base. "Jo Jo Dan le poate calca pe urme lui Leu, Doroftei, Bute si Diaconu saptamana viitoare: "Sunt crescut in Rahova, asta spune tot, "Ghita vs. Verhoeven: Kickboxing's top heavyweights go to war on Twitter", "Adegbuyi: 'I'll show Wilnis why I'm ranked #1 at Heavyweight, Romanian Medals and Results in the Olympic Games, "40 years after perfect 10, gymnast Nadia Comaneci remains an Olympic icon", "Analysis. Il est impossible de mentionner tous les monuments qu'on a visités; je me bornerai aux plus intéressants. – Interviu", "EXCLUSIV | "Angelo Niculescu mi-a zis că nu mă bagă pentru că sunt maghiar şi Partidul crede că vând meciul. [369] Its canonical jurisdiction covers the territories of Romania and Moldova. [258] Romania also declared its public support for Turkey, and Croatia joining the European Union. As Romania's foreign debt increased sharply between 1977 and 1981 (from US$3 billion to $10 billion),[205] the influence of international financial organisations—such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank—grew, gradually conflicting with Ceaușescu's autocratic rule. Annuaire Mondial: 01/11/2020. Commun., 2014, 50, 6688 DOI: 10.1039/C4CC00751D This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. [127][126] Uniate and Orthodox clerics and laymen jointly signed a plea for the Transylvanian Romanians' emancipation in 1791, but the monarch and the local authorities refused to grant their requests. [267], The Air Force currently operates modernised Soviet MiG-21 Lancer fighters. There are some regional differences: in western sections, such as Banat, the climate is milder and has some Mediterranean influences; the eastern part of the country has a more pronounced continental climate. Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Haríam spectant. The most common causes of death are cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Les communes n'apparaissent pas dans cette liste. [72][73] The reliability of the Gesta is debated. [158] A new electoral system granted voting rights to all adult male citizens, and a series of radical agrarian reforms transformed the country into a "nation of small landowners" between 1918 and 1921. Les infos, chiffres, immobilier, hotels & le Mag [185] Romania switched sides during the war, and nearly 250,000 Romanian troops joined the Red Army's military campaign against Hungary and Germany, but Joseph Stalin regarded the country as an occupied territory within the Soviet sphere of influence. [309] With one of the largest reserves of crude oil and shale gas in Europe[310] it is among the most energy-independent countries in the European Union,[311] and is looking to expand its nuclear power plant at Cernavodă further. An overwhelming majority of the population identify themselves as Christians. [25], The use of the name Romania to refer to the common homeland of all Romanians—its modern-day meaning—was first documented in the early 19th century.[c][26]. [341] In 2018, however, Romania lost its voting rights in the ESA due to a failure to pay €56.8 million in membership contributions to the agency. [469], Popular individual sports include combat sports,[464] martial arts,[464] and swimming. [401][402] Romanian-born Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, while Banat Swabian writer Herta Müller received the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature.
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