• The American dream has been present from the start: what the USA is now is founded on immigration. A new video to help you train for the oral comprehension exam To go further on the immigration debate in the USA you could also talk about the latest TV advertisement for Aeromexico An exchange is the act to give and to receive something else. fixing a roof, chopping chickens on an assembly line, changing a baby diaper, …. The notion I’m going to deal with is Spaces and exchanges. It sug-gests the typical XIXst century immigrants are from Mexican origin. Fewer? Indeed we studied how Hispanics immigration in the US exemplifiy the notion of "Spaces and Exchanges" We will illustrate this notion by the exemple of mexican's immigration to the US. He looks like a dwarf / He is dwarfed by the huge wave which is about to overwhelm him. What difficulties do they face? Pour être informé des derniers articles, inscrivez vous : so many different traditions, beliefs and values been integrated in a single culture. announcement of doc you will use (first,… / secondly,…), Docs: Destination America: a four-part documentary, Conclusion: to Flee War/ poverty/religious persecution/ human rights/ better living conditions or opportunities, _____________________________________________________________________________________, American dream= a set of ideals. Sujet donné pour la session 2015-2016 en Terminales ES From:Cabinet Office, Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street and The Rt Hon David Cameron MP ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdAGsgVP7L8, AeroMexico tackles immigration debate with "DNA discount" commercial, AeroMexico airline wants more Americans to visit Mexico. He came to the USA to find a job since there were no job opportunities in his native country. he is conscious being in the US is a real asset. • Instead of a pitchfork, the man on the photo, is holding a tool and has dirty hands: he is not a farmer anymore, he has become a builder which. • Instead of a pitchfork, the man on the photois holding a tool and has dirty hands: he is not a farmer anymore, he has become a builder whichis also hard labour. the US still gives immigrants the opportunity to improve their lives / to remain hopeful for the future / to live in a democracy / to have a shot at the American Dream. While other cultures speak of themselves as mestizos, mulattoes, and creoles, we persist in referring to ourselves using clumsy designations like Asian-American, African-American, Native American, and even Anglo-American. Forero wants us to realize / wants to stress / emphasize the importance of the Mexican- Americans today. N'attends pas pour en profiter, abonne-toi sur lesbonsprofs.com.Tu pourras en plus accéder à l'intégralité des rappels de cours en vidéo ainsi qu'à des QCM et des exercices d'entraînement avec corrigé en texte et en vidéo. On Indian reservations, there is now a suicide problem among young half-breeds who don't feel sufficiently "pure.". Par le 28 Jan 2019 • ( 0). It was different from Dallas/ from the image conveyed in TV series and shows. INVESTIGATION: origins of our ancestors: quite a number come from elsewhere, and we realise that some members of our families or some acquaintances have started anew in the US. What he experienced was on the whole rather positive. • It gave energy and motivation to people. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men of different societies. For them, immigrating to another country is a solution. At Magic Touch Laundromat in Manhattan, you can get some ESL instruction while your ... https://www.npr.org/2011/08/16/139680644/manhattan-laundromat-becomes-an-english-classroom, STRATEGIES => lire les conseils méthodologiques p 44-45 de votre manuel puis faites la CO pour mettre en application https://www.npr.org/2011/08/16/139680644/manhattan-laundromat-becomes-an-english-classroom?t=1577556608459. The tone is ironic of course, as the cartoonist uses symbols in a complete reversal situation to emphasize the point at  issue. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion: an exchange is a continuous movement or circulation. To illustrate this notion i have chosen to deal with the topic of the Hispanic immigration in the USA. Every American can be traced back to an immigrant. , the American Dream is slightly dif- ferent. Compréhension Orale – Spaces and Exchanges. Spaces and exchanges : vocabulary and grammar LESSON ONE : A border/frontier Trade : le commerce Conquest Beyond : au-delà de A wave of immigration A home country A host country : un pays d’accueil Push factors Pull factors Attractiveness Rhythm Transportation An immignrant A latino immigrant Hispanics = people with latino origins Spaces and Exchanges I’m going to talk about the notion “Spaces and Exchanges” and illustrate my point with one aspect of this theme: immigration by drawing on the example of Mexican immigration to the US and the students’ migration within Europe. What attracts immigrants to live in the USA? He came to the USA to find a job since there were no job opportunities in his native country. Spaces and Exchanges: why did the Brexit take place and why can we say that Brexit has led to many fractures and fear on behalf of other countries? • After years of stagnation, the whole country is coming out / coming to light. What are the advantages of moving to another country to study or find work especially the USA? It is getting increasingly difficult to immigrate: not easy to get a green card, most become undocumented and put themselves at risk while being far from their loved ones. SPACES AND EXCHANGES => Immigration => TES 11 Novembre 2019 ... To go further on the immigration debate in the USA you could also talk about the latest TV advertisement for Aeromexico. Notion Spaces and exchanges : what are the causes and consequences of the american immigration over time ? It stirs the desire for freedom in people all over the world. • For Martin, the American Dream was the opportunity to get a good education, to get a degree, to have access to a good job and so toearn a living and improve his living conditions.As he was not able to get a good steady job / achieve his goals, he feels frustrated. First of all I would like to give a definition of exchange: an exchange is an act of giving an receiving something else in return, it can also be seen as a … Spaces and exchanges : immigration int the USA, Spaces and exchanges, immigration in the usa, Notion d'anglais spaces and exchange immigration to the usa. https://www.scott.london/articles/newface.html, CO bac anglais: the hidden life of a US undocumented immigrant (with script), CO bac anglais: the hidden life of a US undocumented immigrant (with script) Pour obtenir le script, vous pouvez activer les sous-titres en anglais ( disponibles uniquement sur la première écoute), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3k5WQM0sUA, Destination America . What drives people to leave their country to go and live in another country, especially the USA? He imagined the US was like what he had seen in the series. He is hopeful for the future because he strongly believes the dream is in his mind and his heart. » (Fang Yi Shu and Farah Naficy: B p 35), 2 interviews > 2 stories > 2 immigrants from different part of the world > 2 different experiences, nevertheless some things in common, the hardship => -    homesickness > it's difficult to fit in > the loneliness, +   ambition and  the awareness to make their dreams come true in some ways, = whether/either for professional reasons or for political reasons, the two immigrants are pleased with their choice and encourage others to do the same, The  Statue of Liberty (video on Youtube, link available on the blog), iconic emblem for Liberty worldwide > sends a most powerful message, a country for immigrants, for anyone in search of freedom regardless of their origins or bank accounts, a very attractive message and the promise to be welcomed is embodied by the Statue itself and Emma Lazarus’ poem, Webquest   Ellis Island: (on the web, link available on the blog), Iconic and emblematic place: first time in history that some kind of restrictions were starting to appear in the US, Place of both anxiety and great expectations, Rich immigrants were spared the trouble and the anxiety of the risk of deportation, => The American Dream  still very much alive HOWEVER this is the beginning of a series of attempt to control immigration from then on (some  acts were issued along the 20th century: immigration has become a key issue with the rise of nativism. “still” makes me think theAmerican Dream may have disappeared in some people’s minds. Zakaria is going to give us his opinion as an Indian-American about the American Dream today. Your opinion / a quote. What difficulties do immigrants face when they arrive in a new country? their country for political, religious reasons if they were persecuted. • It reveals that immigrants of Mexican origin must be influential in the American social, political and economical life. They look cheerful and pleased to be there. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterized our modern-day world. The notion I am going to deal with is “spaces and exchanges”. Class : TSTMG Séquence : Space and exchanges Name : Teacher Date : Friday May 24th Fiche de synthèse : space and exchanges EE / EO Doc : Fiche de synthèse Introduction: Notion of spaces and exchanges Topic: from colonial space to decolonization and immigration exchanges Problem: to what extent are exchanges based on disparities ?… Eileen (USA) Space : the New Frontier. Why do refugees choose to leave their countries? Lisez ce Archives du BAC Fiche et plus de 246 000 autres dissertation. There are too many immigrants, he will not be able to stop them as   they, the US, probably in search of a better life, or because they are. For this topic « spaces and exchanges » can be associated with the circulation of people across the border, economic, social but also cultural exchanges. "-Salon It Can't Happen Here is the only one of Sinclair Lewis's later novels to match the power of Main Street, Babbitt, and ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1BPbLjq2AQ, Emission de radio: un passage intéressant par rapport à la politique  de Trump en matière d'immigration mexicaine (politique intérieure et étrangère, politique économique, construction du mur), Voir le profil de Miss sur le portail Overblog. The Statue has a tiara on the head and the spikes of her tiara stands for the sunhat lighten the world. Spaces and exchanges: Who pushes the foreigners to come to the United States? The cover featured a beguiling mestizo woman over the caption "the New Face of America." The American lifestyle attracted them? • Instead of the two typical XIXth century immi- grants, we see people of Mexican origin. Spaces matches with the different countries and societies (---). Historical reasons: immigrants have contributed to keep the Dream alive. • The first immigrant is called Martin Matoda.He is of Bulgarian origin / He comes from Bul- garia / from Eastern Europe. A century ago, half of all Indians in the U.S. were considered fullbloods. I guess. A new space for the greedy people of the old world always in search of new opportunities to expand and make fortunes. The Statue of Liberty embodies / incarnates a universal symbol of freedom. •HecametotheUStostudy/tohaveabetter education / to go to University / to graduate in order to have a better life / a well-paid job.• The second immigrant is called Nick Injowsand he comes from Nairobi in Kenya / he is of Kenyan origin. The majority of people, mostly middle-class people, could hope to be able to buy such a house. The US is the only country that could offer such opportunities and environment , thus it was qualified as the Land of Opportunities . Spaces and exchanges : immigration in the US. Spaces and exchanges How the nex technologies. • Everybody, even politicians dreamed of “the States”. century immigrants are from Mexican origin. Never before in history has a society been as diverse as the U.S. is today. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. It makes us think of the expression « from a rags to riches » because that’s what the American Dream is all about too, the emigrants want to have better living conditions, education for their children, good wages, etc. They look cheerful and pleased to be there. Immigration laws are strict in USA. To conclude migration illustrates the notion Spaces and Exchanges because it creates flows of people and cultures circulating and linking different places around the world. Indeed, it’s all the more interesting for American employers to hire a paperless alien as the wages will be low and he or she will do anything to work regardless of the working conditions. Harry (Irl) Cassandra (US) Kayleygh (US) JFK: The New Frontier. IMMIGRATION in the US, a subject that could be encapsulated in   two words : => lots of young people aged 18 consider emigrating to the USA to get better job opportunities, => the American Dream is still alive = the belief in better wages/ living standards/ a vast territory/ a language spoken worldwide. : starvation,  unemployment, persecution, unfertile land, better life, What they search for : FREEDOM to worship and create, Freedom from persecution, war, and poverty, What they found, what PULLED them to the US? We are no longer a nation of Scandinavians, Chinese, and Irish immigrants, we are a nation of crossbreeds. Hiatt (Can) Sarah (US) Taking a gap year 1. This mini documentary explains the history of settlement in the United States of America: from the "Natives" who first populated the land to the Mexican migrants who arrive today. Different ? • Judging from the title, “I” suggests Fareed Zakaria is speaking. Originally conceived as an emblem of the friendship between the people of France and the U.S. and a sign of their mutual desire for liberty, over the years the Statue has become much more. Susannah (UK) Emigration to the USA. It sug-. A few historians offer some explanations regarding the history of the US and the immigration process, The American Dream is still alive: thousands of illegal immigrants cross the border every day in spite of the risks and the loneliness of the journey, as well as the hard work for months on end to be able to send money back home…, “Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.”  Space and exchanges :what do the new américans aspire to ? • Even if the American economy is not thriving. A documentary on the reasons why people emigrate and the hardships they face. Spaces and Exchanges: Immigrants and USA. The only “true” Americans are the native Americans. However, immigration has a disreputable side that should be considered by migrants if they have the choice. The applicants for the Green card will be sorted by discrimination according to their language proficiency and college education. Spaces and exchanges: immigration in the USA. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. • One of them has the American accent so he must be the journalist leading the interview. Underpaid, exhausting, debasing jobs. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, and is home to the world's largest immigrant population. The Americans would be in trouble if the illegal immigrants were not there: they are cheap and hard workers… Satirical picture as the very symbol of Liberty has been put back in chains…, => the myth of the American Dream is debunked= reality is harsh and cruel, À travailler en autonomie pour vous entraîner / avoir plus d'arguments pour vos présentations orales (un document = une banque d'arguments/ d'idées), - C.O  Immigrants hope their American Dream is not fading, => soit à travailler comme une CO (résumé en français), soit traiter les questions, noter les idées principales intéressantes pour votre oral et retenir le lexique nouveau, - PICTURE COMMENTARY = comparison between two works of art AMERICAN GOTHIC BY GRANT WOOD(1930 )  + MEXICAN AMERICAN GOTHIC  by Santiago Forero (2010)Book p 37=> faire les questions après avoir lu la note culturelle et ensuite comparer votre analyse avec les réponses proposées en correction, -TEXT                     KEEPING THE AMERICAN DREAM STILL ALIVE, - Strategies +: conseils méthodologiques puis mise en application avec une +CO : New York Laundromat Doubles As English Classroom, Immigrants hope their American Dream is not fading. And never before have so many different traditions, beliefs and values been integrated in a single culture. • That’s why he joined his sisters and brothers who were living in Baltimore. • On the photo, we can see people of Indian origin attending a parade in New York. Emigrants can then think that they will have a promising future there. It is rooted in the Declaration of Independence. Loretto (Irl) Migration within Ireland. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, and is home to the world's largest immigrant population. We can wonder how these example define the notion Spaces and Exchanges? It's created a new ad with a tongue-in-cheek offer of "DNA discounts" that also takes aim at the debate over immigration and the border wall, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKde4gmJPuE, To go further on the immigration debate in the USA you could also talk about the latest TV advertisement for Aeromexico, The Immigration History of the United States of America. Cultural and psychological reasons: it’s the only country in the world to have the diversity, the openness, the dynamism which give this country its power / which make this country so powerful and unique. First , i'll provide an overview of the immigrants flow form Europe and South America To the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centurties : In the 1880s the immigration flow doubled (the 2,081,261 that arrived in the 1860's had increased to 5,248,568 in the 1880's) , this monstrous increase is due to succession of wars and famines in Europe and South America (First Boer War / The Sino-French War / Third Anglo-Bermese War / Irlandese Famine / Cuba's little war) , and according to the first document (An illustration of push and pull factors) , these events constitue push factors : environmental , social , economic , and political factors that pushes people to leave their country as Poverty , Fear , desasters ; At the other side stands the pull factors these are the ones that attract and draw people to a place (In this case USA) : freedom , security , justice , stability , and over all opportunity . People wanted to become American citizens in order to become independent / get their freedom. Talking about immigration in the USA is particularly relevant regarding the topic of space and exchanges since immigration definitely involves the idea of space as immigrants are moving across countries: they leave their home land to get a new start in America. • The modern American Dream consisted in prosperity and well being. They are closely packed, pushing and jostling each other. ___________________________________________________________________________. It represents the United States itself. • For Nick, the American Dream is slightly dif- ferent. • Two of them have foreign accents, so theymust be immigants coming to America. They can imagine they are bright and shiny to make America look attractive: as if it were still a Land of Opportunities (a land of Plenty). _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, immigrate = come and live permanently in a country after leaving your owncountry. and he comes from Nairobi in Kenya / he is of Kenyan origin. to make a new life in a land that valued Liberty. Although he also came to have a good job,he is conscious being in the US is a real asset. • The house has changed. The confidence/ guarantee/ assurance to be free and able to prosper, => the American Dream was very powerful= there were fortunes to be made, jobs to be taken, business to do, Personal stories « why did they come ? earn a living and improve his living conditions. Notion Spaces and exchanges: Why did people immigrate to the USA through the centuries ? to Flee War/ poverty/religious persecution/ human rights/ better living conditions or opportunities, and difficulties : many immigrants, difficult jobs, et, difficulty =a problem; a thing or situation that causes problems, immigrant=a person who has come to live permanently in a country that isnot their own. break on the American borders which is represented by a US patrol officer. He also stands for the US government. The people represent the emigrants in search of a better life: they want to start anew/ from scratch. Time magazine cover: The new face of America, They have brought multiculturalism and diversity, => the American Dream is still alive: the attractiveness remains very strong in spite of the immigration crisis, The industrial revolution boosts the country, Transportation much faster/ safer/ cheaper thanks to the steamships, waves of immigrants of different origins (the Norwegians, the Irish, the Pogroms / Russian Jews, the Italians, the Asians (end of 19th), 2 coasts available in the east and in the west, Why they came/ WHAT PUSHED THEM OUT?

spaces and exchanges : immigration usa

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