Modifying Sony RM-SPR1 remote button (See Sony.txt and related photos) with extra FOCUS control gpio added (pin 23). If you think about it, any switch can be shorted with the correct optocoupler, as long as it's the right way round. Details can be found under the Arduino-Uno-AutoGuider repository. 12f Control of Sony A6000 camera using modified RMT-SPR1 button and interface. At first I thought I was input power limited but I boosted the available current and keep getting same result. A wide range of astronomy applications are needed for successful imaging. I assembled,wired everything. Basically, using an optocoupler to short pins on a switch should work with any DC switch, don't you think, even a three way one, assuming it has a common ground? I was preparing a version with meridian flip taken in account in the ASCOM driver for GOTO. Hackaday API. A votre avis , serait t'il possible de motoriser la monture voir même de l'autoguider grâce a une carte arduino + tout ce qui vas avec ? If I wanted to try the Ascom driver on Linux, which files do you think would I need to compile? My first version of a stepper controller uses a 555 timer chip and a 74LS194 shift register. Varying pulse lengths? AutoGuider for a telescope using a Raspberry Pi, with RPi camera (v1 or v2) or suitable webcam. Well if you want to use both GOTO and autoguiding, there is an option in the unreleased driver to do the meridian flip so that the calculation for GOTO movements takes in account the inversion of DEC axis. Actually, all my focusing, exposure and dew controllers in the OTA hub are much more successful than the DEC/RA controls on the Mount Hub! I just looked up your mount on the internet and it seems that the built-in autoguiding is single axis.Adding an ST-4 port that would work at 12x could be done by soldering an RJ12 port directly on the control buttons, a bit like this: Single axis drive on either axis works fine, however when I try to get RA and Dec simultaneously the mount does strange things, basically one or both axis stop working. For more information, see our Privacy Statement. Astronomy DIY projects for anodising, autoguiding advice, amp off modes and a no nonsense view of astronomy at the Curdridge Amateur Telescope Observatory Capture breathtaking photos with our affordable astrophotography cameras. There is also an option in PHD to revert the controls (to cancel the driver inversion for guiding). It can also be interfaced to scopes via an Arduino Uno, via USB. Autoguider adapter: USB to ST4 guide output DIY or fully assembled and tested. I have assumed that 'GND, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4, PIN5' on your diagram are referring to GND, D2, D3, D4, D5 on the Arduino, otherwise I have found the project fairly straightforward so far. [1] soapbox autoguider: based on what the camera attached to the telescope sees in real-time, issues commands to an Arduino, that in turn implements the ST4 standard of the telescope mount and moves the telescope accordingly. I have built the layout that appears in this website and I am having the following problem:Using the software both Cart du Ciel and Stellarium do not send a signal to the motors, but they do if I use ASCOM sending the commands. Learn more. Hmm... OK.  Ascom doesn't fly on Linux. AutoGuider for a telescope using a Raspberry Pi. Shutters obviously don't go in and out. PHD2 is telescope guiding software that simplifies the process of tracking a guide star, letting you concentrate on other aspects of deep-sky imaging or spectroscopy. Recently, I bought a 8" Newtonian telescope that came with a Dobsonian mount. and I'm currently modifying it. Tested only by me, but so far it worked great, the precision of the slew was very acceptable considering the quality of the mecanic of the mount I own. I would be so grateful if you tell me how it works or where I can find the specs. 10f5 Hist (stretch histogram) added for noisy images, main use webcams. @Kevin Ferrare Question, were you able to get ride of your control box for the EQ motors? Autoguiders are small sensor cameras that track stars so the astrophotographer can monitor drift alignment before taking their exposures. Hello everyone, I have some experience with arduino but I am new to Teensy, just ordered some boards to play around :) What I have in my mind for a project is a stand alone telescope autoguider (this means it should be small and light and battery has to last at least a few hours - so no beaglebone, etc). In measuring the rpm of the axis motors I find they are turning 10-15 % slower than they should (AT 16 X speed) This may be compensated by adjusting the stated rates in the input. Please tell me if you make it work as intended or if the result is not as expected! It shows 5V between ground and 4 other terminals. All such applications talk to telescopes using the common ASCOM interface. This project is like a supertanker. Have you any plans to bypass the hand controller altogether and drive the motors directly? Ok, so it should work to disconnect the scope in APT, tick the checkbox  and re-connect it in APT? I live in Northern hemisphere approx 13 degrre N). First of all thanks a lot for this nice project. We found Guidoino: First real stand alone autoguider based on Arduino - posted in ATM, Optics and DIY Forum: I would like to present my project I call Guidoino that I have been slowly working on since about 5 years. In fixing the GOTO, I don't want to break the guiding. In order to isolate the arduino from the autoguide port, Excepted if you prefer to see the bare electronics :-),,,,, Handuino: A DIY Handheld Human Interface Device. I was also trying to use it to do limited star-hopping eg Vega to M57, because otherwise I find some of these Deep Sky Objects difficult to locate, however, it always seemed to send me off to the other side of the galaxy and I couldn't work it out until I realised that my meridian flips were reversing all my Dec commands. Do not use this with the LX200 Classic or the Autostar I (#495/#497) controllers. I recently found your project and I decided to go ahead and make my EQ5 into a GoTo mount. Telescope GOTO and autoguiding through ST-4 with an arduino. If you like, I can post a quick picture of the finished product. I think you could do it better and simpler! And yes - very difficult to make it work smoothly, and I'm imaging at about 1.3 arc seconds per pixel, so you really have to … Thank you for the ST4 driver, Kevin. The important thing is to get the ground connection sorted out. 00 REMOTE Autoguider interface relay box for CCD remote guiding £75. Orion's Telescope Buyer's Guide is a great place to start. Yes I'm trying to set up guiding. Note still only supports webcams named above. Log In. During sidereal tracking, the arduino monitors the tick rates from the encoders and adjusts the PWM signal to the L298 to keep the telescope tracking the sky at the correct speed. What are you using to talk to the Arduino's from the PI "Pi Autoguider will integrate with a Power Supply/Dew heater project " , If you need more info on video for planets, SGL have a good forum on just that .Although they tend to use Samsung 2000,Minitrons, X2 Lodestar but have some impressive results plus do "Video Live" broadcasts. So the Arduino is in one box on a small table under the mount together with the "Mount Hub", a powered USB hub and the drive handset, while the "OTA hub" is on the focuser connected with a VGA cable (15 cores). It's a nice mount (cheap, portable and very easy to use), but to get what you want to see, you… I have written a mail to Bresser. The current code in github only supports ASCOM which is windows only. Unfortunately i've had bad weather here for a long time... i hope it will clear up soon so i can test. All available open source telescope controls either use Raspberry Pi, which consumes a lot of power, or uses Arduino as extension to a computer, smart phone or tablet. It's the perfect Arduino board to get started with. This is very useful for me in my autoguider project. Even 32x is only a small jump and I've read elsewhere that the standard motors won't take 800x. (Beta version of simpler PiAG_Lite at Thnx, your schema helped me to figure out the troubles with ST-4 port for my controller :-) . The Pi can also control a Canon DSLR, via … Includes everything you need to autoguide: ShortTube 80 guide scope, StarShoot AutoGuider, guide scope rings and plate, and extension tube. Is that all there is to it? Expand your viewing experience with accessories ranging from moon filters to power-boosting Barlow lenses to advanced computerized telescope mounts. This is a short video of a telescope autoguider named Guidoino that I developed. Hi! Already have an account? rDUINO SCOPE is Arduino Due based Telescope control system (GoTo). The relay cards can also be modified, different wiring to scope, to auto-guide other scopes eg Meade LX-10. It also shuts down the output if it goes above a set threshold. Sony A6000* can also be used for long exposure photographs and controlled by 3 methods... *Note although A6000 is tested I have also tested on a A7R4 so should work on several Sony models. How the system (stellarium) could understand the starting position of the scope to use goto feature. The initial idea was to create cheap and easy to build alternative of commercially available GOTO hand controllers, but in a better, feature rich way. I would be very interested in seing some pictures :). I wanted to put all the electronics including the battery into a single box attached to the mount. Thank you for this, and for your quick response. Basic Autoguiding for Astrophotography Made Simple. Learn more. @Kevin Ferrare Hey, great project. PiFace Relay Plus card, Sainsmart USB 4 relay card or any 4 relay card you interface. Which is a bit sad. Are you thinking about being able to let software like PHD fine control the guiding speed? I have faith in you! I have seen the PHD-2 system and wonder if there is a smaller footprint solution to Auto-Guiding. :D, Thanks ! Use of Infra Red diode to a gpio and Sony RMT-VP1 receiver.. Use of Infra Red diode to a gpio directly to camera (limited camera battery life !! Where can I get information on the signal on the two dec. lines from the guider. else if(opcode=="DEC-"){      declination.minus();    }    else if(opcode=="MAIN_FOCUS_OFF"){      // Reset focus pins. Download Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro2 DIY for free. Sure! I'm planning to implement fan control in the same way, and maybe even weather. they're used to gather information about the pages you visit and how many clicks you need to accomplish a task. Orion's telescope and astrophotography accessories will enhance your telescope enjoyment without breaking the bank. The interface can be an opto-isolator, relay card available for the Pi, eg Seeed Raspberry PI card, You can see there are a couple of references to this project and you can see my effort at the Ardiuno. Apparently, mounts from different manufacturers use different pin assignments, it seems that there is no standard for this. Now i don't have to manually throw a switch on the hand controller anymore! I now have Arduino powered goto and guiding (coutesy of you), Arduno-powered remote focusing (but not yet full HFW-stle algorithms), Arduino-powered camera release and remote USB camera control.But I can't turn it all off remotely. I have created two "hubs" to append to the Arduino. 2) Is there any modification that drives the axis serially, completing one move before starting the other? Could not resist not thanking. Version 2 of the myFocuser Project. based on your interests. The last terminal is free. I heard that its same as LXD75. That means I only need one cable running up the tripod. Whilst the Arduino can happily handle all the tasks associated with running the motors and pointing the telescope, in a modern observatory the PC rules. A sort of semi-permanent, toggle relay. The ST-4 Port is present on some computerized mounts and it is easy to add one to motorized mounts like the EQ3 / EQ4 / EQ5. If you want to try your camera download my and try them. It's a nice mount (cheap, portable and very easy to use), but to get what you want to see, you… Thanks for reporting the issue, apparently the ino file needed an update to compile with arduino 1.8 (it was initially developed with 1.6 and I never installed newer versions on my computer). In fact a single ten-pin socket might do the trick or even a vga socket and cable. From your first telescope to precision, observatory-grade instruments, we have the perfect telescope to suit your experience level and budget. Regarding the speed rates, you can adjust them in the dialog to match the actual measured speeds. Repurpose your old AM RC equipment using Xbee and Arduino. Yes, I found it slightly tricky trying to find a suitable guide star when imaging the Virgo galaxies - my thoughts also turned to a proper guide-cam. Your comment reminds me of a thought I had some time ago, about adding a wire to control the overclock of the mount in order to get even more speeds: Note NO zoom. Also, the pins (excepted GND) can be reassigned in software by editing the arduino firmware. In the heart of the system is the rDUINOScope Software, some 2500 rows, controlling all HW components and handling communcation with external devices (Stellarium, … ). Why? Remove the if (async) and only keep what is inside the else. Refer to thisfor other mounts modifications. So I found this guy's code (written in Python): At your own risk. Powerful. I tried PHD2 and lin_guider with little success. Once the hardware is done, you will need to install the ASCOM platform and the driver. THE WORLD'S FIRST STAND ALONE ARDUINO BASED TELESCOPE CONTROL GOTO. Basic Autoguiding for Astrophotography Made Simple. This driver provides both telescope and focuser interfaces each of which may be used by separate programs. Simply hook up the serial port from the guiding computer via a null modem cable to the serial port being used as the LX200 communications port on the computer running scope.exe. I don't think so, the objects will probably move too fast for the mount. Any idea if this would work with a Bushnell Northstar to track low earth orbit sats? au menu : un raspberry un écran de recul 7" rca une cam logitech c170 une batterie 12v a venir : une roméo v2 pour piloter les moteurs PAP un gps un UBEC (en commande) le lm7805 chauffe de trop malgré un bon radiateur Bought a cheap $30 webcam (Logitech C310) and converted it into my own DIY guide camera, mounted onto my finder scope. Why ASCOM with Arduino. Autor Tema: Arduino ST4 telescope control Kevin Ferrare (Leído 23634 veces) For the other problem, you should check if the ENDPOINT_INT_IN/OUT is correctly set. This looks like an amazing project and right up my street, so pleased to find something like this and credit to you for sharing this. Dec 13, 2015 - This is the extremely popular Arduino Uno R3 - based on the atmega328P processor. The purpose of this project is to connect a telescope to a computer through the mount guide port (ST-4 port) using an arduino in order to cheaply add GOTO and autoguiding capabilities. Needs Indi. Here are my latest changes to the Arduino code, to manage my cheap skywatcher focuser and DSLR shutter if anyone is ineterested. Portable. I guess I wired the st4 back to front, but it's easy enough to change but changing the pin allocations on the arduino. Control Your Telescope Using Stellarium & Arduino: I am fascinated by astronomy since the first time I looked to the night sky. The world's first standalone Arduino-based telescope control Goto. The complexities arise with GOTO. The Autoguider will have its own port. The Pi can also control a Canon DSLR, via an interface, to allow long exposure photographs. Contact Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub — the largest and most advanced development platform in the world. To make the experience fit your profile, pick a username and tell us what interests you. There are however 2 unofficial indi drivers made by other developers that you could try: I essentially followed this video with a few minor … My first version of a stepper controller uses a 555 timer chip and a 74LS194 shift register. The ZWO 30mm Guide Scope is ultra-small and adds very little weight to your telescope. It is unreleased and not well tested due to lack of time, if you want to give it a try, it is here: I used optocouplers and wiring mods the same way as you did to short out the buttons on these bits of kit. For me, it is possible to do what you propose with some more electonics as you mentioned, and also a modification of the driver to expose the additional tracking speeds and to allow the control of the arduino. I got the project to work with my Skywatcher Star Adventurer mount, but I can only get it to work in track mode speed and not at x12  so it is impractical to use unfortunately.It maybe possible to override the speed controller to enable higher slew speeds within the mount, but this of course would mean opening the mount invalidating the warranty, perhaps next year maybe! We use essential cookies to perform essential website functions, e.g. The Arduino is driving an I2C 20x4 line display that shows the voltages (12V, 5V & variable). and created on 02/19/2015 Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. - You manually point the telescope to a known star, - You tell stellarium that it is pointed to this star (SYNC operation), - Then you select the destination in stellarium and press SLEW. Beyond that, I was annoyed by the plethora of adapters, cables, additional programs hampered by Windows component updates and so on. More details are available on the github project page. Updated Jan 2, 2010: Intoductory pricing has ended. Create an account to leave a comment., 11a1 minor fixes, Pi Camera added as webcam, set use_Pi_Cam = 0, Webcam = 2. Control Your Telescope Using Stellarium & Arduino: I am fascinated by astronomy since the first time I looked to the night sky. Yes, my GOTO works, but only for small distances, since the slew rate is only 16x. I'm SteveBz in this discussion: I wish I had time to take my telescope outside to properly test it and release it. Hello my name is Walter, I am from Argentina. 5) Check slit position again a) Go back to Telescope tab and center star once more b) Abort the continuous imaging in the Camera Tab, under the Focus Tools section. Details can be found under the Arduino-Uno-AutoGuider repository. The AUX ports cannot be used to sync your computer, autoguiders, and non-Celestron technology. We use optional third-party analytics cookies to understand how you use so we can build better products. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. I just wrote a python program to send your DEC# and RA# to the serial port and it all works beautifully.And my calculations are not correct yet, because of the Meridian flip. - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: So Ive wanted to attempt this for a while now and finally got around to it. Updated March 13, 2010: Price rollback: New vendors for some parts allow price rollback to original pricing! It's the perfect Arduino board to get started with. Log In. But can u tell me anything? Please take care when interfacing your telescope or camera. 12g Control of Sony A6000 camera using IR diode, directly or using RMT-VP1 receiver. salut ! Thanks again for the inspiration and writing the driver code. The main advantage of using a microcontroller is that it makes it possible for the stepper controller to keep a far accurate tracking rate, unlike my previous controller that changes tracking rate with the slightest change in ambient temperature.… This project was Updated Feb 4, 2010: New EXE ASCOM driver setup. Not really because I'm only using it in a custom application written in python. a member for this project? Everything worked out. The Arduino Mega 1280 is housed in a box on the telescope. Hello guys, the most confusing topic in astrophotography, to me, was to get started in "AutoGuiding". Is there position feed-back from the software (APT) to the driver? So my app started off managing a satellite dish, but now manages my ota with guidescope and dslr (using gphoto2 if you haven't seen it). To continue the saga, I now have guiding, focusing and remote exposure all working on the Arduino. Find out why Celestron is the world's #1 telescope … For more detail: The DIY Arduino Telescope GOTO control project The Arduino is entirely responsible for running the motors and pointing the telescope. 10f7 Control of Logitech C270 added. Poorly tested next version with meridian flip is here: Connect an IR led to gpio pin number 36. If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. Found this thing almost two years ago. The ST-4 Port is easy to add to "low cost" motorized mounts like the EQ4 or EQ5, and the operation requires minimal modification to your shiny mount.

arduino telescope autoguider

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