They are walking past the American Flag and the promising prospects of the sign « the American Dream ». First , i'll provide an overview of the immigrants flow form Europe and South America To the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centurties : In the 1880s the immigration flow doubled (the 2,081,261 that arrived in the 1860's had increased to 5,248,568 in the 1880's) , this monstrous increase is due to succession of wars and famines in Europe and South America (First Boer War / The Sino-French War / Third Anglo-Bermese War / Irlandese Famine / Cuba's little war) , and according to the first document (An illustration of push and pull factors) , these events constitue push factors : environmental , social , economic , and political factors that pushes people to leave their country as Poverty , Fear , desasters ; At the other side stands the pull factors these are the ones that attract and draw people to a place (In this case USA) : freedom , security , justice , stability , and over all opportunity . answer this question. • The American dream has been present from the start: what the USA is now is founded on immigration. Different ? • On the photo, we can see people of Indian origin attending a parade in New York. • The Dream has changed over times but is always here. SPACES AND EXCHANGES => Immigration => TES 11 Novembre 2019 ... To go further on the immigration debate in the USA you could also talk about the latest TV advertisement for Aeromexico. Cette fiche de cours est réservée uniquement à nos abonnés. It is a bright blue colour, typical of many houses in Mexico. • The first immigrant is called Martin Matoda.He is of Bulgarian origin / He comes from Bul- garia / from Eastern Europe. American Dream suggests a better life for the future. We can see a huge tidal wave of immigrants. As it happened, Time's model was not a real person but a digital composite. the USA appears as a land of opportunities as far as the job market is concerned. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, immigrate = come and live permanently in a country after leaving your owncountry. Par le 28 Jan 2019 • ( 0). Space and Exchanges, Immigration, The American Dream, oral presentation, VOCABULARY 30/11/2017 Publié depuis Overblog Bonjour, j'ai rédigé ma synthèse pour le bac vous serait il possible de me la corriger et de me donner un avis? • The house has changed. What drives people to leave their country to go and live in another country, especially the USA? Uniquement disponible sur For this topic « spaces and exchanges » can be associated with the circulation of people across the border, economic, social but also cultural exchanges. It sug-gests the typical XIXst century immigrants are from Mexican origin. On Indian reservations, there is now a suicide problem among young half-breeds who don't feel sufficiently "pure.". Spaces and exchanges : vocabulary and grammar LESSON ONE : A border/frontier Trade : le commerce Conquest Beyond : au-delà de A wave of immigration A home country A host country : un pays d’accueil Push factors Pull factors Attractiveness Rhythm Transportation An immignrant A latino immigrant Hispanics = people with latino origins First of all I would like to give a definition of exchange: an exchange is an act of giving an receiving something else in return, it can also be seen as a … Some Jews will tell you that miscegenation is watering down their culture, for example. • The situation today is not the same. •HecametotheUStostudy/tohaveabetter education / to go to University / to graduate in order to have a better life / a well-paid job.• The second immigrant is called Nick Injowsand he comes from Nairobi in Kenya / he is of Kenyan origin. : starvation,  unemployment, persecution, unfertile land, better life, What they search for : FREEDOM to worship and create, Freedom from persecution, war, and poverty, What they found, what PULLED them to the US? At Magic Touch Laundromat in Manhattan, you can get some ESL instruction while your ..., STRATEGIES => lire les conseils méthodologiques p 44-45 de votre manuel puis faites la CO pour mettre en application 324 million people, the United States is the world's, third- or fourth-largest country by total area, (prestigious universities and powerful alumni : a professional network for a future career where mobility is crucial in a global environment and the mastering of English as an international language), SYNTHESIS REGARDING YOUR DOCUMENTS ON IMMIGRATION IN THE US. He also stands for the US government. The American Dream is a part of American history. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. both of them are talking about their lives in the US. Sujet de Compréhension Orale en anglais. They look cheerful and pleased to be there. A new space for the greedy people of the old world always in search of new opportunities to expand and make fortunes. Emigrants can then think that they will have a promising future there. The cover featured a beguiling mestizo woman over the caption "the New Face of America." • A parody of the original iconic painting Ame- rican Gothic, by Grant Wood in 1930. century immi- grants, we see people of Mexican origin. It also influences / shapes the Americans’ attitudes in the face of adversity. • However “hope is not fading” indicates they think their dream is not disappearing / is still alive. The magazine cover captured an essential truth about the United States today. It is a reversed situation. Space and Exchanges, Oral Comprehension Entrainements compréhension orale IMMIGRATION IN THE US 30 Novembre 2017 Rédigé par Miss et publié depuis Overblog • However “hope is not fading” indicates they think their dream is not disappearing / is still alive. A few historians offer some explanations regarding the history of the US and the immigration process, The American Dream is still alive: thousands of illegal immigrants cross the border every day in spite of the risks and the loneliness of the journey, as well as the hard work for months on end to be able to send money back home…, “Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.”  To conclude migration illustrates the notion Spaces and Exchanges because it creates flows of people and cultures circulating and linking different places around the world. Time magazine cover: The new face of America, They have brought multiculturalism and diversity, => the American Dream is still alive: the attractiveness remains very strong in spite of the immigration crisis, The industrial revolution boosts the country, Transportation much faster/ safer/ cheaper thanks to the steamships, waves of immigrants of different origins (the Norwegians, the Irish, the Pogroms / Russian Jews, the Italians, the Asians (end of 19th), 2 coasts available in the east and in the west, Why they came/ WHAT PUSHED THEM OUT? The incidence of births of mixed-race babies has multiplied 26 times as fast as that of any other group. They had the feeling they could face any challenge: they invented the can-do spirit. ― Franklin D. Roosevelt, Compréhension Orale du BAC ANGLAIS: The AMERICAN DREAM, avec script (niveau B2). The new plan will cut the number of legal immigrants in half over 10 years, sparking debate about what the Statue of Liberty really stands for. exchanges : media, people, trade… To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about immigration in the USA. • One of them has the American accent so he must be the journalist leading the interview. We understand that she is doing the jobs that the illegal / undocumented paperless immigrants usually do. People wanted to become American citizens in order to become independent / get their freedom. • The American Dream was materialized by a spacious house with a double garage. This is true, of course, but the argument hides an essential fact. And never before have so many different traditions, beliefs and values been integrated in a single culture. "Spaces and Exchanges"  How would you define this notion? Notion Spaces and exchanges : what are the causes and consequences of the american immigration over time ? | PBS. • Believing in the dream is a cultural trait. Class : TSTMG Séquence : Space and exchanges Name : Teacher Date : Friday May 24th Fiche de synthèse : space and exchanges EE / EO Doc : Fiche de synthèse Introduction: Notion of spaces and exchanges Topic: from colonial space to decolonization and immigration exchanges Problem: to what extent are exchanges based on disparities ?… the US still gives immigrants the opportunity to improve their lives / to remain hopeful for the future / to live in a democracy / to have a shot at the American Dream. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion: an exchange is a continuous movement or circulation. • It was published in 2010 and written by FareedZakaria, an American of Indian origin. A century ago, half of all Indians in the U.S. were considered fullbloods. The only “true” Americans are the native Americans. Spaces and exchanges: what is the impact of the immigrant in USA? It created contentment, pleasure, satisfaction, happiness. This notion can be defined as international exchanges between countries or talking about the immigration when people moving move from one country to another and its consequences. he is conscious being in the US is a real asset. A number of Indian tribes are likewise concerned that thinning bloodlines will lead to the "statistical extermination" of their people. All the same they are many immigrants who cross the border or sail the see to come to the US and live the American dream. New York Laundromat becomes an English classroom. (gateway, legal/illegal/ language,…). They can imagine they are bright and shiny to make America look attractive: as if it were still a Land of Opportunities (a land of Plenty). • The American dream has been present from the start: what the USA is now is founded on immigration. What has changed ? Uploaded by HISTIRICAL TALKS on 2016-02-27. break on the American borders which is represented by a US patrol officer. Part 2: Personal stories: testimonies (choose some from the videos, or texts in your books, Conclusion : always difficult to immigrate, adapt adjust: culture, language, homesickness, strangeness. Spaces and exchanges: Who pushes the foreigners to come to the United States? What difficulties do they face? The jobs available for illegal immigrants are menial jobs/manual labour nobody wants to do. They are closely packed, pushing and jostling each other. Underpaid, exhausting, debasing jobs. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. • On the photo, we see a man, certainly waitingfor a job interview. Your opinion / a quote. The “Pursuit of happiness” is written in the American constitution and is part of the American “can do” spirit. What difficulties do immigrants face when they arrive in a new country? The notion i'm going to present today is spaces and exchanges , first allow me to present the notion : A space is an area , either physical (like a place) or non-physical , virtual-like (internet) where one or multiple flow of exchanges can occur , these exchanges exist throught multiple forms … and he comes from Nairobi in Kenya / he is of Kenyan origin. Pour être informé des derniers articles, inscrivez vous : so many different traditions, beliefs and values been integrated in a single culture. • The diversity, the openness and the dynamism have made this country exceptional and unique. However, the fact that it  is falling into pieces shows that their migrants’ lives and prospects are at risk because the way is dangerous / unsafe / uncertain, hazardous. The US is the only country that could offer such opportunities and environment , thus it was qualified as the Land of Opportunities . Immigration laws are strict in USA. diversity brought by immigrants which has shaped/formed Ame rican history and politics ; a changing society Although he also came to have a good job. “still” makes me think theAmerican Dream may have disappeared in some people’s minds. However, immigration has a disreputable side that should be considered by migrants if they have the choice. The notion I’m going to deal with is Spaces and exchanges. Eileen (USA) Space : the New Frontier. It was different from. / from the image conveyed in TV series and shows. ", President Obama reminds the American people that all citizens of the U.S. are descended from immigrants. The people represent the emigrants in search of a better life: they want to start anew/ from scratch. Spaces and Exchanges I’m going to talk about the notion “Spaces and Exchanges” and illustrate my point with one aspect of this theme: immigration by drawing on the example of Mexican immigration to the US and the students’ migration within Europe. A wave of … paperless immigrants, mostly Mexicans. The Statue has a tiara on the head and the spikes of her tiara stands for the sunhat lighten the world. Some say that America is actually less diverse than it was a century ago. To illustrate the notion I've chosen to talk about the immigration in the USA , to do so i'll focus on the two presented documents in addition to historical facts . It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, and is home to the world's largest immigrant population. thousands of people keep crossing illegally, The Statue of Liberty embodies / incarnates, Originally conceived as an emblem of the friendship between the people of France and the U.S. and a sign of their mutual desire for liberty, over the years the Statue has become much more. Notion Spaces and exchanges: Why did people immigrate to the USA through the centuries ? It is rooted in the Declaration of Independence. • The American dream helps make America what it is. • From the title and the photo,  we suppose Fareed Zakaria is going to give us his opinion as an Indian-American about the American Dream today. Although he also came to have a good job,he is conscious being in the US is a real asset. Barred from their homelands as enemies of the ... Harry (Irl) Cassandra (US) Kayleygh (US) JFK: The New Frontier., CO bac anglais: the hidden life of a US undocumented immigrant (with script), CO bac anglais: the hidden life of a US undocumented immigrant (with script) Pour obtenir le script, vous pouvez activer les sous-titres en anglais ( disponibles uniquement sur la première écoute),, Destination America . Why did they come? The majority of people, mostly middle-class people, could hope to be able to buy such a house. Miscegenation ( ˌmɪsɪdʒɪ'neɪʃən croisement m entre races (humaines) ). Zakaria is going to give us his opinion as an Indian-American about the American Dream today. It was different from Dallas/ from the image conveyed in TV series and shows. As Time's editors explained, this was a preview of the type of offspring likely to emerge in 21st century America. • The words immigrants, hope and American Dream suggest that this programme is about immigrants in the US and their hopes for the future. It also influences / shapes the Americans’ attitudes in the face of adversity. The Statue of Liberty embodies / incarnates a universal symbol of freedom. Oladeji (US) Luke (US) Irish emigration. • When he came to America on a first visit, the journalist realized it was not what he had imagined. • From the title and the photo,  we suppose. => It is getting all the more difficult to live the American Dream as they grant citizenship to only the happy few/the top 1%/the privileged few, => it is very much against all the founding values of the US embodied by the Statue of Liberty, A history of immigration in the US  (video on Youtube, link available on the blog). Susannah (UK) Emigration to the USA. There are too many immigrants, he will not be able to stop them as   they force their ways into the US, probably in search of a better life, or because they are fleeing from  their country for political, religious reasons if they were persecuted. Never before in history has a society been as diverse as the U.S. is today. Border patrols are overwhelmed, => the American Dream is still alive: thousands of people keep crossing illegally, ironic metaphor of a new wave of immigrants about to break, We can see the Statue of Liberty who is doing all kinds of chores / debasing jobs such as doing the dishes, picking up fruits, using a leaf vacuum to collect the leaves, mending . This massive number of immigrants over the decades made the US greatly evolve given its diversity , America became a melting pot where everyone had it's place ; for exemple mexicans were said to have certain positive qualities that made them 'better' labor immigrants that the other groups , they were thought to be able to put up with unhealthy and hard to please working conditions .
2020 spaces and exchanges : immigration usa