Every Wu Tao Dance class begins with the Makko Ho stretches to warm and open up the body as we prepare to dance. Makko Ho Stretches The Makko Ho Stretch sequence activates the energy flow in all 12 meridian energy systems, developed by Shiatsu Zen Master Shizuto Masunaga, of Japan. Toutefois la méthode de Masunaga est plus vaste et regroupe plusieurs dizaines d'exercices, aussi appelés exercices zen visualisés. Une partie du Do-In Makko Ho s'effectue debout, une autre au sol. Makko Ho Stretches (otherwise known as Meridian Stretches) were developed as a way of stimulating and energising the energy lines around the body (known as Meridians). Your Makko Ho session will evaluate the ease or difficulty of performing various movements and poses. Voici un enchaînement des 5 exercices pour les méridiens. Οι Makko – ho είναι διατατικές απλές ασκήσεις που έχουν στόχο την εξασφάλιση της ομαλής ροής της ενέργειας των μεσημβρινών του σώματος. The entire series may be practiced daily, but even three times each week will support increased respiration, progressive flexibility and improved posture. Masunaga, maître de shiatsu et de DO-IN du XXème siècle a créé une série d’étirements spécifiques qu’il appela « Makko Ho », pour chaque paire de Méridien. La fluidité de l’énergie s’en trouve améliorée. Ces postures se font dans un ordre précis, pour bénéficier au mieux de l'énergie rééquilibrée. Always take a moment to rest and observe your body after each stretch. The Five Lights Center Five Lights Center of Shiatsu Studies Un autre bienfait de ces exercices est lassouplissement de larticulation des hanches pour redonner au corps sa mobilité dorigine. Welcome to learning about the Makko Ho stretches, a series of gentle stretches based in Traditional Chinese Medicine. On attribue généralement la paternité des Makko-Ho au maître de Shiatsu, Shizuto Masunaga (1925-1981), fondateur du Zen Shiatsu. Affiner les sensations quant aux énergies différentes de chacun et aussi sa propre énergie. Il intégra notamment la notion de méridiens dans le shiatsu (Shiatsu Iokaï) comme cest le cas pour les exercices de Makko Ho. Performed in the right order, they make for a simple, short and comprehensive training program for the entire Meridian system. Japanese Meridian Stretches (Makko Ho exercises) are used as a self-healing technique to both sedate and tonify the meridians through specific stretches to improve the flow of Qi (energy). © COPYRIGHT 2020, Five Lights Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Read More Introduced to the West. Pete offers a visiting Shiatsu service at £35 a … Book your private evaluation today. These six stretching exercises are based on Yoga practices. By practicing these exercises, each Meridian can be toned or sedated and in that way assists the practitioner in reaching a balanced Ki flow in their Meridians, automatically leading to the removal of blockages and/or the strengthening of the Ki. Placement et transfert. Every Wu Tao Dance class begins with the Makko Ho stretches to warm and open up the body as we prepare to dance. We will help to find the most comfortable position for each person depending upon your needs. This bodywork will pinpoint the flow of five elements to … Begin the DIY Shiatsu stretches by grounding yourself through breathing, while you focus on centering the Ki Energy within the Hara. C’est Shizuto Massunagua, Maitre de Shiatsu et de do-in qui a adopté une série d’étirements pour chaque paire de méridiens. The stretches will help to indicate energetic strengths and weakness. Cette technique simple et puissante est appliquée par pression des doigts le long des méridiens. Makko Ho est une série de 6 étirements spécifiques pour les 6 paires de Méridien. Ce sont des postures d'étirement qui peuvent être comparées à des postures de yoga, créées par Shizuto Masunaga, (créateur, praticien et formateur en Zen Shiatsu). And the exercises have been varied almost as much. Révision du protocole appris et shiatsu du haut du dos. The goal is to relieve tension, not to force yourself beyond what is comfortable and then feel pain. They are the expression of both the psychological quality of the Meridian pairs and the physical ability of the body to stretch. Chaque Makko-Ho est associé à un des cinq éléments de la médecine traditionnelle chinoise (médecine à partir de laquelle a été créé l’art du shiatsu) et à deux méridiens qui sont eux-même reliés à un organe. An exercise cycle is practiced in the following order : Metal erxercises Ces exercices se font par série. Fire II exercises You can do this exercises at your own risk. The Makko Ho exercises are used as a self healing technique by allowing the practitioner both sedate and tonify the meridians through specific. Les étirements de Masunaga (appelés aussi Makko-Ho) Mis à jour : avr. It’s best to have supervision when doing them the first time. Fire I exercises D'autres Do-In peuvent se pratiquer aussi bien au sol que sur chaise. The Makko Ho exercises are used as a self healing technique by allowing the practitioner both sedate and tonify the meridians through specific stretches that were developed to improve the flow of Qi. C’est un excellent complément au Shiatsu.. Pour Qui? La pratique régulière assouplit le corps. The Makko-Ho is a stretching sequence that follows the circadian rhythm of the meridians around the body. Les KEIRAKU TAISO sont une suite d’exercices d’étirements des méridiens permettant d’harmoniser et d’assouplir le corps. Ça prend 5 min et on peut les faire à n'importe quel moment de la journée. Six stretches that tonify each meridian pair and improve the flow of Ki. Les bienfaits des makko ho. il vous faudra un tapis de sol, sinon votre lit … All courses are open to students who want to refresh Shiatsu knowledge and skills. There is a stretch for each pair of meridians and, as they are based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine and created by Nagai Sensei in Japan, we follow the Five Elements creative cycle, (i.e., Metal, Water, Wood, Absolute Fire, Supplement Fire, and Earth). Publié 10 septembre 2018 10 septembre 2018 nekoashi33. DIY Shiatsu stretches are not so much on the physical stretch but on opening up and moving the Ki Energy. There is a stretch for each pair of meridians and, as they are based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine, they should be done in the sequence shown (i.e. Wood exercises, To view all articles just click the links above. A noter, que certains attribuent lorigine de ces étir… I wanted to clarify not only the "what" but also the "why" and the "who" of the Makko-Ho and to find out exactly how the exercises should be performed. Les Makko Ho, mais quésako??? Read More In his book “Meridian stretching exercises”, Shizuto Masunaga describes the breathing technique used with the picture of a balloon that expands to all sides and then flags again – I have found this image very helpful. Makko-Ho Stretches. D’origine japonaise, les Makkho-Ho sont étroitement liés à l’art du shiatsu. Cela paraît un détail, mais il faut prononcer Koo et Hoo longs, Ko et Ho … Makko Ho. ... Makko-Ho… Donc ces postures sont des bons exercices de prévention santé. Makko-Ho stretches are a series of meridian opening movements, which is part of the shiatsu system of health. By practicing these exercises, each Meridian can be toned or sedated and in that way assists the practitioner in reaching a balanced Ki flow in their Meridians, automatically leading to the removal of blockages and/or the strengthening of the Ki Zen Shiatsu : exercices visualisés de bases de Masunaga (Makkô Hô) Ludivine 12 novembre 2020 2 commentaires Quand on s’intéresse d’un peu plus près au concept de Makkô Hô , on réalise qu’il y a une certaine confusion quand à ce qu’il est vraiment, et qui en est l’auteur. Being aware of tension and pain that you feel along the meridian pathways. The Makko Ho system is taught widely as preparation for Shiatsu studies but its origins are variously ascribed to different sources. Each exercise deals with one Meridian pair that is represented by its respective Yin and Yang aspects in a transitional phase or an element. Concentrate on relaxing and releasing during all these movements, and enjoy! Le livre de Tempeki Tamai s’appelle ainsi Shiatsu Hô, c’est bien le même Hô, donc Méthode de Shiatsu. It is therefore vital that you focus on the breathing and that you are aware of the changes going on within you during each stretch – this includes Body, Mind, and Spirit. Les Makko Ho viennent des kanji 真 ma traduit par vrai, pur, exact, 向 ko littéralement se diriger vers, tourner vers, du côté de, 法 ho soit la méthode, l'enseignement.En terme philosophique, ils sont la méthode simple pour un vrai chemin. There is a stretch for each pair of meridians based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and the … Contrôle de la maîtrise du shiatsu de la face arrière du corps. 27 En Zen Shiatsu il y a des étirements spécifiques qui permettent de renforcer les méridiens. Let's stretch together to improve our Energy! Some people are far more flexible than others. Στο shiatsu οι 12 … Les MAKKO-HO sont 4 exercices basiques d’assouplissements et d’étirements. Each exercise deals with one Meridian pair that is represented by its respective Yin and Yang aspects in a transitional phase or an element. By practicing these exercises, each Meridian can be toned or sedated and in that way assists the practitioner in reaching a balanced Ki flow in their Meridians, automatically leading to the removal of blockages and/or the strengthening of the Ki. Each exercise deals with one Meridian pair that is represented by its respective Yin and Yang aspects in a transitional phase or an element. Do not force yourself into positions that you find uncomfortable – pain is not the goal, the intention & focus is. Do It Yourself Shiatsu stretches (Makko ho meridian stretches) are used as a self-assessment & self-healing technique by focusing on the specific stretches that were developed to improve the flow of Ki Energy. Students may take courses independently. Doing them regularly helps to improve our vital functions and prevent disease. They are useful not just because they stretch each pair of meridians, but because they can monitor the state of the meridian’s health by the ease and flexibility with which you can get into each position. Water exercises Introduced to the West by Zen Shiatsu master Shizuto Masunagathe Makko Ho stretches are designed to both strengthen and improve organ function while opening the meridians, or energy pathways in the body. During the session, you will be instructed on the use of certain acupressure points and exercises to learn how to release your discomfort and find balance. Dans tous les cas, écoutez votre corps et allez simplement là où c'est possible physiquement pour vous. Earth exercises Ces exercices se font par série. The most important aspect of the Makko Ho exercises is not so much the physical aspect, but the flow of energy. This bodywork will pinpoint the flow of five elements to discover where your mind or body is less flexible or stuck. Shizuto Masanuga, son créateur, était considéré comme un maître de Shiatsu (japon) et de DO-IN (Chine) au XXème siècle. We practice self-realization, holistic health, and well-being through exercise, meditation, breathing work and shiatsu, a powerful basis for relaxation, happiness, and community. The core curriculum of the Five Lights Shiatsu training program consists of ten levels of courses (350 hours) that include class lectures, demonstrations and hands-on training including: Makko ho meridian stretching, Classical Chinese Medicine, Five Elements Theory, Traditional Japanese Shiatsu, and mindful Buddhist meditation. Courses are available on Manhattan’s Upper West Side and retreat locations. Keep centered throughout the exercise. A pratiquer sans modérations. MAKKO HO. Les makko ho est une série de six exercices introduits par Masunaga permettant une meilleure circulation de l’énergie qi dans les méridiens principaux. L'homme des cinq mouvements. It is essential that you settle into the stretches on respiration and nothing is forced. Makko ho meridian stretches are used as a self-assessment & self-healing technique to improve the flow of Ki Energy throughout the body. Pratiqués régulièrement, ils développent le Qi, renforcent le Hara, et la souplesse de toutes les articulations. Le Zen Shiatsu est un art traditionnel japonais qui harmonise et revitalise le corps. En pratique, les Makko Ho sont des exercices de gymnastique issus des Keiraku Taiso. Metal, Earth, Primary Fire, Water, Secondary Fire, and Wood). Prévoyez de quoi vous installer confortablement. The Makko Ho (“bowing”) exercises are useful to tonify each pair of meridians and help us realize what are our energetic strengths and weaknesses. Pete also likes to teach clients yoga makko-ho techniques to practice between sessions to support the effectiveness of the Shiatsu. Both the Makko-Ho and Basic Self Care are gentle and progressive practices. Pratiqués régulièrement, ils développent le Qi, renforcent le Hara, et la souplesse de toutes les articulations. Pete augments his Shiatsu practice by including traditional healing techniques such as moxa and gua sha. Introduced to the West by Zen Shiatsu master Shizuto Masunagathe Makko Ho stretches are designed to both strengthen and improve organ function while opening the meridians, or energy pathways in the body. Masunaga, maître de shiatsu et de DO-IN du XXème siècle a créé une série d’étirements spécifiques qu’il appela « Makko Ho », pour chaque paire de Méridien. Your Makko Ho session will evaluate the ease or difficulty of performing various movements and poses.